You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1077 lines
42 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.fenix.home
import android.animation.Animator
import android.content.DialogInterface
import android.os.Bundle
import android.view.Gravity
import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.widget.Button
import android.widget.LinearLayout
import android.widget.PopupWindow
import androidx.annotation.StringRes
import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams.PARENT_ID
import androidx.lifecycle.Lifecycle
import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleObserver
import androidx.lifecycle.Observer
import androidx.lifecycle.OnLifecycleEvent
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider
import androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleScope
import androidx.navigation.fragment.FragmentNavigator
import androidx.navigation.fragment.findNavController
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE
import androidx.transition.TransitionInflater
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers.IO
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers.Main
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import mozilla.appservices.places.BookmarkRoot
import mozilla.components.browser.session.Session
import mozilla.components.browser.session.SessionManager
import mozilla.components.concept.sync.AccountObserver
import mozilla.components.concept.sync.AuthType
import mozilla.components.concept.sync.OAuthAccount
import org.jetbrains.anko.constraint.layout.ConstraintSetBuilder.Side.BOTTOM
import org.jetbrains.anko.constraint.layout.ConstraintSetBuilder.Side.END
import org.jetbrains.anko.constraint.layout.ConstraintSetBuilder.Side.START
import org.jetbrains.anko.constraint.layout.ConstraintSetBuilder.Side.TOP
import org.jetbrains.anko.constraint.layout.applyConstraintSet
import org.mozilla.fenix.BrowserDirection
import org.mozilla.fenix.FenixViewModelProvider
import org.mozilla.fenix.HomeActivity
import org.mozilla.fenix.R
import org.mozilla.fenix.browser.browsingmode.BrowsingMode
import org.mozilla.fenix.collections.SaveCollectionStep
import org.mozilla.fenix.components.FenixSnackbar
import org.mozilla.fenix.components.PrivateShortcutCreateManager
import org.mozilla.fenix.components.TabCollectionStorage
import org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics.Event
import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.components
import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.metrics
import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.nav
import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.requireComponents
import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.sessionsOfType
import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.settings
import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.toTab
import org.mozilla.fenix.home.sessioncontrol.CollectionAction
import org.mozilla.fenix.home.sessioncontrol.OnboardingAction
import org.mozilla.fenix.home.sessioncontrol.SessionControlAction
import org.mozilla.fenix.home.sessioncontrol.SessionControlChange
import org.mozilla.fenix.home.sessioncontrol.SessionControlComponent
import org.mozilla.fenix.home.sessioncontrol.SessionControlState
import org.mozilla.fenix.home.sessioncontrol.SessionControlViewModel
import org.mozilla.fenix.home.sessioncontrol.Tab
import org.mozilla.fenix.home.sessioncontrol.TabAction
import org.mozilla.fenix.home.sessioncontrol.viewholders.CollectionViewHolder
import org.mozilla.fenix.lib.Do
import org.mozilla.fenix.mvi.ActionBusFactory
import org.mozilla.fenix.mvi.getAutoDisposeObservable
import org.mozilla.fenix.mvi.getManagedEmitter
import org.mozilla.fenix.onboarding.FenixOnboarding
import org.mozilla.fenix.settings.SupportUtils
import org.mozilla.fenix.settings.deletebrowsingdata.deleteAndQuit
import org.mozilla.fenix.share.ShareTab
import org.mozilla.fenix.utils.FragmentPreDrawManager
import org.mozilla.fenix.utils.allowUndo
import org.mozilla.fenix.whatsnew.WhatsNew
@SuppressWarnings("TooManyFunctions", "LargeClass")
class HomeFragment : Fragment() {
private val bus = ActionBusFactory.get(this)
private val browsingModeManager get() = (activity as HomeActivity).browsingModeManager
private val singleSessionObserver = object : Session.Observer {
override fun onTitleChanged(session: Session, title: String) {
if (deleteAllSessionsJob == null) emitSessionChanges()
override fun onIconChanged(session: Session, icon: Bitmap?) {
if (deleteAllSessionsJob == null) emitSessionChanges()
private val collectionStorageObserver = object : TabCollectionStorage.Observer {
