[fenix] No issue: Add new cron target task for legacy API UI tests

Setups up a new daily cron task to run select UI tests on API 28 (we’ll call it legacy). We don’t necessarily want to invoke Flank twice (serial) with a different configuration (FTL APIs dont support API splitting per test-target) on event CI but we do want them running elsewhere (cron).
Aaron Train 2 years ago committed by mergify[bot]
parent 98cf81e498
commit b7b938f96f

@ -30,3 +30,9 @@ jobs:
treeherder-symbol: screenshots-D
target-tasks-method: screenshots
when: [{weekday: 'Monday', hour: 10, minute: 0}]
- name: legacy-api-ui-tests
type: decision-task
treeherder-symbol: legacy-api-ui
target-tasks-method: legacy_api_ui_tests
when: [{hour: 10, minute: 30}]

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
# gcloud args match the official gcloud cli
# https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/firebase/test/android/run
results-bucket: fenix_test_artifacts
record-video: true
# The maximum possible testing time is 30m on physical devices and 60m on virtual devices.
timeout: 30m
# will start test then close socket. no reports will be generated.
# to retrieve results later, use the "refresh" command
# reports will be generated from /results/matrix_ids.json
#async: true
# will start test then leave socket open. reports will be published
# to /results
# see: https://github.com/TestArmada/flank/issues/339
async: false
# results-history-name
# by default, set to app name
# declare results-history-name to create a separate dropdown menu in Firebase
# see: https://github.com/TestArmada/flank/issues/341
#results-history-name: tmp_parallel
# The number of times a test execution should be re-attempted if one or more failures occur.
# The maximum number of reruns allowed is 10. Default is 0, which implies no reruns.
num-flaky-test-attempts: 1
# test and app are the only required args
app: /app/path
test: /test/path
auto-google-login: false
use-orchestrator: true
clearPackageData: true
- /sdcard/screenshots
performance-metrics: true
- class org.mozilla.fenix.ui.DownloadTest#pauseResumeCancelDownloadTest
- class org.mozilla.fenix.ui.SearchTest#scanButtonAllowPermissionTest
- class org.mozilla.fenix.ui.SearchTest#scanButtonDenyPermissionTest
- class org.mozilla.fenix.ui.SitePermissionsTest#audioVideoPermissionChoiceOnEachRequestTest
- class org.mozilla.fenix.ui.SitePermissionsTest#cameraPermissionChoiceOnEachRequestTest
- class org.mozilla.fenix.ui.SitePermissionsTest#microphonePermissionChoiceOnEachRequestTest
- class org.mozilla.fenix.ui.SitePermissionsTest#rememberAllowAudioVideoPermissionChoiceTest
- class org.mozilla.fenix.ui.SitePermissionsTest#rememberAllowCameraPermissionChoiceTest
- class org.mozilla.fenix.ui.SitePermissionsTest#rememberAllowMicrophonePermissionChoiceTest
- class org.mozilla.fenix.ui.SitePermissionsTest#rememberBlockAudioVideoPermissionChoiceTest
- class org.mozilla.fenix.ui.SitePermissionsTest#rememberBlockCameraPermissionChoiceTest
- class org.mozilla.fenix.ui.SitePermissionsTest#rememberBlockMicrophonePermissionChoiceTest
- class org.mozilla.fenix.ui.SmokeTest#redirectToAppPermissionsSystemSettingsTest
- model: Pixel2
version: 28
locale: en_US
# test shards - the amount of groups to split the test suite into
# set to -1 to use one shard per test. default: 1
max-test-shards: -1
# num-test-runs: the amount of times to run the tests.
# 1 runs the tests once. 10 runs all the tests 10x
num-test-runs: 1
### Output Style flag
## Output style of execution status. May be one of [verbose, multi, single, compact].
## For runs with only one test execution the default value is 'verbose', in other cases
## 'multi' is used as the default. The output style 'multi' is not displayed correctly on consoles
## which don't support ansi codes, to avoid corrupted output use single or verbose.
## The output style `compact` is used to produce less detailed output, it prints just Args, test and matrix count, weblinks, cost, and result reports.
output-style: compact
### Full Junit Result flag
## Enable create additional local junit result on local storage with failure nodes on passed flaky tests.
full-junit-result: true

@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ elif [[ "${device_type}" == "x86-screenshots-tests" ]]; then
elif [[ "${device_type}" == "x86-beta-tests" ]]; then
elif [[ "${device_type}" == "x86-legacy-api-tests" ]]; then
echo "FAILURE: flank config file not found!"

@ -148,3 +148,14 @@ jobs:
- [automation/taskcluster/androidTest/ui-test.sh, x86-start-test, app.apk, android-test.apk, '-1']
symbol: nightly(ui-test-x86-nightly)
legacy: true
description: Run select UI tests on older Android API on cron
run-on-tasks-for: []
run-on-git-branches: [main]
- [automation/taskcluster/androidTest/ui-test.sh, x86-legacy-api-tests, app.apk, android-test.apk, '-1']
symbol: debug(legacy-x86)

@ -110,3 +110,12 @@ def target_tasks_screnshots(full_task_graph, parameters, graph_config):
return task.attributes.get("screenshots", False)
return [l for l, t in full_task_graph.tasks.items() if filter(t, parameters)]
def target_tasks_legacy_api_ui_tests(full_task_graph, parameters, graph_config):
"""Select the set of tasks required to run select UI tests on other API."""
def filter(task, parameters):
return task.attributes.get("legacy", False)
return [l for l, t in full_task_graph.tasks.items() if filter(t, parameters)]