/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ package org.mozilla.fenix.components.toolbar import android.animation.AnimatorSet import android.animation.ObjectAnimator import android.content.Context import android.graphics.Typeface import android.util.AttributeSet import android.util.TypedValue import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.widget.RelativeLayout import androidx.core.view.updatePadding import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.mozac_ui_tabcounter_layout.view.* import org.mozilla.fenix.R import java.text.NumberFormat class TabCounter @JvmOverloads constructor( context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyle: Int = 0 ) : RelativeLayout(context, attrs, defStyle) { private val animationSet: AnimatorSet init { val inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context) inflater.inflate(R.layout.mozac_ui_tabcounter_layout, this) // This is needed because without this counter box will be empty. setCount(INTERNAL_COUNT) animationSet = createAnimatorSet() } private fun updateContentDescription(count: Int) { counter_root.contentDescription = if (count == 1) { context?.getString(R.string.open_tab_tray_single) } else { context?.getString(R.string.open_tab_tray_plural, count.toString()) } } fun setCountWithAnimation(count: Int) { setCount(count) // No need to animate on these cases. when { INTERNAL_COUNT == 0 -> return // Initial state. INTERNAL_COUNT == count -> return // There isn't any tab added or removed. INTERNAL_COUNT > MAX_VISIBLE_TABS -> return // There are still over MAX_VISIBLE_TABS tabs open. } // Cancel previous animations if necessary. if (animationSet.isRunning) { animationSet.cancel() } // Trigger animations. animationSet.start() } fun setCount(count: Int) { updateContentDescription(count) adjustTextSize(count) counter_text.text = formatForDisplay(count) INTERNAL_COUNT = count } private fun createAnimatorSet(): AnimatorSet { val animatorSet = AnimatorSet() createBoxAnimatorSet(animatorSet) createTextAnimatorSet(animatorSet) return animatorSet } private fun createBoxAnimatorSet(animatorSet: AnimatorSet) { // The first animator, fadeout in 33 ms (49~51, 2 frames). val fadeOut = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat( counter_box, "alpha", ANIM_BOX_FADEOUT_FROM, ANIM_BOX_FADEOUT_TO ).setDuration(ANIM_BOX_FADEOUT_DURATION) // Move up on y-axis, from 0.0 to -5.3 in 50ms, with fadeOut (49~52, 3 frames). val moveUp1 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat( counter_box, "translationY", ANIM_BOX_MOVEUP1_TO, ANIM_BOX_MOVEUP1_FROM ).setDuration(ANIM_BOX_MOVEUP1_DURATION) // Move down on y-axis, from -5.3 to -1.0 in 116ms, after moveUp1 (52~59, 7 frames). val moveDown2 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat( counter_box, "translationY", ANIM_BOX_MOVEDOWN2_FROM, ANIM_BOX_MOVEDOWN2_TO ).setDuration(ANIM_BOX_MOVEDOWN2_DURATION) // FadeIn in 66ms, with moveDown2 (52~56, 4 frames). val fadeIn = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat( counter_box, "alpha", ANIM_BOX_FADEIN_FROM, ANIM_BOX_FADEIN_TO ).setDuration(ANIM_BOX_FADEIN_DURATION) // Move down on y-axis, from -1.0 to 2.7 in 116ms, after moveDown2 (59~66, 7 