/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ package org.mozilla.fenix.crashes import androidx.navigation.NavController import io.mockk.Called import io.mockk.every import io.mockk.mockk import io.mockk.spyk import io.mockk.verify import mozilla.components.lib.crash.Crash.NativeCodeCrash import mozilla.components.support.test.ext.joinBlocking import org.junit.Test import org.mozilla.fenix.browser.BrowserFragmentDirections import org.mozilla.fenix.components.AppStore import org.mozilla.fenix.components.Components import org.mozilla.fenix.components.appstate.AppAction import org.mozilla.fenix.components.appstate.AppState import org.mozilla.fenix.utils.Settings class CrashReporterControllerTest { private val sessionId = "testId" private val components: Components = mockk(relaxed = true) private val settings: Settings = mockk(relaxed = true) private val navController: NavController = mockk(relaxed = true) private val crash: NativeCodeCrash = mockk(relaxed = true) private var appStore = AppStore( AppState( nonFatalCrashes = listOf(crash), ), ) private var controller = CrashReporterController(sessionId, 2, components, settings, navController, appStore) @Test fun `GIVEN reportCrashes true WHEN user restores tab THEN try submitting non-fatal crashes and recover tabs`() { controller = spyk(controller) controller.handleCloseAndRestore(true) verify { controller.submitPendingNonFatalCrashesIfNecessary(true) } verify { components.useCases.sessionUseCases.crashRecovery.invoke() } } @Test fun `GIVEN reportCrashes false WHEN user restores tab THEN try submitting non-fatal crashes and recover tabs`() { controller = spyk(controller) controller.handleCloseAndRestore(false) verify { controller.submitPendingNonFatalCrashesIfNecessary(false) } verify { components.useCases.sessionUseCases.crashRecovery.invoke() } } @Test fun `GIVEN reportCrashes true WHEN user closes the tab THEN try submitting non-fatal crashes, remove the current tab and recover others`() { controller = spyk(controller) controller.handleCloseAndRemove(true) verify { controller.submitPendingNonFatalCrashesIfNecessary(true) } verify { components.useCases.tabsUseCases.removeTab(sessionId) } verify { components.useCases.sessionUseCases.crashRecovery.invoke() } } @Test fun `GIVEN reportCrashes false WHEN user closes the tab THEN try submitting non-fatal crashes, remove the current tab and recover others`() { controller = spyk(controller) controller.handleCloseAndRemove(false) verify { controller.submitPendingNonFatalCrashesIfNecessary(false) } verify { components.useCases.tabsUseCases.removeTab(sessionId) } verify { components.useCases.sessionUseCases.crashRecovery.invoke() } } @Test fun `GIVEN reportCrashes false WHEN trying to submit crashes THEN no crashes should be submitted and all should be disposed off`() { val enabledCrashReporterSettings: Settings = mockk { every { isCrashReportingEnabled } returns true } appStore = spyk(appStore) controller = CrashReporterController(sessionId, 2, components, enabledCrashReporterSettings, navController, appStore) controller.submitPendingNonFatalCrashesIfNecessary(false)?.joinBlocking() verify(exactly = 0) { components.analytics.crashReporter.submitReport(crash) } verify { appStore.dispatch(AppAction.RemoveAllNonFatalCrashes) } } @Test fun `GIVEN reportCrashes true but reporting crashes disabled WHEN trying to submit crashes THEN no crashes should be submitted and all should be disposed off`() { val disabledCrashReporterSettings: Settings = mockk { every { isCrashReportingEnabled } returns false } appStore = spyk(appStore) controller = CrashReporterController(sessionId, 2, components, disabledCrashReporterSettings, navController, appStore) controller.submitPendingNonFatalCrashesIfNecessary(true)?.joinBlocking() verify(exactly = 0) { components.analytics.crashReporter.submitReport(crash) } verify { appStore.dispatch(AppAction.RemoveAllNonFatalCrashes) } } @Test fun `GIVEN reportCrashes true and reporting crashes enabled WHEN trying to submit crashes THEN all crashes should be submitted and then disposed off`() { val disabledCrashReporterSettings: Settings = mockk { every { isCrashReportingEnabled } returns true } appStore = spyk(appStore) controller = CrashReporterController(sessionId, 2, components, disabledCrashReporterSettings, navController, appStore) controller.submitPendingNonFatalCrashesIfNecessary(true)!!.joinBlocking() verify { components.analytics.crashReporter.submitReport(crash) } verify { appStore.dispatch(AppAction.RemoveNonFatalCrash(crash)) } } @Test fun `GIVEN only one tab opened WHEN user closes the tab THEN navigate to Home`() { controller = CrashReporterController(sessionId, 1, components, settings, navController, appStore) controller.handleCloseAndRemove(true) verify { navController.navigate(BrowserFragmentDirections.actionGlobalHome()) } } @Test fun `GIVEN multiple tabs opened WHEN user closes one tab THEN don't use navigation`() { controller = CrashReporterController(sessionId, 2, components, settings, navController, appStore) controller.handleCloseAndRemove(true) verify { navController wasNot Called } } }