[fenix] Moves release flavour to build type (https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/pull/1693)

Mitchell Hentges 5 years ago committed by Jeff Boek
parent c2f9dbe61d
commit d2ea8148c8

@ -30,36 +30,48 @@ android {
testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
testInstrumentationRunnerArguments clearPackageData: 'true'
manifestPlaceholders.isRaptorEnabled = "false"
buildConfigField "boolean", "IS_RELEASED", "false"
def releaseTemplate = {
shrinkResources true
minifyEnabled true
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'
matchingFallbacks = ['release'] // Use on the "release" build type in dependencies (AARs)
buildTypes {
release {
shrinkResources true
minifyEnabled true
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'
releaseRaptor {
initWith release
manifestPlaceholders.isRaptorEnabled = "true"
matchingFallbacks = ['release']
debug {
shrinkResources false
minifyEnabled false
applicationIdSuffix ".debug"
manifestPlaceholders.isRaptorEnabled = "true"
// "releaseRaptor" is only used for performance testing, and isn't a real "release" type
releaseRaptor releaseTemplate >> { // the ">>" concatenates the releaseRaptor-specific options with the template
manifestPlaceholders.isRaptorEnabled = "true"
nightly releaseTemplate >> {
buildConfigField "boolean", "IS_RELEASED", "true"
beta releaseTemplate >> {
buildConfigField "boolean", "IS_RELEASED", "true"
variantFilter { // There's a "release" build type that exists by default that we don't use (it's replaced by "nightly" and "beta")
if (buildType.name == 'release') {
setIgnore true
testOptions {
flavorDimensions "abi", "channel"
flavorDimensions "abi"
productFlavors {
// Processor architectures (abi dimension)
arm {
dimension "abi"
ndk {
@ -78,41 +90,6 @@ android {
abiFilter "arm64-v8a"
// Product channels (channel dimension)
// "Greenfield" is our clean version of Fenix without any of the "Fennec transition" code.
greenfield {
dimension "channel"
firefoxNightly {
dimension "channel"
// Aurora was a channel between nightly builds and beta versions. Aurora builds were published on Google
// Play. When the Aurora channel was shutdown in April 2017 the decision was made to instead ship Nightly
// builds to Google Play using the existing application id. Previously Nightly builds were not available
// on Google Play. Since then our Nightly package name is "fennec_aurora" instead of "fennec_nightly".
applicationId "org.mozilla.fennec_aurora"
firefoxBeta {
dimension "channel"
applicationId "org.mozilla.firefox_beta"
firefoxRelease {
dimension "channel"
applicationId "org.mozilla.firefox"
variantFilter { variant ->
def flavors = variant.flavors*.name.toString().toLowerCase()
if (!flavors.contains("greenfield")) {
// For now everything that isn't a "greenfield" build isn't used. So let's ignore those variants.
compileOptions {
@ -148,11 +125,12 @@ android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def buildType = variant.buildType.name
def versionCode = null
buildConfigField 'Boolean', 'COLLECTIONS_ENABLED', (buildType != "release").toString()
if (buildType == "release") {
def versionCode = generatedVersionCode
if (buildType == "nightly") {
versionCode = generatedVersionCode
// The Google Play Store does not allow multiple APKs for the same app that all have the
// same version code. Therefore we need to have different version codes for our ARM and x86
@ -168,15 +146,16 @@ android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
versionCode = versionCode + 1
}// else variant.flavorName.contains("Arm")) use generated version code
variant.outputs.all { output ->
variant.outputs.all {
println("Build type: " + buildType)
println("Variant name: " + variant.name)
println("Build type: " + variant.buildType.name)
println("Flavor: " + variant.flavorName)
println("Version code: " + variant.mergedFlavor.versionCode)
println("Version code: " + (versionCode ?: variant.mergedFlavor.versionCode))
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BuildConfig: Set variables for Sentry, Crash Reporting, and Telemetry
@ -215,7 +194,7 @@ android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
print("Adjust token: ")
if (variantName.contains("Release")) {
if (variant.buildType.buildConfigFields['IS_RELEASED']?.value) {
try {
def token = new File("${rootDir}/.adjust_token").text.trim()
buildConfigField 'String', 'ADJUST_TOKEN', '"' + token + '"'

