# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. from __future__ import print_function import arrow import datetime import json import os import taskcluster DEFAULT_EXPIRES_IN = '1 year' class TaskBuilder(object): def __init__( self, task_id, repo_url, branch, commit, owner, source, scheduler_id, tasks_priority='lowest' ): self.task_id = task_id self.repo_url = repo_url self.branch = branch self.commit = commit self.owner = owner self.source = source self.scheduler_id = scheduler_id self.tasks_priority = tasks_priority def craft_assemble_release_task(self, apks, is_staging=False): artifacts = { 'public/{}'.format(os.path.basename(apk)): { "type": 'file', "path": apk, "expires": taskcluster.stringDate(taskcluster.fromNow(DEFAULT_EXPIRES_IN)), } for apk in apks } sentry_secret = '{}project/mobile/fenix/sentry'.format( 'garbage/staging/' if is_staging else '' ) leanplum_secret = '{}project/mobile/fenix/leanplum'.format( 'garbage/staging/' if is_staging else '' ) pre_gradle_commands = ( 'python automation/taskcluster/helper/get-secret.py -s {} -k {} -f {}'.format( secret, key, target_file ) for secret, key, target_file in ( (sentry_secret, 'dsn', '.sentry_token'), (leanplum_secret, 'production', '.leanplum_token'), ) ) gradle_commands = ( './gradlew --no-daemon -PcrashReports=true clean test assembleRelease', ) command = ' && '.join( cmd for commands in (pre_gradle_commands, gradle_commands) for cmd in commands if cmd ) routes = [] if is_staging else [ "notify.email.fenix-eng-notifications@mozilla.com.on-failed" ] return self._craft_build_ish_task( name='Build task', description='Build Fenix from source code', command=command, scopes=[ "secrets:get:{}".format(secret) for secret in (sentry_secret, leanplum_secret) ], artifacts=artifacts, routes=routes, is_staging=is_staging, treeherder={ 'jobKind': 'build', 'machine': { 'platform': 'android-all', }, 'symbol': 'NA', 'tier': 1, }, ) def craft_assemble_task(self, variant): return self._craft_clean_gradle_task( name='assemble: {}'.format(variant), description='Building and testing variant {}'.format(variant), gradle_task='assemble{}'.format(variant.capitalize()), artifacts=_craft_artifacts_from_variant(variant), treeherder={ 'groupSymbol': _craft_treeherder_group_symbol_from_variant(variant), 'jobKind': 'build', 'machine': { 'platform': _craft_treeherder_platform_from_variant(variant), }, 'symbol': 'A', 'tier': 1, }, ) def craft_test_task(self, variant): return self._craft_clean_gradle_task( name='test: {}'.format(variant), description='Building and testing variant {}'.format(variant), gradle_task='test{}UnitTest'.format(variant.capitalize()), treeherder={ 'groupSymbol': _craft_treeherder_group_symbol_from_variant(variant), 'jobKind': 'test', 'machine': { 'platform': _craft_treeherder_platform_from_variant(variant), }, 'symbol': 'T', 'tier': 1, }, ) def craft_detekt_task(self): return self._craft_clean_gradle_task( name='detekt', description='Running detekt over all modules', gradle_task='detekt', treeherder={ 'jobKind': 'test', 'machine': { 'platform': 'lint', }, 'symbol': 'detekt', 'tier': 1, } ) def craft_ktlint_task(self): return self._craft_clean_gradle_task( name='ktlint', description='Running ktlint over all modules', gradle_task='ktlint', treeherder={ 'jobKind': 'test', 'machine': { 'platform': 'lint', }, 'symbol': 'ktlint', 'tier': 1, } ) def craft_lint_task(self): return self._craft_clean_gradle_task( name='lint', description='Running ktlint over all modules', gradle_task='lint', treeherder={ 'jobKind': 'test', 'machine': { 'platform': 'lint', }, 'symbol': 'lint', 'tier': 1, }, ) def _craft_clean_gradle_task( self, name, description, gradle_task, artifacts=None, treeherder=None ): return self._craft_build_ish_task( name=name, description=description, command='./gradlew --no-daemon clean {}'.format(gradle_task), artifacts=artifacts, treeherder=treeherder, ) def