override fun onCollectionCreated(title: String, sessions: List<Session>) {
override fun onTabsAdded(tabCollection: TabCollection, sessions: List<Session>) {
scrollAndAnimateCollection(sessions.size, tabCollection)
override fun onCollectionRenamed(tabCollection: TabCollection, title: String) {
private var homeMenu: HomeMenu? = null
private val sessionManager: SessionManager
get() = requireComponents.core.sessionManager
var deleteAllSessionsJob: (suspend () -> Unit)? = null
private var pendingSessionDeletion: PendingSessionDeletion? = null
data class PendingSessionDeletion(val deletionJob: (suspend () -> Unit), val sessionId: String)
private val onboarding by lazy { FenixOnboarding(requireContext()) }
private lateinit var sessionControlComponent: SessionControlComponent
private lateinit var currentMode: CurrentMode
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
sharedElementEnterTransition =
val sessionObserver = BrowserSessionsObserver(sessionManager, singleSessionObserver) {
if (!onboarding.userHasBeenOnboarded()) {
override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater,
container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View? {
val view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_home, container, false)
currentMode = CurrentMode(
sessionControlComponent = SessionControlComponent(
) {
view.homeLayout.applyConstraintSet {
sessionControlComponent.view {
TOP to BOTTOM of view.wordmark_spacer,
BOTTOM to TOP of view.bottom_bar
val activity = activity as HomeActivity
return view
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
FragmentPreDrawManager(this).execute {
val homeViewModel: HomeScreenViewModel by activityViewModels {
ViewModelProvider.NewInstanceFactory() // this is a workaround for #4652
homeViewModel.layoutManagerState?.also { parcelable ->
homeLayout?.progress = homeViewModel.motionLayoutProgress
homeViewModel.layoutManagerState = null
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
val iconSize = resources.getDimension(R.dimen.preference_icon_drawable_size).toInt()
Adds custom search engines (#6551) * For #5577 - Adds button to add a new search engine * For #5577 - Adds custom engine store * For #5577 - Creates a custom SearchEngineProvider * For #5577 - Gives the ability to delete search engines * For #5577 - Adds the UI to add a custom search engine * For #5577 - Adds form to create a custom search engine * For #5577 - Adds the ability to add a custom search engine * For #5577 - Adds the ability to delete custom search engines * For #5577 - Selects the first element on the add custom search engine screen * For #5577 - Prevents adding a search engine that already exists * For #5577 - Styles the add search engine preference * For #5577 - Makes the name check case-insensitive * For #5577 - Fix bug where home screen doesnt see new search engines * For #5577 - Moves Search URL validation to its own type * For #5577 - Fixes linting errors * For #5577 - Adds the ability to edit a custom search engine * For #5577 - Allows the user to edit a serach engine even when it is the last item in the list * For #5577 - Adds an undo snackbar when deleting a search engine * For #5577 - Moves all of the strings to be translated * For #5577 - Fixes bug when deleting your default search engine * For #5577 - Puts adding search engines behind a feature flag * For #5577 - Navigate to custom search engine SUMO article when tapping learn more * For #5577 - Fixes nits * For #5577 - Uses concept-fetch to validate search string * For #5577 - Adds string resources for the cannot reach error state
5 years ago
val searchEngine =
val searchIcon = BitmapDrawable(resources, searchEngine.icon)
searchIcon.setBounds(0, 0, iconSize, iconSize)
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
with(view.menuButton) {
var menu: PopupWindow? = null
setOnClickListener {
if (menu == null) {
menu = homeMenu?.menuBuilder?.build(requireContext())?.show(
anchor = it,
orientation = BrowserMenu.Orientation.DOWN,
onDismiss = { menu = null }
} else {
view.toolbar.compoundDrawablePadding =
view.toolbar_wrapper.setOnClickListener {
val directions = HomeFragmentDirections.actionHomeFragmentToSearchFragment(
sessionId = null
val extras =
.addSharedElement(toolbar_wrapper, "toolbar_wrapper_transition")
nav(, directions, extras)
view.add_tab_button.setOnClickListener {
val directions = HomeFragmentDirections.actionHomeFragmentToSearchFragment(
sessionId = null
nav(, directions)
) { newMode ->
if (newMode == BrowsingMode.Private) {
if (onboarding.userHasBeenOnboarded()) {
// We need the shadow to be above the components.
