Use same configuration for "forPerformanceTest" builds like we do for "fennec" flavor builds.

Sebastian Kaspari 4 years ago committed by Michael Comella
parent 8b34f372b0
commit 045b4a5715

@ -74,6 +74,13 @@ android {
manifestPlaceholders.isRaptorEnabled = "true"
applicationIdSuffix ".fenix.performancetest"
debuggable true
manifestPlaceholders = [
// Since we configure this build to behave like a "fennec" flavored build, we need
// to set a shared user id for the manifest. The actual values does not matter.
// However we pick a unique value to not "clash" with other Fenix/Fennec builds
// installed on the device.
"sharedUserId": "org.mozilla.fenix.performancetest.sharedID"
fenixNightly releaseTemplate >> {
applicationIdSuffix ".fenix.nightly"
@ -206,6 +213,12 @@ android {
java.srcDirs = ['src/migration/java']
manifest.srcFile "src/migration/AndroidManifest.xml"
forPerformanceTest {
// We want our performance test builds to use the same code as our "fennec" flavor builds
// since those builds will ship to our large user base.
java.srcDirs = ['src/migration/java']
manifest.srcFile "src/migration/AndroidManifest.xml"
productFlavors {