frames). val moveDown3 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat( counter_box, "translationY", ANIM_BOX_MOVEDOWN3_FROM, ANIM_BOX_MOVEDOWN3_TO ).setDuration(ANIM_BOX_MOVEDOWN3_DURATION) // Move up on y-axis, from 2.7 to 0 in 133ms, after moveDown3 (66~74, 8 frames). val moveUp4 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat( counter_box, "translationY", ANIM_BOX_MOVEDOWN4_FROM, ANIM_BOX_MOVEDOWN4_TO ).setDuration(ANIM_BOX_MOVEDOWN4_DURATION) // Scale up height from 2% to 105% in 100ms, after moveUp1 and delay 16ms (53~59, 6 frames). val scaleUp1 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat( counter_box, "scaleY", ANIM_BOX_SCALEUP1_FROM, ANIM_BOX_SCALEUP1_TO ).setDuration(ANIM_BOX_SCALEUP1_DURATION) scaleUp1.startDelay = ANIM_BOX_SCALEUP1_DELAY // delay 1 frame after moveUp1 // Scale down height from 105% to 99% in 116ms, after scaleUp1 (59~66, 7 frames). val scaleDown2 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat( counter_box, "scaleY", ANIM_BOX_SCALEDOWN2_FROM, ANIM_BOX_SCALEDOWN2_TO ).setDuration(ANIM_BOX_SCALEDOWN2_DURATION) // Scale up height from 99% to 100% in 133ms, after scaleDown2 (66~74, 8 frames). val scaleUp3 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat( counter_box, "scaleY", ANIM_BOX_SCALEUP3_FROM, ANIM_BOX_SCALEUP3_TO ).setDuration(ANIM_BOX_SCALEUP3_DURATION) animatorSet.play(fadeOut).with(moveUp1) animatorSet.play(moveUp1).before(moveDown2) animatorSet.play(moveDown2).with(fadeIn) animatorSet.play(moveDown2).before(moveDown3) animatorSet.play(moveDown3).before(moveUp4) animatorSet.play(moveUp1).before(scaleUp1) animatorSet.play(scaleUp1).before(scaleDown2) animatorSet.play(scaleDown2).before(scaleUp3) } private fun createTextAnimatorSet(animatorSet: AnimatorSet) { val firstAnimator = animatorSet.childAnimations[0] // Fadeout in 100ms, with firstAnimator (49~51, 2 frames). val fadeOut = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat( counter_text, "alpha", ANIM_TEXT_FADEOUT_FROM, ANIM_TEXT_FADEOUT_TO ).setDuration(ANIM_TEXT_FADEOUT_DURATION) // FadeIn in 66 ms, after fadeOut with delay 96ms (57~61, 4 frames). val fadeIn = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat( counter_text, "alpha", ANIM_TEXT_FADEIN_FROM, ANIM_TEXT_FADEIN_TO ).setDuration(ANIM_TEXT_FADEIN_DURATION) fadeIn.startDelay = (ANIM_TEXT_FADEIN_DELAY) // delay 6 frames after fadeOut // Move down on y-axis, from 0 to 4.4 in 66ms, with fadeIn (57~61, 4 frames). val moveDown = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat( counter_text, "translationY", ANIM_TEXT_MOVEDOWN_FROM, ANIM_TEXT_MOVEDOWN_TO ).setDuration(ANIM_TEXT_MOVEDOWN_DURATION) moveDown.startDelay = (ANIM_TEXT_MOVEDOWN_DELAY) // delay 6 frames after fadeOut // Move up on y-axis, from 0 to 4.4 in 66ms, after moveDown (61~69, 8 frames). val moveUp = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat( counter_text, "translationY", ANIM_TEXT_MOVEUP_FROM, ANIM_TEXT_MOVEUP_TO ).setDuration(ANIM_TEXT_MOVEUP_DURATION) animatorSet.play(firstAnimator).with(fadeOut) animatorSet.play(fadeOut).before(fadeIn) animatorSet.play(fadeIn).with(moveDown) animatorSet.play(moveDown).before(moveUp) } private fun formatForDisplay(count: