package org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics import android.content.Context import android.util.Base64 import import import import io.mockk.every import io.mockk.mockk import io.mockk.mockkObject import io.mockk.mockkStatic import io.mockk.slot import io.mockk.unmockkStatic import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals import org.junit.Assert.assertNull import org.junit.Test import class MetricsUtilsTest { private val context: Context = mockk(relaxed = true) @Test fun `getAdvertisingID() returns null if the API throws`() { mockkStatic("") val exceptions = listOf( GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException(1), GooglePlayServicesRepairableException(0, "", mockk()), IllegalStateException(), IOException() ) exceptions.forEach { every { AdvertisingIdClient.getAdvertisingIdInfo(any()) } throws it assertNull(MetricsUtils.getAdvertisingID(context)) } unmockkStatic("") } @Test fun `getAdvertisingID() returns null if the API returns null info`() { mockkStatic(AdvertisingIdClient::class) every { AdvertisingIdClient.getAdvertisingIdInfo(any()) } returns null assertNull(MetricsUtils.getAdvertisingID(context)) } @Test fun `getAdvertisingID() returns a valid string if the API returns a valid ID`() { val testId = "test-value-id" mockkStatic(AdvertisingIdClient::class) every { AdvertisingIdClient.getAdvertisingIdInfo(any()) } returns AdvertisingIdClient.Info(testId, false) assertEquals(testId, MetricsUtils.getAdvertisingID(context)) } @Test fun `getHashedIdentifier() returns a hashed identifier`() { val testId = "test-value-id" val testPackageName = "org.mozilla-test.fenix" val mockedHexReturn = "mocked-HEX" // Mock the Base64 to record the byte array that is passed in, // which is the actual digest. We can't simply test the return value // of |getHashedIdentifier| as these Android tests require us to mock // Android-specific APIs. mockkStatic(Base64::class) val shaDigest = slot() every { Base64.encodeToString(capture(shaDigest), any()) } returns mockedHexReturn // Get the hash identifier. mockkObject(MetricsUtils) every { MetricsUtils.getAdvertisingID(context) } returns testId every { MetricsUtils.getHashingSalt() } returns testPackageName runBlocking { assertEquals(mockedHexReturn, MetricsUtils.getHashedIdentifier(context)) } // Check that the digest of the identifier matches with what we expect. // Please note that in the real world, Base64.encodeToString would encode // this to something much shorter, which we'd send with the ping. val expectedDigestBytes = "[52, -79, -84, 79, 101, 22, -82, -44, -44, -14, 21, 15, 48, 88, -94, -74, -8, 25, -72, -120, -37, 108, 47, 16, 2, -37, 126, 41, 102, -92, 103, 24]" assertEquals(expectedDigestBytes, shaDigest.captured.contentToString()) } companion object { const val ENGINE_SOURCE_IDENTIFIER = "google-2018" } }