craft_compare_locales_task(self): return self._craft_build_ish_task( name='compare-locales', description='Validate strings.xml with compare-locales', command=( 'pip install "compare-locales>=5.0.2,<6.0" && ' 'compare-locales --validate l10n.toml .' ), treeherder={ 'jobKind': 'test', 'machine': { 'platform': 'lint', }, 'symbol': 'compare-locale', 'tier': 2, } ) def _craft_build_ish_task( self, name, description, command, dependencies=None, artifacts=None, scopes=None, routes=None, is_staging=True, treeherder=None ): dependencies = [] if dependencies is None else dependencies artifacts = {} if artifacts is None else artifacts scopes = [] if scopes is None else scopes routes = [] if routes is None else routes checkout_command = ( "export TERM=dumb && " "git fetch {} {} --tags && " "git config advice.detachedHead false && " "git checkout {}".format( self.repo_url, self.branch, self.commit ) ) command = '{} && {}'.format(checkout_command, command) features = {} if artifacts: features['chainOfTrust'] = True if any(scope.startswith('secrets:') for scope in scopes): features['taskclusterProxy'] = True payload = { "features": features, "maxRunTime": 7200, "image": "mozillamobile/fenix:1.3", "command": [ "/bin/bash", "--login", "-cx", command ], "artifacts": artifacts, } return self._craft_default_task_definition( 'mobile-1-b-fenix' if is_staging else 'mobile-3-b-fenix', 'aws-provisioner-v1', dependencies, routes, scopes, name, description, payload, treeherder=treeherder, ) def _craft_default_task_definition( self, worker_type, provisioner_id, dependencies, routes, scopes, name, description, payload, treeherder=None ): treeherder = {} if treeherder is None else treeherder created = datetime.datetime.now() deadline = taskcluster.fromNow('1 day') expires = taskcluster.fromNow(DEFAULT_EXPIRES_IN) return { "provisionerId": provisioner_id, "workerType": worker_type, "taskGroupId": self.task_id, "schedulerId": self.scheduler_id, "created": taskcluster.stringDate(created), "deadline": taskcluster.stringDate(deadline), "expires": taskcluster.stringDate(expires), "retries": 5, "tags": {}, "priority": self.tasks_priority, "dependencies": [self.task_id] + dependencies, "requires": "all-completed", "routes": routes + [ "tc-treeherder.v2.fenix.{}".format(self.commit) ], "scopes": scopes, "payload": payload, "extra": { "treeherder": treeherder, }, "metadata": { "name": "Fenix - {}".format(name), "description": description, "owner": self.owner, "source": self.source, }, } def craft_signing_task( self, build_task_id, apks, date_string, is_staging=True, ): date = arrow.get(date_string) signing_format = 'autograph_apk' payload = { "upstreamArtifacts": [{ "paths": apks, "formats": [signing_format], "taskId": build_task_id, "taskType": "build", }], } index_release = 'staging-signed-nightly' if is_staging else 'signed-nightly' routes = [ "index.project.mobile.fenix.{}.nightly.{}.{}.{}.latest".format( index_release, date.year, date.month, date.day ), "index.project.mobile.fenix.{}.nightly.{}.{}.{}.revision.{}".format( index_release, date.year, date.month, date.day, self.commit ), "index.project.mobile.fenix.{}.nightly.latest".format(index_release), ] return self._craft_default_task_definition( worker_type='mobile-signing-dep-v1' if is_staging else 'mobile-signing-v1', provisioner_id='scriptworker-prov-v1', dependencies=[build_task_id], routes=routes, scopes=[ "project:mobile:fenix:releng:signing:format:{}".format(signing_format), "project:mobile:fenix:releng:signing:cert:{}".format( 'dep-signing' if is_staging else 'release-signing' ) ], name="Signing task", description="Sign release builds of Fenix", payload=payload, treeherder={ 'jobKind': 'other', 'machine': { 'platform': 'android-all', }, 'symbol': 'Ns', 'tier': 1, }, ) def craft_push_task( self, signing_task_id, apks, is_staging=True, commit=False ): payload = { "commit": commit, "google_play_track": 