diff --git a/.github/workflows/android-build-pr.yml b/.github/workflows/android-build-pr.yml index ee7ee4497..ce4878cc6 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/android-build-pr.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/android-build-pr.yml @@ -10,19 +10,29 @@ jobs: steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 + with: + fetch-depth: 0 - name: Setup Java uses: actions/setup-java@v1 with: java-version: 11 - - name: Create local.properties (to sign release apk with debug keys) - run: echo "autosignReleaseWithDebugKey=" >local.properties + - name: Create version name + run: echo "::set-env name=VERSION_NAME::$(git describe --tags HEAD)" - name: Build forkRelease variant of app uses: eskatos/gradle-command-action@v1 with: wrapper-cache-enabled: true dependencies-cache-enabled: true configuration-cache-enabled: true - arguments: assembleForkRelease -PversionName="$(git describe --tags HEAD)" + arguments: assembleForkRelease -PversionName=${{ env.VERSION_NAME }} + - name: Create signed APKs + uses: abhijitvalluri/sign-apks@v0.6 + with: + releaseDirectory: app/build/outputs/apk/forkRelease/ + signingKeyBase64: ${{ secrets.DEBUG_SIGNING_KEY }} + alias: ${{ secrets.DEBUG_ALIAS }} + keyStorePassword: ${{ secrets.DEBUG_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD }} + keyPassword: ${{ secrets.DEBUG_KEY_PASSWORD }} - name: Archive arm64 apk uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: diff --git a/.github/workflows/android-build.yml b/.github/workflows/android-build.yml index 1e5bbb4c0..ad7b886f3 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/android-build.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/android-build.yml @@ -10,39 +10,29 @@ jobs: steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 + with: + fetch-depth: 0 - name: Setup Java uses: actions/setup-java@v1 with: java-version: 11 - - name: Create local.properties (to sign release apk with debug keys) - run: echo "autosignReleaseWithDebugKey=" >local.properties + - name: Create version name + run: echo "::set-env name=VERSION_NAME::$(git describe --tags HEAD)" - name: Build forkRelease variant of app uses: eskatos/gradle-command-action@v1 with: wrapper-cache-enabled: true dependencies-cache-enabled: true configuration-cache-enabled: true - arguments: assembleForkRelease -PversionName="$(git describe --tags HEAD)" - - name: Archive arm64 apk - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 - with: - name: app-arm64-v8a-forkRelease.apk - path: app/build/outputs/apk/forkRelease/app-arm64-v8a-forkRelease.apk - - name: Archive armeabi apk - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 - with: - name: app-armeabi-v7a-forkRelease.apk - path: app/build/outputs/apk/forkRelease/app-armeabi-v7a-forkRelease.apk - - name: Archive x86 apk - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 - with: - name: app-x86-forkRelease.apk - path: app/build/outputs/apk/forkRelease/app-x86-forkRelease.apk - - name: Archive x86_64 apk - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 - with: - name: app-x86_64-forkRelease.apk - path: app/build/outputs/apk/forkRelease/app-x86_64-forkRelease.apk + arguments: assembleForkRelease -PversionName=${{ env.VERSION_NAME }} + - name: Create signed APKs + uses: abhijitvalluri/sign-apks@v0.6 + with: + releaseDirectory: app/build/outputs/apk/forkRelease/ + signingKeyBase64: ${{ secrets.DEBUG_SIGNING_KEY }} + alias: ${{ secrets.DEBUG_ALIAS }} + keyStorePassword: ${{ secrets.DEBUG_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD }} + keyPassword: ${{ secrets.DEBUG_KEY_PASSWORD }} run-testDebug: diff --git a/.github/workflows/release-automation.yml b/.github/workflows/release-automation.yml index 75b9aa92f..6ed6d1c45 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/release-automation.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/release-automation.yml @@ -15,15 +15,23 @@ jobs: uses: actions/setup-java@v1 with: java-version: 11 - - name: Create local.properties (to sign release apk with debug keys) - run: echo "autosignReleaseWithDebugKey=" >local.properties + - name: Create version name + run: echo "::set-env name=VERSION_NAME::$(git describe --tags HEAD)" - name: Build forkRelease variant of app uses: eskatos/gradle-command-action@v1 with: wrapper-cache-enabled: true dependencies-cache-enabled: true configuration-cache-enabled: true - arguments: assembleForkRelease -PversionName="$(git describe --tags HEAD)" + arguments: assembleForkRelease -PversionName=${{ env.VERSION_NAME }} + - name: Create signed APKs + uses: abhijitvalluri/sign-apks@v0.6 + with: + releaseDirectory: app/build/outputs/apk/forkRelease/ + signingKeyBase64: ${{ secrets.DEBUG_SIGNING_KEY }} + alias: ${{ secrets.DEBUG_ALIAS }} + keyStorePassword: ${{ secrets.DEBUG_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD }} + keyPassword: ${{ secrets.DEBUG_KEY_PASSWORD }} - name: Create changelog run: | PREVIOUS_RELEASE_TAG=$(git tag --list iceraven-* --sort=-creatordate | tail -n+2 | head -n 1) @@ -35,7 +43,8 @@ jobs: echo " " >>temp_changelog.md git log ${{ github.event.ref }}...$PREVIOUS_RELEASE_TAG --pretty='format:%C(auto)%h (%as) %s' >>temp_changelog.md echo " " >>temp_changelog.md - echo "**NOTE**: @maintainers, you can edit these auto-generated release notes with a more user-friendly summary of the key changes, if needed." >>temp_changelog.md + echo " " >>temp_changelog.md + echo "**NOTE**: @fork-maintainers, you can edit these auto-generated release notes with a more user-friendly summary of the key changes, if needed." >>temp_changelog.md echo " " >>temp_changelog.md - name: Create Release