For #21294: suppress MaxLineLength in Fact.toEvent.

These double comparisons are easier to read and see the pattern of on one line
so I'd rather keep them on one line. Additionally, it's difficult to
test each change individually so I'd rather not make additional changes.
To do this, I suppressed the max line length warning.
Michael Comella 3 years ago committed by mergify[bot]
parent c10f41164d
commit 365983d4b0

@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ internal class ReleaseMetricController(
MetricServiceType.Marketing -> isMarketingDataTelemetryEnabled()
@Suppress("LongMethod", "MaxLineLength")
private fun Fact.toEvent(): Event? = when {
Component.FEATURE_PROMPTS == component && LoginDialogFacts.Items.DISPLAY == item -> Event.LoginDialogPromptDisplayed
Component.FEATURE_PROMPTS == component && LoginDialogFacts.Items.CANCEL == item -> Event.LoginDialogPromptCancelled