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
sharedUserId: This flavor is meant to replace Firefox (Beta channel) and therefore needs to inherit
its sharedUserId for all eternity. Shipping an app update without sharedUserId can have
fatal consequences. For example see:
- https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/36924841
- https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/36905922
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
sharedUserId: This flavor is meant to replace Firefox (Nightly channel) and therefore needs to inherit
its sharedUserId for all eternity. Shipping an app update without sharedUserId can have
fatal consequences. For example see:
- https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/36924841
- https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/36905922
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
sharedUserId: This flavor is meant to replace Firefox (Release channel) and therefore needs to inherit
its sharedUserId for all eternity. Shipping an app update without sharedUserId can have
fatal consequences. For example see:
- https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/36924841
- https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/36905922
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class AdjustMetricsService(private val application: Application) : MetricsServic
if ((BuildConfig.ADJUST_TOKEN.isNullOrEmpty())) {
Log.i(LOGTAG, "No adjust token defined")
if (!BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
if (BuildConfig.IS_RELEASED) {
throw IllegalStateException("No adjust token defined for release build")

@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ class SettingsFragment : PreferenceFragmentCompat(), CoroutineScope, AccountObse
preferenceMakeDefaultBrowser?.onPreferenceClickListener =
preferenceLeakCanary?.isVisible = BuildConfig.DEBUG
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
preferenceLeakCanary?.isVisible = !BuildConfig.IS_RELEASED
if (!BuildConfig.IS_RELEASED) {
preferenceLeakCanary?.onPreferenceChangeListener =
Preference.OnPreferenceChangeListener { _, newValue ->
(context?.applicationContext as FenixApplication).toggleLeakCanary(newValue as Boolean)

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class Settings private constructor(context: Context) {
val isCrashReportingEnabled: Boolean
get() = preferences.getBoolean(appContext.getPreferenceKey(R.string.pref_key_crash_reporter), true) &&
BuildConfig.CRASH_REPORTING && BuildConfig.BUILD_TYPE == "release"
val isRemoteDebuggingEnabled: Boolean
get() = preferences.getBoolean(appContext.getPreferenceKey(R.string.pref_key_remote_debugging), false)

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import os
import taskcluster
from lib import build_variants
from lib.tasks import TaskBuilder, schedule_task_graph, _get_architecture_and_build_type_and_product_from_variant
from lib.tasks import TaskBuilder, schedule_task_graph, get_architecture_and_build_type_from_variant
from lib.chain_of_trust import (
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ def pr_or_push(is_master_push):
build_tasks[assemble_task_id] = BUILDER.craft_assemble_task(variant)
build_tasks[taskcluster.slugId()] = BUILDER.craft_test_task(variant)
arch, build_type, _ = _get_architecture_and_build_type_and_product_from_variant(variant)
arch, build_type = get_architecture_and_build_type_from_variant(variant)
# autophone only supports arm and aarch64, so only sign/perftest those builds
if (
build_type == 'releaseRaptor' and
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ def nightly(track):
push_tasks = {}
build_task_id = taskcluster.slugId()
build_tasks[build_task_id] = BUILDER.craft_assemble_release_task(architectures, is_staging)
build_tasks[build_task_id] = BUILDER.craft_assemble_nightly_task(architectures, is_staging)
signing_task_id = taskcluster.slugId()
signing_tasks[signing_task_id] = BUILDER.craft_nightly_signing_task(

