Bug 1825649 - Introduce shared-settings.gradle to allow reusing build logic

Christian Sadilek 1 year ago committed by mergify[bot]
parent 7150a54cda
commit c1afbd89ad

@ -143,25 +143,6 @@ allprojects {
subprojects {
// Define a reusable task for updating the version in manifest.json for modules that package
// a web extension. We automate this to make sure we never forget to update the version, either
// in local development or for releases. In both cases, we want to make sure the latest version
// of all extensions (including their latest changes) are installed on first start-up.
ext.updateExtensionVersion = { task, extDir ->
configure(task) {
from extDir
include 'manifest.template.json'
rename { 'manifest.json' }
into extDir
def values = ['version': rootProject.ext.config.componentsVersion.split("a|b")[0] + "." + new Date().format('MMddHHmmss')]
tasks.register('clean', Delete) {
delete rootProject.buildDir

@ -2,99 +2,23 @@
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml
pluginManagement {
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'org.yaml:snakeyaml:1.33'
plugins {
id 'mozac.DependenciesPlugin'
apply from: file('../shared-settings.gradle')
include ':app'
include ':mozilla-detekt-rules'
include ':mozilla-lint-rules'
include ':benchmark'
// Synchronized library configuration for all modules
// This "componentsVersion" number is defined in "version.txt" and should follow
// semantic versioning (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH). See https://semver.org/
class Config {
public final String componentsVersion
public final String componentsGroupId
public final Integer compileSdkVersion
public final Integer minSdkVersion
public final Integer targetSdkVersion
String componentsVersion,
String componentsGroupId,
Integer compileSdkVersion,
Integer minSdkVersion,
Integer targetSdkVersion
) {
this.componentsVersion = componentsVersion
this.componentsGroupId = componentsGroupId
this.compileSdkVersion = compileSdkVersion
this.minSdkVersion = minSdkVersion
this.targetSdkVersion = targetSdkVersion
def setupProject(name, path, description) {
project(":$name").projectDir = new File(rootDir, "../android-components/${path}")
// project(...) gives us a skeleton project that we can't set ext.* on
gradle.beforeProject { project ->
// However, the "afterProject" listener iterates over every project and gives us the actual project
// So, once we filter for the project we care about, we can set whatever we want
if (project.name == name) {
project.ext.description = description
def yaml = new Yaml()
def buildconfig = yaml.load(new File(rootDir, '../android-components/.buildconfig.yml').newInputStream())
buildconfig.projects.each { project ->
if (!project.key.startsWith("samples")) {
setupProject(project.key, project.value.path, project.value.description)
gradle.projectsLoaded { ->
def componentsVersion = new File(rootDir, '../version.txt').text.stripTrailing()
def configData = yaml.load(new File(rootDir, '../android-components/.config.yml').newInputStream())
// Wait until root project is "loaded" before we set "config"
// Note that since this is set on "rootProject.ext", it will be "in scope" during the evaluation of all projects'
// gradle files. This means that they can just access "config.<value>", and it'll function properly
gradle.rootProject.ext.config = new Config(
gradle.rootProject.ext.buildConfig = buildconfig
// Disables A-C tests and lint when building Fenix.
gradle.allprojects { project ->
if (project.projectDir.absolutePath.contains("/android-components/")) {
