/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ package org.mozilla.fenix.browser import android.animation.Animator import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter import android.animation.ValueAnimator import android.app.Activity import android.graphics.PointF import android.graphics.Rect import android.view.View import android.view.ViewConfiguration import androidx.core.animation.doOnEnd import androidx.core.graphics.contains import androidx.core.graphics.toPoint import androidx.core.view.isVisible import androidx.interpolator.view.animation.LinearOutSlowInInterpolator import mozilla.components.browser.state.selector.getNormalOrPrivateTabs import mozilla.components.browser.state.selector.selectedTab import mozilla.components.browser.state.state.TabSessionState import mozilla.components.browser.state.store.BrowserStore import mozilla.components.feature.tabs.TabsUseCases import mozilla.components.support.ktx.android.view.getRectWithViewLocation import mozilla.components.support.utils.ext.bottom import mozilla.components.support.utils.ext.mandatorySystemGestureInsets import mozilla.telemetry.glean.private.NoExtras import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.Events import org.mozilla.fenix.R import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.getRectWithScreenLocation import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.getWindowInsets import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.isKeyboardVisible import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.settings import kotlin.math.abs import kotlin.math.max import kotlin.math.min /** * Handles intercepting touch events on the toolbar for swipe gestures and executes the * necessary animations. */ @Suppress("LargeClass", "TooManyFunctions", "LongParameterList") class ToolbarGestureHandler( private val activity: Activity, private val contentLayout: View, private val tabPreview: TabPreview, private val toolbarLayout: View, private val store: BrowserStore, private val selectTabUseCase: TabsUseCases.SelectTabUseCase, private val onSwipeStarted: () -> Unit, ) : SwipeGestureListener { private enum class GestureDirection { LEFT_TO_RIGHT, RIGHT_TO_LEFT } private sealed class Destination { data class Tab(val tab: TabSessionState) : Destination() object None : Destination() } private val windowWidth: Int get() = activity.resources.displayMetrics.widthPixels private val previewOffset = activity.resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.browser_fragment_gesture_preview_offset) private val touchSlop = ViewConfiguration.get(activity).scaledTouchSlop private val minimumFlingVelocity = ViewConfiguration.get(activity).scaledMinimumFlingVelocity private var gestureDirection = GestureDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT override fun onSwipeStarted(start: PointF, next: PointF): Boolean { val dx = next.x - start.x val dy = next.y - start.y gestureDirection = if (dx < 0) { GestureDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT } else { GestureDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT } @Suppress("ComplexCondition") return if ( !activity.window.decorView.isKeyboardVisible() && start.isInToolbar() && abs(dx) > touchSlop && abs(dy) < abs(dx) ) { preparePreview(getDestination()) onSwipeStarted.invoke() true } else { false } } override fun onSwipeUpdate(distanceX: Float, distanceY: Float) { when (getDestination()) { is Destination.Tab -> { // Restrict the range of motion for the views so you can't start a swipe in one direction // then move your finger far enough or in the other direction and make the content visually // start sliding off screen. tabPreview.translationX = when (gestureDirection) { GestureDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT -> min( windowWidth.toFloat() + previewOffset, tabPreview.translationX - distanceX, ).coerceAtLeast(0f) GestureDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT -> max( -windowWidth.toFloat() - previewOffset, tabPreview.translationX - distanceX, ).coerceAtMost(0f) } contentLayout.translationX = when (gestureDirection) { GestureDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT -> min( 0f, contentLayout.translationX - distanceX, ).coerceAtLeast(-windowWidth.toFloat() - previewOffset) GestureDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT -> max( 0f, contentLayout.translationX - distanceX, ).coerceAtMost(windowWidth.toFloat() + previewOffset) } } is Destination.None -> { // If there is no "next" tab to swipe to in the gesture direction, only do a // partial animation to show that we are at the end of the tab list val maxContentHidden = contentLayout.width * OVERSCROLL_HIDE_PERCENT contentLayout.translationX = when (gestureDirection) { GestureDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT -> max( -maxContentHidden.toFloat(), contentLayout.translationX - distanceX, ).coerceAtMost(0f) GestureDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT -> min( maxContentHidden.toFloat(), contentLayout.translationX - distanceX, ).coerceAtLeast(0f) } } } } override fun onSwipeFinished( velocityX: Float, velocityY: Float, ) { val destination = getDestination() if (destination is Destination.Tab && isGestureComplete(velocityX)) { animateToNextTab(destination.tab) } else { animateCanceledGesture(velocityX) } } private fun getDestination(): Destination { val isLtr = activity.resources.configuration.layoutDirection == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR val currentTab = store.state.selectedTab ?: return Destination.None val currentIndex = store.state.getNormalOrPrivateTabs(currentTab.content.private).indexOfFirst { it.id == currentTab.id } return if (currentIndex == -1) { Destination.None } else { val tabs = store.state.getNormalOrPrivateTabs(currentTab.content.private) val index = when (gestureDirection) { GestureDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT -> if (isLtr) { currentIndex + 1 } else { currentIndex - 1 } GestureDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT -> if (isLtr) { currentIndex - 1 } else { currentIndex + 1 } } if (index < tabs.count() && index >= 0) { Destination.Tab(tabs.elementAt(index)) } else { Destination.None } } } private fun preparePreview(destination: Destination) { val (thumbnailId, isPrivate) = when (destination) { is Destination.Tab -> destination.tab.id to destination.tab.content.private is Destination.None -> return } tabPreview.loadPreviewThumbnail(thumbnailId, isPrivate) tabPreview.alpha = 1f tabPreview.translationX = when (gestureDirection) { GestureDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT -> windowWidth.toFloat() + previewOffset GestureDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT -> -windowWidth.toFloat() - previewOffset } tabPreview.isVisible = true } /** * Checks if the gesture is complete based on the position of tab preview and the velocity of * the gesture. A completed gesture means the user has indicated they want to swipe to the next * tab. The gesture is considered complete if one of the following is true: * * 1. The user initiated a fling in the same direction as the initial movement * 2. There is no fling initiated, but the percentage of the tab preview shown is at least * [GESTURE_FINISH_PERCENT] * * If the user initiated a fling in the opposite direction of the initial movement, the * gesture is always considered incomplete. */ private fun isGestureComplete(velocityX: Float): Boolean { val previewWidth = tabPreview.getRectWithViewLocation().visibleWidth.toDouble() val velocityMatchesDirection = when (gestureDirection) { GestureDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT -> velocityX <= 0 GestureDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT -> velocityX >= 0 } val reverseFling = abs(velocityX) >= minimumFlingVelocity && !velocityMatchesDirection return !reverseFling && ( previewWidth / windowWidth >= GESTURE_FINISH_PERCENT || abs(velocityX) >= minimumFlingVelocity ) } private fun getAnimator(finalContextX: Float, duration: Long): ValueAnimator { return ValueAnimator.ofFloat(contentLayout.translationX, finalContextX).apply { this.duration = duration this.interpolator = LinearOutSlowInInterpolator() addUpdateListener { animator -> val value = animator.animatedValue as Float contentLayout.translationX = value tabPreview.translationX = when (gestureDirection) { GestureDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT -> value + windowWidth + previewOffset GestureDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT -> value - windowWidth - previewOffset } } } } private fun animateToNextTab(tab: TabSessionState) { val browserFinalXCoordinate: Float = when (gestureDirection) { GestureDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT -> -windowWidth.toFloat() - previewOffset GestureDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT -> windowWidth.toFloat() + previewOffset } // Finish animating the contentLayout off screen and tabPreview on screen getAnimator(browserFinalXCoordinate, FINISHED_GESTURE_ANIMATION_DURATION).apply { doOnEnd { contentLayout.translationX = 0f selectTabUseCase(tab.id) // Fade out the tab preview to prevent flickering val shortAnimationDuration = activity.resources.getInteger(android.R.integer.config_shortAnimTime) tabPreview.animate() .alpha(0f) .setDuration(shortAnimationDuration.toLong()) .setListener( object : AnimatorListenerAdapter() { override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animator) { tabPreview.isVisible = false Events.toolbarTabSwipe.record(NoExtras()) } }, ) } }.start() } private fun animateCanceledGesture(velocityX: Float) { val duration = if (abs(velocityX) >= minimumFlingVelocity) { CANCELED_FLING_ANIMATION_DURATION } else { CANCELED_GESTURE_ANIMATION_DURATION } getAnimator(0f, duration).apply { doOnEnd { tabPreview.isVisible = false } }.start() } private fun PointF.isInToolbar(): Boolean { val toolbarLocation = toolbarLayout.getRectWithScreenLocation() // In Android 10, the system gesture touch area overlaps the bottom of the toolbar, so // lets make our swipe area taller by that amount activity.window.decorView.getWindowInsets()?.let { insets -> if (activity.settings().shouldUseBottomToolbar) { toolbarLocation.top -= (insets.mandatorySystemGestureInsets().bottom - insets.bottom()) } } return toolbarLocation.contains(toPoint()) } private val Rect.visibleWidth: Int get() = if (left < 0) { right } else { windowWidth - left } companion object { /** * The percentage of the tab preview that needs to be visible to consider the * tab switching gesture complete. */ private const val GESTURE_FINISH_PERCENT = 0.25 /** * The percentage of the content view that can be hidden by the tab switching gesture if * there is not tab available to switch to */ private const val OVERSCROLL_HIDE_PERCENT = 0.20 /** * Animation duration when switching to another tab */ private const val FINISHED_GESTURE_ANIMATION_DURATION = 250L /** * Animation duration gesture is canceled due to the swipe not being far enough */ private const val CANCELED_GESTURE_ANIMATION_DURATION = 200L /** * Animation duration gesture is canceled due to a swipe in the opposite direction */ private const val CANCELED_FLING_ANIMATION_DURATION = 150L } }