/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ @file:Suppress("TooManyFunctions") package io.github.forkmaintainers.iceraven.components import android.content.Context import android.util.AtomicFile import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting import android.graphics.Bitmap import android.graphics.BitmapFactory import mozilla.components.concept.fetch.Client import mozilla.components.concept.fetch.Request import mozilla.components.concept.fetch.isSuccess import mozilla.components.feature.addons.Addon import mozilla.components.feature.addons.AddonsProvider import mozilla.components.support.base.log.logger.Logger import mozilla.components.support.ktx.kotlin.sanitizeURL import mozilla.components.support.ktx.util.readAndDeserialize import mozilla.components.support.ktx.util.writeString import org.json.JSONArray import org.json.JSONException import org.json.JSONObject import org.mozilla.fenix.Config import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.settings import java.io.File import java.io.IOException import java.util.Date import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit internal const val API_VERSION = "api/v4" internal const val DEFAULT_SERVER_URL = "https://addons.mozilla.org" internal const val COLLECTION_FILE_NAME = "%s_components_addon_collection_%s.json" internal const val MINUTE_IN_MS = 60 * 1000 internal const val DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS = 20L /** * Provide access to the collections AMO API. * https://addons-server.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/api/collections.html * * Unlike the android-components version, supports multiple-page responses and * custom collection accounts. * * Needs to extend AddonCollectionProvider because AddonsManagerAdapter won't * take just any AddonsProvider. * * @property serverURL The url of the endpoint to interact with e.g production, staging * or testing. Defaults to [DEFAULT_SERVER_URL]. * @property maxCacheAgeInMinutes maximum time (in minutes) the collection cache * should remain valid. Defaults to -1, meaning no cache is being used by default. * @property client A reference of [Client] for interacting with the AMO HTTP api. */ @Suppress("LongParameterList") class PagedAddonCollectionProvider( private val context: Context, private val client: Client, private val serverURL: String = DEFAULT_SERVER_URL, private val maxCacheAgeInMinutes: Long = -1 ) : AddonsProvider { private val logger = Logger("PagedAddonCollectionProvider") private val diskCacheLock = Any() /** * Get the account we should be fetching addons from. */ private fun getCollectionAccount(): String { var result = context.settings().customAddonsAccount if (Config.channel.isNightlyOrDebug && context.settings().amoCollectionOverrideConfigured()) { result = context.settings().overrideAmoUser } logger.info("Determined collection account: ${result}") return result } /** * Get the collection name we should be fetching addons from. */ private fun getCollectionName(): String { var result = context.settings().customAddonsCollection if (Config.channel.isNightlyOrDebug && context.settings().amoCollectionOverrideConfigured()) { result = context.settings().overrideAmoCollection } logger.info("Determined collection name: ${result}") return result } /** * Interacts with the collections endpoint to provide a list of available * add-ons. May return a cached response, if available, not expired (see * [maxCacheAgeInMinutes]) and allowed (see [allowCache]). * * @param allowCache whether or not the result may be provided * from a previously cached response, defaults to true. * @param readTimeoutInSeconds optional timeout in seconds to use when fetching * available add-ons from a remote endpoint. If not specified [DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS] * will be used. * @param language optional language that will be ignored. * @throws IOException if the request failed, or could not be executed due to cancellation, * a connectivity problem or a timeout. */ @Throws(IOException::class) override suspend fun getAvailableAddons( allowCache: Boolean, readTimeoutInSeconds: Long?, language: String? ): List { val cachedAddons = if (allowCache && !cacheExpired(context)) { readFromDiskCache() } else { null } val collectionAccount = getCollectionAccount() val collectionName = getCollectionName() if (cachedAddons != null) { logger.info("Providing cached list of addons for ${collectionAccount} collection ${collectionName}") return cachedAddons } else { logger.info("Fetching fresh list of addons for ${collectionAccount} collection ${collectionName}") return getAllPages( listOf( serverURL, API_VERSION, "accounts/account", collectionAccount, "collections", collectionName, "addons" ).joinToString("/"), readTimeoutInSeconds ?: DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS ).also { // Cache the JSON object before we parse out the addons if (maxCacheAgeInMinutes > 0) { writeToDiskCache(it.toString()) } }.getAddons() } } /** * Fetches all pages of add-ons from the given URL (following the "next" * field in the returned JSON) and combines the "results" arrays into that * of the first page. Returns that coalesced object. * * @param url URL of the first page to fetch * @param readTimeoutInSeconds timeout in seconds to use when fetching each page. * @throws IOException if the request failed, or could not be executed due to cancellation, * a connectivity problem or a timeout. */ @Throws(IOException::class) suspend fun getAllPages(url: String, readTimeoutInSeconds: Long): JSONObject { // Fetch and compile all the pages into one object we can return var compiledResponse: JSONObject? = null // Each page tells us where to get the next page, if there is one var nextURL: String? = url while (nextURL != null) { client.fetch( Request( url = nextURL, readTimeout = Pair(readTimeoutInSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS) ) ) .use { response -> if (!response.isSuccess) { val errorMessage = "Failed to fetch addon collection. Status code: ${response.status}" logger.error(errorMessage) throw IOException(errorMessage) } val currentResponse = try { JSONObject(response.body.string(Charsets.UTF_8)) } catch (e: JSONException) { throw IOException(e) } if (compiledResponse == null) { compiledResponse = currentResponse } else { // Write the addons into the first response compiledResponse!!.getJSONArray("results").concat(currentResponse.getJSONArray("results")) } nextURL = if (currentResponse.isNull("next")) null else currentResponse.getString("next") } } return compiledResponse!! } /** * Fetches given Addon icon from the url and returns a decoded Bitmap * @throws IOException if the request could not be executed due to cancellation, * a connectivity problem or a timeout. */ @Throws(IOException::class) suspend fun getAddonIconBitmap(addon: Addon): Bitmap? { var bitmap: Bitmap? = null if (addon.iconUrl != "") { client.fetch( Request(url = addon.iconUrl.sanitizeURL()) ).use { response -> if (response.isSuccess) { response.body.useStream { bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(it) } } } } return bitmap } @VisibleForTesting internal fun writeToDiskCache(collectionResponse: String) { logger.info("Storing cache file") synchronized(diskCacheLock) { getCacheFile(context).writeString { collectionResponse } } } @VisibleForTesting internal fun readFromDiskCache(): List? { logger.info("Loading cache file") synchronized(diskCacheLock) { return getCacheFile(context).readAndDeserialize { JSONObject(it).getAddons() } } } @VisibleForTesting internal fun cacheExpired(context: Context): Boolean { return getCacheLastUpdated(context) < Date().time - maxCacheAgeInMinutes * MINUTE_IN_MS } @VisibleForTesting internal fun getCacheLastUpdated(context: Context): Long { val file = getBaseCacheFile(context) return if (file.exists()) file.lastModified() else -1 } private fun getCacheFile(context: Context): AtomicFile { return AtomicFile(getBaseCacheFile(context)) } private fun getBaseCacheFile(context: Context): File { val collectionAccount = getCollectionAccount() val collectionName = getCollectionName() return File(context.filesDir, COLLECTION_FILE_NAME.format(collectionAccount, collectionName)) } fun deleteCacheFile(context: Context): Boolean { logger.info("Clearing cache file") synchronized(diskCacheLock) { val file = getBaseCacheFile(context) return if (file.exists()) file.delete() else false } } } internal fun JSONObject.getAddons(): List { val addonsJson = getJSONArray("results") return (0 until addonsJson.length()).map { index -> addonsJson.getJSONObject(index).toAddons() } } internal fun JSONObject.toAddons(): Addon { return with(getJSONObject("addon")) { val download = getDownload() Addon( id = getSafeString("guid"), authors = getAuthors(), categories = getCategories(), createdAt = getSafeString("created"), updatedAt = getSafeString("last_updated"), downloadId = download?.getDownloadId() ?: "", downloadUrl = download?.getDownloadUrl() ?: "", version = getCurrentVersion(), permissions = getPermissions(), translatableName = getSafeMap("name"), translatableDescription = getSafeMap("description"), translatableSummary = getSafeMap("summary"), iconUrl = getSafeString("icon_url"), siteUrl = getSafeString("url"), rating = getRating(), defaultLocale = getSafeString("default_locale").ifEmpty { Addon.DEFAULT_LOCALE } ) } } internal fun JSONObject.getRating(): Addon.Rating? { val jsonRating = optJSONObject("ratings") return if (jsonRating != null) { Addon.Rating( reviews = jsonRating.optInt("count"), average = jsonRating.optDouble("average").toFloat() ) } else { null } } internal fun JSONObject.getCategories(): List { val jsonCategories = optJSONObject("categories") return if (jsonCategories == null) { emptyList() } else { val jsonAndroidCategories = jsonCategories.getSafeJSONArray("android") (0 until jsonAndroidCategories.length()).map { index -> jsonAndroidCategories.getString(index) } } } internal fun JSONObject.getPermissions(): List { val fileJson = getJSONObject("current_version") .getSafeJSONArray("files") .getJSONObject(0) val permissionsJson = fileJson.getSafeJSONArray("permissions") return (0 until permissionsJson.length()).map { index -> permissionsJson.getString(index) } } internal fun JSONObject.getCurrentVersion(): String { return optJSONObject("current_version")?.getSafeString("version") ?: "" } internal fun JSONObject.getDownload(): JSONObject? { return ( getJSONObject("current_version") .optJSONArray("files") ?.getJSONObject(0) ) } internal fun JSONObject.getDownloadId(): String { return getSafeString("id") } internal fun JSONObject.getDownloadUrl(): String { return getSafeString("url") } internal fun JSONObject.getAuthors(): List { val authorsJson = getSafeJSONArray("authors") return (0 until authorsJson.length()).map { index -> val authorJson = authorsJson.getJSONObject(index) Addon.Author( id = authorJson.getSafeString("id"), name = authorJson.getSafeString("name"), username = authorJson.getSafeString("username"), url = authorJson.getSafeString("url") ) } } internal fun JSONObject.getSafeString(key: String): String { return if (isNull(key)) { "" } else { getString(key) } } internal fun JSONObject.getSafeJSONArray(key: String): JSONArray { return if (isNull(key)) { JSONArray("[]") } else { getJSONArray(key) } } internal fun JSONObject.getSafeMap(valueKey: String): Map { return if (isNull(valueKey)) { emptyMap() } else { val map = mutableMapOf() val jsonObject = getJSONObject(valueKey) jsonObject.keys() .forEach { key -> map[key] = jsonObject.getSafeString(key) } map } } /** * Concatenates the given JSONArray onto this one. */ internal fun JSONArray.concat(other: JSONArray) { (0 until other.length()).map { index -> put(length(), other.getJSONObject(index)) } }