@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ class TaskBuilder(object):
self.date = arrow.get(date_string)
self.trust_level = trust_level
def craft_assemble_release_task(self, architectures, is_staging=False):
def craft_assemble_nightly_task(self, architectures, is_staging=False):
artifacts = {
'public/target.{}.apk'.format(arch): {
"type": 'file',
"path": '/opt/fenix/app/build/outputs/apk/'
'{}Greenfield/release/app-{}-greenfield-release-unsigned.apk'.format(arch, arch),
'{}/nightly/app-{}-nightly-unsigned.apk'.format(arch, arch),
"expires": taskcluster.stringDate(taskcluster.fromNow(DEFAULT_EXPIRES_IN)),
for arch in architectures
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class TaskBuilder(object):
gradle_commands = (
'./gradlew --no-daemon -PcrashReports=true -Ptelemetry=true clean test assembleRelease',
'./gradlew --no-daemon -PcrashReports=true -Ptelemetry=true clean test assembleNightly',
command = ' && '.join(
@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ class TaskBuilder(object):
def craft_lint_task(self):
return self._craft_clean_gradle_task(
description='Running lint for arm64 release variant',
description='Running lint for aarch64 release variant',
'jobKind': 'test',
'machine': {
@ -331,22 +331,20 @@ class TaskBuilder(object):
def craft_master_commit_signing_task(
self, assemble_task_id, variant
architecture, build_type, product = _get_architecture_and_build_type_and_product_from_variant(variant)
product = convert_camel_case_into_kebab_case(product)
postfix = convert_camel_case_into_kebab_case('{}-{}'.format(architecture, build_type))
architecture, build_type = get_architecture_and_build_type_from_variant(variant)
routes = [
self.commit, product, postfix
self.commit, build_type, architecture
product, postfix
product, build_type, architecture
self.date.year, self.date.month, self.date.day, self.commit,
product, postfix
build_type, architecture
self.date.year, self.date.month, self.date.day, product, postfix
self.date.year, self.date.month, self.date.day, build_type, architecture
@ -439,15 +437,13 @@ class TaskBuilder(object):
def _craft_treeherder_platform_from_variant(variant):
architecture, build_type, _ = _get_architecture_and_build_type_and_product_from_variant(
architecture, build_type = get_architecture_and_build_type_from_variant(variant)
return 'android-{}-{}'.format(architecture, build_type)
def _craft_treeherder_group_symbol_from_variant(variant):
_, __, product = _get_architecture_and_build_type_and_product_from_variant(variant)
return product
_, build_type = get_architecture_and_build_type_from_variant(variant)
return build_type
def _craft_artifacts_from_variant(variant):
@ -461,29 +457,19 @@ def _craft_artifacts_from_variant(variant):
def _craft_apk_full_path_from_variant(variant):
architecture, build_type, product = _get_architecture_and_build_type_and_product_from_variant(
short_variant = variant[:-len(build_type)]
architecture, build_type = get_architecture_and_build_type_from_variant(variant)
postfix = '-unsigned' if build_type.startswith('release') else ''
product = lower_case_first_letter(product)
return '/opt/fenix/app/build/outputs/apk/{short_variant}/{build_type}/app-{architecture}-{product}-{build_type}{postfix}.apk'.format( # noqa: E501
return '/opt/fenix/app/build/outputs/apk/{architecture}/{build_type}/app-{architecture}-{build_type}{postfix}.apk'.format( # noqa: E501
_SUPPORTED_ARCHITECTURES = ('aarch64', 'arm', 'x86')
_SUPPORTED_BUILD_TYPES = ('Debug', 'Release', 'ReleaseRaptor')
_SUPPORTED_PRODUCTS = ('FirefoxBeta', 'FirefoxNightly', 'FirefoxRelease', 'Greenfield')
def _get_architecture_and_build_type_and_product_from_variant(variant):
def get_architecture_and_build_type_from_variant(variant):
for supported_architecture in _SUPPORTED_ARCHITECTURES:
if variant.startswith(supported_architecture):
architecture = supported_architecture
@ -496,32 +482,8 @@ def _get_architecture_and_build_type_and_product_from_variant(variant):
for supported_build_type in _SUPPORTED_BUILD_TYPES:
if variant.endswith(supported_build_type):
build_type = lower_case_first_letter(supported_build_type)
raise ValueError(
'Cannot identify build type in "{}". '
'Expected to find one of these supported ones: {}'.format(
remaining_variant_data = variant[len(architecture):len(variant) - len(build_type)]
for supported_product in _SUPPORTED_PRODUCTS:
if remaining_variant_data == supported_product:
product = supported_product
raise ValueError(
'Cannot identify product in "{}" "{}". '
'Expected to find one of these supported ones: {}'.format(
remaining_variant_data, variant, _SUPPORTED_PRODUCTS
return architecture, build_type, product
build_type = variant[len(architecture):]
return architecture, build_type
def schedule_task(queue, taskId, task):

@ -17,4 +17,4 @@
./gradlew -q \
ktlint \
detekt \
