[fenix] No issue: Add instructions to pre-push hook

ekager 5 years ago committed by Jeff Boek
parent b21176a3bf
commit 20e2908677

@ -1,5 +1,19 @@
# We recommend you run this as a pre-push hook: to reduce
# review turn-around time, we want all pushes to run tasks
# locally. Using this hook will guarantee your hook gets
# updated as the repository changes.
# This hook tries to run as much as possible without taking
# too long.
# You can use it by running this command from the project root:
# `ln -s ../../tools/pre-push-recommended.sh .git/hooks/pre-push`
# Descriptions for each gradle task below can be found in the
# output of `./gradlew tasks`.
./gradlew -q \
ktlint \
detekt \
