[fenix] Reorganized to highlight the CPG and Bugzilla guidelines

Michael Hoye 4 years ago committed by Jeff Boek
parent f7f50cc994
commit ba3653db41

@ -7,6 +7,26 @@ Firefox Preview (internal code name: "Fenix") is an all-new browser for Android,
** Note: The team is currently experiencing heavy triage and review load, so when triaging issues, we will mainly be looking to identify [S1 (high severity)](https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/labels/S1) issues. See our triage process [here](https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/wiki/Triage-Process). Please be patient if you don't hear back from us immediately on your issue! **
## Getting Involved
Please read the [Community Participation Guidelines](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/governance/policies/participation/) and the [Bugzilla Etiquette guidelines](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/page.cgi?id=etiquette.html) before filing an issue. This is our professional working environment as much as it is our bug tracker, and we want to keep our workspace clean and healthy.
* [Guide to Contributing](https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/shared-docs/blob/master/android/CONTRIBUTING.md) (**New contributors start here!**)
* Browse our [current Issues](https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/issues), or [file a security issue][sec issue].
* Matrix: [#fenix:mozilla.org channel](https://chat.mozilla.org/#/room/#fenix:mozilla.org) (**We're available Monday-Friday, GMT and PST working hours**). Related channels:
* [#mobile-test-eng:mozilla.org channel](https://chat.mozilla.org/#/room/#mobile-test-eng:mozilla.org): for UI test automation
* [#perf-android-frontend:mozilla.org channel](https://chat.mozilla.org/#/room/#perf-android-frontend:mozilla.org): for front-end (JVM) performance of Android apps
* [#android-tips:mozilla.org channel](https://chat.mozilla.org/#/room/#android-tips:mozilla.org): for tips on Android development
* Check out the [project wiki](https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/wiki) for more information.
* Localization happens on [Pontoon](https://pontoon.mozilla.org/projects/android-l10n/). Please get in touch with delphine (at) mozilla (dot) com directly for more information.
**Beginners!** - Watch out for [Issues with the "Good First Issue" label](https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22). These are easy bugs that have been left for first timers to have a go, get involved and make a positive contribution to the project!
## I want to open a Pull Request!
We encourage you to participate in this open source project. We love Pull Requests, Bug Reports, ideas, (security) code reviews or any other kind of positive contribution.
@ -46,25 +66,6 @@ To make it easier to triage, we have these issue requirements:
Please keep in mind that even though a feature you have in mind may seem like a small ask, as a small team, we have to prioritize our planned work and every new feature adds complexity and maintenance and may take up design, research, marketing, product, and engineering time. We appreciate everyones passion but we will not be able to incorporate every feature request or even fix every bug. That being said, just because we haven't replied, doesn't mean we don't care about the issue, please be patient with our response times as we're very busy.
## Getting Involved
Before you attempt to make a contribution please read the [Community Participation Guidelines](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/governance/policies/participation/).
* [Guide to Contributing](https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/shared-docs/blob/master/android/CONTRIBUTING.md) (**New contributors start here!**)
* Browse our [current Issues](https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/issues), or [file a security issue][sec issue].
* Matrix: [#fenix:mozilla.org channel](https://chat.mozilla.org/#/room/#fenix:mozilla.org) (**We're available Monday-Friday, GMT and PST working hours**). Related channels:
* [#mobile-test-eng:mozilla.org channel](https://chat.mozilla.org/#/room/#mobile-test-eng:mozilla.org): for UI test automation
* [#perf-android-frontend:mozilla.org channel](https://chat.mozilla.org/#/room/#perf-android-frontend:mozilla.org): for front-end (JVM) performance of Android apps
* [#android-tips:mozilla.org channel](https://chat.mozilla.org/#/room/#android-tips:mozilla.org): for tips on Android development
* Check out the [project wiki](https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/wiki) for more information.
* Localization happens on [Pontoon](https://pontoon.mozilla.org/projects/android-l10n/). Please get in touch with delphine (at) mozilla (dot) com directly for more information.
**Beginners!** - Watch out for [Issues with the "Good First Issue" label](https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22). These are easy bugs that have been left for first timers to have a go, get involved and make a positive contribution to the project!
## Build Instructions