Int): String { return if (count > MAX_VISIBLE_TABS) { counter_text.updatePadding(bottom = INFINITE_CHAR_PADDING_BOTTOM) SO_MANY_TABS_OPEN } else NumberFormat.getInstance().format(count.toLong()) } private fun adjustTextSize(newCount: Int) { val newRatio = if (newCount in TWO_DIGITS_TAB_COUNT_THRESHOLD..MAX_VISIBLE_TABS) { TWO_DIGITS_SIZE_RATIO } else { ONE_DIGIT_SIZE_RATIO } val counterBoxWidth = context.resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.tab_counter_box_width_height) val textSize = newRatio * counterBoxWidth counter_text.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, textSize) counter_text.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD) counter_text.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0) } companion object { internal var INTERNAL_COUNT = 0 internal const val MAX_VISIBLE_TABS = 99 internal const val SO_MANY_TABS_OPEN = "∞" internal const val INFINITE_CHAR_PADDING_BOTTOM = 6 internal const val ONE_DIGIT_SIZE_RATIO = 0.5f internal const val TWO_DIGITS_SIZE_RATIO = 0.4f internal const val TWO_DIGITS_TAB_COUNT_THRESHOLD = 10 // createBoxAnimatorSet private const val ANIM_BOX_FADEOUT_FROM = 1.0f private const val ANIM_BOX_FADEOUT_TO = 0.0f private const val ANIM_BOX_FADEOUT_DURATION = 33L private const val ANIM_BOX_MOVEUP1_FROM = 0.0f private const val ANIM_BOX_MOVEUP1_TO = -5.3f private const val ANIM_BOX_MOVEUP1_DURATION = 50L private const val ANIM_BOX_MOVEDOWN2_FROM = -5.3f private const val ANIM_BOX_MOVEDOWN2_TO = -1.0f private const val ANIM_BOX_MOVEDOWN2_DURATION = 167L private const val ANIM_BOX_FADEIN_FROM = 0.01f private const val ANIM_BOX_FADEIN_TO = 1.0f private const val ANIM_BOX_FADEIN_DURATION = 66L private const val ANIM_BOX_MOVEDOWN3_FROM = -1.0f private const val ANIM_BOX_MOVEDOWN3_TO = 2.7f private const val ANIM_BOX_MOVEDOWN3_DURATION = 116L private const val ANIM_BOX_MOVEDOWN4_FROM = 2.7f private const val ANIM_BOX_MOVEDOWN4_TO = 0.0f private const val ANIM_BOX_MOVEDOWN4_DURATION = 133L private const val ANIM_BOX_SCALEUP1_FROM = 0.02f private const val ANIM_BOX_SCALEUP1_TO = 1.05f private const val ANIM_BOX_SCALEUP1_DURATION = 100L private const val ANIM_BOX_SCALEUP1_DELAY = 16L private const val ANIM_BOX_SCALEDOWN2_FROM = 1.05f private const val ANIM_BOX_SCALEDOWN2_TO = 0.99f private const val ANIM_BOX_SCALEDOWN2_DURATION = 116L private const val ANIM_BOX_SCALEUP3_FROM = 0.99f private const val ANIM_BOX_SCALEUP3_TO = 1.00f private const val ANIM_BOX_SCALEUP3_DURATION = 133L // createTextAnimatorSet private const val ANIM_TEXT_FADEOUT_FROM = 1.0f private const val ANIM_TEXT_FADEOUT_TO = 0.0f private const val ANIM_TEXT_FADEOUT_DURATION = 33L private const val ANIM_TEXT_FADEIN_FROM = 0.01f private const val ANIM_TEXT_FADEIN_TO = 1.0f private const val ANIM_TEXT_FADEIN_DURATION = 66L private const val ANIM_TEXT_FADEIN_DELAY = 16L * 6 private const val ANIM_TEXT_MOVEDOWN_FROM = 0.0f private const val ANIM_TEXT_MOVEDOWN_TO = 4.4f private const val ANIM_TEXT_MOVEDOWN_DURATION = 66L private const val ANIM_TEXT_MOVEDOWN_DELAY = 16L * 6 private const val ANIM_TEXT_MOVEUP_FROM = 4.4f private const val ANIM_TEXT_MOVEUP_TO = 0.0f private const val ANIM_TEXT_MOVEUP_DURATION = 66L } }