override fun onDestroyView() {
homeMenu = null
override fun onResume() {
.subscribe {
when (it) {
is SessionControlAction.Tab -> handleTabAction(it.action)
is SessionControlAction.Collection -> handleCollectionAction(it.action)
is SessionControlAction.Onboarding -> handleOnboardingAction(it.action)
val context = requireContext()
val components = context.components
tabs = getListOfSessions().toTabs(),
mode = currentMode.getCurrentMode(),
collections = components.core.tabCollectionStorage.cachedTabCollections
(activity as AppCompatActivity).supportActionBar?.hide()
requireComponents.backgroundServices.accountManager.register(currentMode, owner = this)
requireComponents.backgroundServices.accountManager.register(object : AccountObserver {
override fun onAuthenticated(account: OAuthAccount, authType: AuthType) {
if (authType != AuthType.Existing) {
view?.let {
FenixSnackbar.make(it, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT)
}, owner = this)
if (context.settings().showPrivateModeContextualFeatureRecommender &&
browsingModeManager.mode.isPrivate &&
!PrivateShortcutCreateManager.doesPrivateBrowsingPinnedShortcutExist(context)) {
override fun onStart() {
// We only want this observer live just before we navigate away to the collection creation screen
private fun handleOnboardingAction(action: OnboardingAction) {
Do exhaustive when (action) {
is OnboardingAction.Finish -> {
homeLayout?.progress = 0F
@SuppressWarnings("ComplexMethod", "LongMethod")
private fun handleTabAction(action: TabAction) {
Do exhaustive when (action) {
is TabAction.SaveTabGroup -> {
if (browsingModeManager.mode.isPrivate) return
is TabAction.Select -> {
val session = sessionManager.findSessionById(action.sessionId)!!)
val directions = HomeFragmentDirections.actionHomeFragmentToBrowserFragment(null)
val extras =
nav(, directions, extras)
is TabAction.Close -> {
if (pendingSessionDeletion?.deletionJob == null) {
removeTabWithUndo(action.sessionId, browsingModeManager.mode.isPrivate)
} else {
pendingSessionDeletion?.deletionJob?.let {
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
}.invokeOnCompletion {
pendingSessionDeletion = null
removeTabWithUndo(action.sessionId, browsingModeManager.mode.isPrivate)
is TabAction.Share -> {
sessionManager.findSessionById(action.sessionId)?.let { session ->
is TabAction.PauseMedia -> {
is TabAction.PlayMedia -> {
is TabAction.CloseAll -> {
if (pendingSessionDeletion?.deletionJob == null) {
sessionManager.sessionsOfType(private = action.private),
} else {
pendingSessionDeletion?.deletionJob?.let {
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
}.invokeOnCompletion {
pendingSessionDeletion = null
sessionManager.sessionsOfType(private = action.private),
is TabAction.PrivateBrowsingLearnMore -> {
(activity as HomeActivity).openToBrowserAndLoad(
searchTermOrURL = SupportUtils.getGenericSumoURLForTopic
newTab = true,
from = BrowserDirection.FromHome
is TabAction.ShareTabs -> {
val shareTabs = sessionManager
.sessionsOfType(private = browsingModeManager.mode.isPrivate)
.map { ShareTab(it.url, it.title) }
share(tabs = shareTabs)
private fun invokePendingDeleteJobs() {
pendingSessionDeletion?.deletionJob?.let {
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
}.invokeOnCompletion {
pendingSessionDeletion = null
deleteAllSessionsJob?.let {
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
}.invokeOnCompletion {
deleteAllSessionsJob = null
private fun createDeleteCollectionPrompt(tabCollection: TabCollection) {
val context = context ?: return
AlertDialog.Builder(context).apply {
val message =
context.getString(R.string.tab_collection_dialog_message, tabCollection.title)
setNegativeButton(R.string.tab_collection_dialog_negative) { dialog: DialogInterface, _ ->
setPositiveButton(R.string.tab_collection_dialog_positive) { dialog: DialogInterface, _ ->
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch(IO) {
}.invokeOnCompletion {
private fun handleCollectionAction(action: CollectionAction) {
when (action) {
is CollectionAction.Expand -> {
.onNext(SessionControlChange.ExpansionChange(action.collection, true))
is CollectionAction.Collapse -> {
.onNext(SessionControlChange.ExpansionChange(action.collection, false))
is CollectionAction.Delete -> {
is CollectionAction.AddTab -> {