'nightly', "upstreamArtifacts": [ { "paths": apks, "taskId": signing_task_id, "taskType": "signing" } ] } return self._craft_default_task_definition( worker_type='mobile-pushapk-dep-v1' if is_staging else 'mobile-pushapk-v1', provisioner_id='scriptworker-prov-v1', dependencies=[signing_task_id], routes=[], scopes=[ "project:mobile:fenix:releng:googleplay:product:fenix{}".format( ':dep' if is_staging else '' ) ], name="Push task", description="Upload signed release builds of Fenix to Google Play", payload=payload, treeherder={ 'jobKind': 'other', 'machine': { 'platform': 'android-all', }, 'symbol': 'gp', 'tier': 1, }, ) def _craft_treeherder_platform_from_variant(variant): architecture, build_type, _ = _get_architecture_and_build_type_and_product_from_variant(variant) return 'android-{}-{}'.format(architecture, build_type) def _craft_treeherder_group_symbol_from_variant(variant): _, __, product = _get_architecture_and_build_type_and_product_from_variant(variant) return product def _craft_artifacts_from_variant(variant): return { 'public/target.apk': { 'type': 'file', 'path': _craft_apk_full_path_from_variant(variant), 'expires': taskcluster.stringDate(taskcluster.fromNow(DEFAULT_EXPIRES_IN)), } } def _craft_apk_full_path_from_variant(variant): architecture, build_type, product = _get_architecture_and_build_type_and_product_from_variant( variant ) short_variant = variant[:-len(build_type)] postfix = '-unsigned' if build_type == 'release' else '' product = '{}{}'.format(product[0].lower(), product[1:]) return '/opt/fenix/app/build/outputs/apk/{short_variant}/{build_type}/app-{architecture}-{product}-{build_type}{postfix}.apk'.format( # noqa: E501 architecture=architecture, build_type=build_type, product=product, short_variant=short_variant, postfix=postfix ) _SUPPORTED_ARCHITECTURES = ('aarch64', 'arm', 'x86') _SUPPORTED_BUILD_TYPES = ('Debug', 'Release') _SUPPORTED_PRODUCTS = ('FirefoxBeta', 'FirefoxNightly', 'FirefoxRelease', 'Greenfield') def _get_architecture_and_build_type_and_product_from_variant(variant): for supported_architecture in _SUPPORTED_ARCHITECTURES: if variant.startswith(supported_architecture): architecture = supported_architecture break else: raise ValueError( 'Cannot identify architecture in "{}". ' 'Expected to find one of these supported ones: {}'.format( variant, _SUPPORTED_ARCHITECTURES ) ) for supported_build_type in _SUPPORTED_BUILD_TYPES: if variant.endswith(supported_build_type): build_type = supported_build_type.lower() break else: raise ValueError( 'Cannot identify build type in "{}". ' 'Expected to find one of these supported ones: {}'.format( variant, _SUPPORTED_BUILD_TYPES ) ) remaining_variant_data = variant[len(architecture):len(variant) - len(build_type)] for supported_product in _SUPPORTED_PRODUCTS: if remaining_variant_data == supported_product: product = supported_product break else: raise ValueError( 'Cannot identify product in "{}" "{}". ' 'Expected to find one of these supported ones: {}'.format( remaining_variant_data, variant, _SUPPORTED_PRODUCTS ) ) return architecture, build_type, product def schedule_task(queue, taskId, task): print("TASK", taskId) print(json.dumps(task, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) result = queue.createTask(taskId, task) print("RESULT", taskId) print(json.dumps(result)) def schedule_task_graph(ordered_groups_of_tasks): queue = taskcluster.Queue({'baseUrl': 'http://taskcluster/queue/v1'}) full_task_graph = {} # TODO: Switch to async python to speed up submission for group_of_tasks in ordered_groups_of_tasks: for task_id, task_definition in group_of_tasks.items(): schedule_task(queue, task_id, task_definition) full_task_graph[task_id] = { # Some values of the task definition are automatically filled. Querying the task # allows to have the full definition. This is needed to make Chain of Trust happy 'task': queue.task(task_id), } return full_task_graph