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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import org.gradle.api.Plugin
import org.gradle.api.initialization.Settings
// If you ever need to force a toolchain rebuild (taskcluster) then edit the following comment.
// FORCE REBUILD 2023-05-12
class FenixDependenciesPlugin : Plugin<Settings> {
override fun apply(settings: Settings) = Unit
object FenixVersions {
const val osslicenses_plugin = "0.10.4"
const val falcon = "2.2.0"
const val fastlane = "2.1.1"
const val androidx_activity = "1.7.2"
const val androidx_benchmark = "1.1.1"
const val androidx_profileinstaller = "1.3.1"
const val androidx_legacy = "1.0.0"
const val androidx_lifecycle = "2.6.1"
const val androidx_navigation = "2.5.3"
const val androidx_splash_screen = "1.0.1"
const val androidx_transition = "1.4.1"
const val androidx_datastore = "1.0.0"
const val google_accompanist = "0.30.1"
const val adjust = "4.33.0"
const val installreferrer = "2.2"
const val junit = "5.9.3"
const val mockk = "1.13.7"
const val mockwebserver = "4.11.0"
const val google_ads_id_version = "16.0.0"
const val google_play_review_version = "2.0.1"
// keep in sync with the versions used in AS.
const val protobuf = "3.21.10"
const val protobuf_plugin = "0.9.4"
object FenixDependencies {
const val tools_benchmarkgradle = "androidx.benchmark:benchmark-gradle-plugin:${FenixVersions.androidx_benchmark}"
const val osslicenses_plugin = "${FenixVersions.osslicenses_plugin}"
const val androidx_benchmark_junit4 = "androidx.benchmark:benchmark-junit4:${FenixVersions.androidx_benchmark}"
const val androidx_benchmark_macro_junit4 = "androidx.benchmark:benchmark-macro-junit4:${FenixVersions.androidx_benchmark}"
const val androidx_core_splashscreen = "androidx.core:core-splashscreen:${FenixVersions.androidx_splash_screen}"
const val androidx_profileinstaller = "androidx.profileinstaller:profileinstaller:${FenixVersions.androidx_profileinstaller}"
const val androidx_activity_ktx = "androidx.activity:activity-ktx:${FenixVersions.androidx_activity}"
const val androidx_legacy = "androidx.legacy:legacy-support-v4:${FenixVersions.androidx_legacy}"
const val androidx_lifecycle_common = "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-common:${FenixVersions.androidx_lifecycle}"
const val androidx_safeargs = "androidx.navigation:navigation-safe-args-gradle-plugin:${FenixVersions.androidx_navigation}"
const val androidx_navigation_fragment = "androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment-ktx:${FenixVersions.androidx_navigation}"
const val androidx_navigation_ui = "androidx.navigation:navigation-ui:${FenixVersions.androidx_navigation}"
const val androidx_transition = "androidx.transition:transition:${FenixVersions.androidx_transition}"
const val androidx_datastore = "androidx.datastore:datastore:${FenixVersions.androidx_datastore}"
const val google_accompanist_drawablepainter = "${FenixVersions.google_accompanist}"
const val protobuf_javalite = "${FenixVersions.protobuf}"
const val protobuf_compiler = "${FenixVersions.protobuf}"
const val adjust = "com.adjust.sdk:adjust-android:${FenixVersions.adjust}"
const val installreferrer = "${FenixVersions.installreferrer}"
const val mockk = "io.mockk:mockk:${FenixVersions.mockk}"
const val mockk_android = "io.mockk:mockk-android:${FenixVersions.mockk}"
const val falcon = "com.jraska:falcon:${FenixVersions.falcon}"
const val fastlane = "tools.fastlane:screengrab:${FenixVersions.fastlane}"
// --- START AndroidX test dependencies --- //
// N.B.: the versions of these dependencies appear to be pinned together. To avoid bugs, they
// should always be updated together based on the latest version from the Android test releases page:
// For the full IDs of these test dependencies, see:
private const val androidx_test_orchestrator = "1.4.2"
private const val androidx_espresso_version = "3.5.1"
const val espresso_contrib = "androidx.test.espresso:espresso-contrib:$androidx_espresso_version"
const val espresso_idling_resources = "androidx.test.espresso:espresso-idling-resource:$androidx_espresso_version"
const val espresso_intents = "androidx.test.espresso:espresso-intents:$androidx_espresso_version"
// Monitor is unused
const val orchestrator = "androidx.test:orchestrator:$androidx_test_orchestrator"
// Truth is unused
// Test services is unused
// --- END AndroidX test dependencies --- //
const val mockwebserver = "com.squareup.okhttp3:mockwebserver:${FenixVersions.mockwebserver}"
const val google_ads_id = "${FenixVersions.google_ads_id_version}"
// Required for in-app reviews
const val google_play_review = "${FenixVersions.google_play_review_version}"
const val google_play_review_ktx = "${FenixVersions.google_play_review_version}"
const val junitApi = "org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:${FenixVersions.junit}"
const val junitParams = "org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-params:${FenixVersions.junit}"
const val junitEngine = "org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:${FenixVersions.junit}"
[fenix] For restrict deps to specific repositories ( * For remove unnecessary leanplum maven repository. The docs say it is [1] "only needed for Android SDK versions below 4.3.0". That is API 18 and our min SDK is 21. [1]: * For move buildscript block from :app to root project. This will reduce the amount of duplication we need in specifying restricted dependencies and centralize repository definitions. Since we're a one project app, it shouldn't have a significant impact on performance. * For restrict dependencies following FFTV config. However, there is a resolution error to be fixed in the next commit. This is verbatim from FFTV except I removed the no-op "improve security if code is refactored incorrectly" lines: these lines rarely changed and I'm not that concerned. It might be better to simplify the configuration. Source: * For restrict firebase deps to google repo. This fixes the resolution error from the previous PR.
4 years ago
* Functionality to limit specific dependencies to specific repositories. These are typically expected to be used by
* dependency group name (i.e. with `include/excludeGroup`). For additional info, see:
* Note: I wanted to nest this in Deps but for some reason gradle can't find it so it's top-level now. :|
object RepoMatching {
const val mozilla = "org\\.mozilla\\..*"
const val androidx = "androidx\\..*"
const val comAndroid = "com\\.android.*"
const val comGoogle = "com\\.google\\..*"
[fenix] For restrict deps to specific repositories ( * For remove unnecessary leanplum maven repository. The docs say it is [1] "only needed for Android SDK versions below 4.3.0". That is API 18 and our min SDK is 21. [1]: * For move buildscript block from :app to root project. This will reduce the amount of duplication we need in specifying restricted dependencies and centralize repository definitions. Since we're a one project app, it shouldn't have a significant impact on performance. * For restrict dependencies following FFTV config. However, there is a resolution error to be fixed in the next commit. This is verbatim from FFTV except I removed the no-op "improve security if code is refactored incorrectly" lines: these lines rarely changed and I'm not that concerned. It might be better to simplify the configuration. Source: * For restrict firebase deps to google repo. This fixes the resolution error from the previous PR.
4 years ago