Bug 1849966 - Compose Top Sites has unwanted recompositions on scrolling

t-p-white 10 months ago committed by mergify[bot]
parent 7019fb7654
commit 2c16a785bd

@ -324,6 +324,7 @@ class SessionControlAdapter(
is PocketCategoriesViewHolder,
is PocketRecommendationsHeaderViewHolder,
is PocketStoriesViewHolder,
is TopSitesViewHolder,
-> {
// no op
// This previously called "composeView.disposeComposition" which would have the
@ -331,11 +332,6 @@ class SessionControlAdapter(
// This View already listens and maps store updates. Avoid creating and binding new Views.
// The composition will live until the ViewTreeLifecycleOwner to which it's attached to is destroyed.
is TopSitesViewHolder -> {
// Dispose the underlying composition immediately.
// This ViewHolder can be removed / re-added and we need it to show a fresh new composition.
is CollectionViewHolder -> {
// Dispose the underlying composition immediately.
// This ViewHolder can be removed / re-added and we need it to show a fresh new composition.

@ -384,8 +384,13 @@ private fun FaviconBitmap(topSite: TopSite.Provided) {
when (val uiState = faviconBitmapUiState) {
is FaviconBitmapUiState.Loading, FaviconBitmapUiState.Error -> FaviconDefault(topSite.url)
is FaviconBitmapUiState.Data -> FaviconImage(BitmapPainter(uiState.imageBitmap))
is FaviconBitmapUiState.Error -> FaviconDefault(topSite.url)
is FaviconBitmapUiState.Loading -> {
// no-op
// Don't update the icon while loading else the top site icon could have a 'flashing' effect
// caused by the 'place holder letter' icon being immediately updated with the desired bitmap.

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import android.view.View
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.ComposeView
import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleOwner
import mozilla.components.lib.state.ext.observeAsState
import mozilla.components.lib.state.ext.observeAsComposableState
import org.mozilla.fenix.components.components
import org.mozilla.fenix.compose.ComposeViewHolder
import org.mozilla.fenix.home.sessioncontrol.TopSiteInteractor
@ -31,23 +31,26 @@ class TopSitesViewHolder(
override fun Content() {
val topSites =
components.appStore.observeAsState(emptyList()) { state -> state.topSites }.value
components.appStore.observeAsComposableState { state -> state.topSites }.value
val wallpaperState = components.appStore
.observeAsState(WallpaperState.default) { state -> state.wallpaperState }.value
.observeAsComposableState { state -> state.wallpaperState }.value
?: WallpaperState.default
topSites = topSites,
topSiteColors = TopSiteColors.colors(wallpaperState = wallpaperState),
onTopSiteClick = { topSite ->
interactor.onSelectTopSite(topSite, topSites.indexOf(topSite))
onTopSiteLongClick = interactor::onTopSiteLongClicked,
onOpenInPrivateTabClicked = interactor::onOpenInPrivateTabClicked,
onRenameTopSiteClicked = interactor::onRenameTopSiteClicked,
onRemoveTopSiteClicked = interactor::onRemoveTopSiteClicked,
onSettingsClicked = interactor::onSettingsClicked,
onSponsorPrivacyClicked = interactor::onSponsorPrivacyClicked,
topSites?.let {
topSites = it,
topSiteColors = TopSiteColors.colors(wallpaperState = wallpaperState),
onTopSiteClick = { topSite ->
interactor.onSelectTopSite(topSite, it.indexOf(topSite))
onTopSiteLongClick = interactor::onTopSiteLongClicked,
onOpenInPrivateTabClicked = interactor::onOpenInPrivateTabClicked,
onRenameTopSiteClicked = interactor::onRenameTopSiteClicked,
onRemoveTopSiteClicked = interactor::onRemoveTopSiteClicked,
onSettingsClicked = interactor::onSettingsClicked,
onSponsorPrivacyClicked = interactor::onSponsorPrivacyClicked,
companion object {