#4596 migrate collections (#5911) * For #4596: move code from CollectionCreationComponent to CollectionCreationStore Other than adding comments, no changes were made. The code will be updated in a following commit. This is in order to make the commit diff more readable. * For 4596: update CollectionCreateStore to libstate * For 4596: copied CollectionCreationUIView into CollectionCreationView Otherwise, no code was changed. The next commit will update this code. This is in order to make the commit diff more readable. * For 4596: update CollectionCreationView to LibState Note that the minimal changes possible to enable migration were made. Refactoring will happen in a later commit. * For 4596: updated CollectionCreationTabListAdapter to work with the new View * For 4596: updated SaveCollectionListAdapter to work with the new View * For 4596: implemented CollectionCreationController For now, it has an identical interface to the interactor. In a later commit several of its responsibilities will be moved around, some to the interactor and some to the reducer * For 4596: copied over previous reducer code No other changes were made. The code will be updated in the following commit. This is done to make changes more readable for the reviewer * For 4596: update reducer code param names Otherwise, no changes at this time * For 4596: add arguments to CreateCollectionFragment in nav_graph These will be used to replace the current CreateCollectionViewModel, which shares data between fragments in a way that doesn't fit within our architecture. * For 4596: pass arguments to collection via transaction instead of VM The VM will be removed in a later commit * For 4596: update BrowserToolbarController to share state to collection via its Direction * For 4596: removed CreateCollectionViewModel * For 4596: test tab retrieval in CreateCollectionFragment * For 4596: fix crashing CreateCollectionFragmentTest * For 4596: removed classes create collection classes used by old architecture * For 4596: collection interactor rename + kdoc * For 4596: moved collection interactor interface * For 4596: renamed CreateCollectionFragment All related classes followed the pattern of CollectionCreationX * For 4596: kdoc CollectionCreationController There's no effective difference between these calls and their interactor equivalent, so I linked to them * For 4596: fix bug that caused rename to not work * For 4596: removed unused collection actions These were unused before the LibState refactor * For 4596: kdoc StepChanged * For 4596: removed todos about moving logic to the reducer saveTabsToCollection: this could be moved, but that would involve creating a new action. SaveCollectionStep should probably be refactored out, so adding this layer of indirection seemed counterproductive handleBackPress: needs to be able to call dismiss(). The reducer doesn't (and shouldn't) be able to do that, so this needs to live here stepBack: called by handleBackPress. See above * For 4596: wrote tests for CollectionCreationController#stepback * For 4596: fixed tests broken by changes to collections * For 4596: small readability refactor for CollectionController#stepBack No change to functionality (see tests) * For 4596: broke apart CollectionView#update There's probably a lot more that could be done here, but smaller changes were made to reduce scope * For 4596: remove unnecessary todos It looks like we don't follow the suggested pattern in this project * For 4596: test CollectionCreationController#normalSessionSize * For 4596: updated naming in CollectionCreationController per review
5 years ago
step = SaveCollectionStep.SelectTabs,
selectedTabCollectionId =
is CollectionAction.Rename -> {
#4596 migrate collections (#5911) * For #4596: move code from CollectionCreationComponent to CollectionCreationStore Other than adding comments, no changes were made. The code will be updated in a following commit. This is in order to make the commit diff more readable. * For 4596: update CollectionCreateStore to libstate * For 4596: copied CollectionCreationUIView into CollectionCreationView Otherwise, no code was changed. The next commit will update this code. This is in order to make the commit diff more readable. * For 4596: update CollectionCreationView to LibState Note that the minimal changes possible to enable migration were made. Refactoring will happen in a later commit. * For 4596: updated CollectionCreationTabListAdapter to work with the new View * For 4596: updated SaveCollectionListAdapter to work with the new View * For 4596: implemented CollectionCreationController For now, it has an identical interface to the interactor. In a later commit several of its responsibilities will be moved around, some to the interactor and some to the reducer * For 4596: copied over previous reducer code No other changes were made. The code will be updated in the following commit. This is done to make changes more readable for the reviewer * For 4596: update reducer code param names Otherwise, no changes at this time * For 4596: add arguments to CreateCollectionFragment in nav_graph These will be used to replace the current CreateCollectionViewModel, which shares data between fragments in a way that doesn't fit within our architecture. * For 4596: pass arguments to collection via transaction instead of VM The VM will be removed in a later commit * For 4596: update BrowserToolbarController to share state to collection via its Direction * For 4596: removed CreateCollectionViewModel * For 4596: test tab retrieval in CreateCollectionFragment * For 4596: fix crashing CreateCollectionFragmentTest * For 4596: removed classes create collection classes used by old architecture * For 4596: collection interactor rename + kdoc * For 4596: moved collection interactor interface * For 4596: renamed CreateCollectionFragment All related classes followed the pattern of CollectionCreationX * For 4596: kdoc CollectionCreationController There's no effective difference between these calls and their interactor equivalent, so I linked to them * For 4596: fix bug that caused rename to not work * For 4596: removed unused collection actions These were unused before the LibState refactor * For 4596: kdoc StepChanged * For 4596: removed todos about moving logic to the reducer saveTabsToCollection: this could be moved, but that would involve creating a new action. SaveCollectionStep should probably be refactored out, so adding this layer of indirection seemed counterproductive handleBackPress: needs to be able to call dismiss(). The reducer doesn't (and shouldn't) be able to do that, so this needs to live here stepBack: called by handleBackPress. See above * For 4596: wrote tests for CollectionCreationController#stepback * For 4596: fixed tests broken by changes to collections * For 4596: small readability refactor for CollectionController#stepBack No change to functionality (see tests) * For 4596: broke apart CollectionView#update There's probably a lot more that could be done here, but smaller changes were made to reduce scope * For 4596: remove unnecessary todos It looks like we don't follow the suggested pattern in this project * For 4596: test CollectionCreationController#normalSessionSize * For 4596: updated naming in CollectionCreationController per review
5 years ago
step = SaveCollectionStep.RenameCollection,
selectedTabCollectionId =
is CollectionAction.OpenTab -> {
val context = requireContext()
val components = context.components
val session =
context = context,
engine = components.core.engine,
tab =,
restoreSessionId = false
if (session == null) {
// We were unable to create a snapshot, so just load the tab instead
(activity as HomeActivity).openToBrowserAndLoad(
searchTermOrURL =,
newTab = true,
from = BrowserDirection.FromHome
} else {
(activity as HomeActivity).openToBrowser(BrowserDirection.FromHome)
is CollectionAction.OpenTabs -> {
val context = requireContext()
val components = context.components
action.collection.tabs.reversed().forEach {
val session = it.restore(
context = context,
engine = components.core.engine,
tab = it,
restoreSessionId = false
if (session == null) {
// We were unable to create a snapshot, so just load the tab instead
} else {
context.components.core.sessionManager.selectedSession == null
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch(Main) {
is CollectionAction.ShareTabs -> {
val shareTabs = { ShareTab(it.url, it.title) }
share(tabs = shareTabs)
is CollectionAction.RemoveTab -> {
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch(IO) {
override fun onPause() {
val homeViewModel: HomeScreenViewModel by activityViewModels {
ViewModelProvider.NewInstanceFactory() // this is a workaround for #4652
homeViewModel.layoutManagerState =
homeViewModel.motionLayoutProgress = homeLayout?.progress ?: 0F
private fun recommendPrivateBrowsingShortcut() {
context?.let {
val layout = LayoutInflater.from(it)
.inflate(R.layout.pbm_shortcut_popup, null)
val trackingOnboarding =
(resources.displayMetrics.widthPixels / CFR_WIDTH_DIVIDER).toInt(),
layout.findViewById<Button>( {
setOnClickListener {
layout.findViewById<Button>( {
setOnClickListener {
// We want to show the popup only after privateBrowsingButton is available.
// Otherwise, we will encounter an activity token error. {
trackingOnboarding.showAsDropDown(privateBrowsingButton, 0, CFR_Y_OFFSET, Gravity.TOP or Gravity.END)
private fun hideOnboardingIfNeeded() {
if (!onboarding.userHasBeenOnboarded()) hideOnboarding()
private fun hideOnboarding() {
private fun setupHomeMenu() {
val context = requireContext()
homeMenu = HomeMenu(context) {
when (it) {
HomeMenu.Item.Settings -> {
HomeMenu.Item.Bookmarks -> {
HomeMenu.Item.History -> {
HomeMenu.Item.Help -> {
(activity as HomeActivity).openToBrowserAndLoad(
searchTermOrURL = SupportUtils.getSumoURLForTopic(
newTab = true,
from = BrowserDirection.FromHome
HomeMenu.Item.WhatsNew -> {
(activity as HomeActivity).openToBrowserAndLoad(
searchTermOrURL = SupportUtils.getSumoURLForTopic(
newTab = true,
from = BrowserDirection.FromHome
// We need to show the snackbar while the browsing data is deleting(if "Delete
// browsing data on quit" is activated). After the deletion is over, the snackbar
// is dismissed.
HomeMenu.Item.Quit -> activity?.let { activity ->
view?.let { view ->
FenixSnackbar.make(view, Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE)
private fun subscribeToTabCollections(): Observer<List<TabCollection>> {
return Observer<List<TabCollection>> {
requireComponents.core.tabCollectionStorage.cachedTabCollections = it
}.also { observer ->
requireComponents.core.tabCollectionStorage.getCollections().observe(this, observer)
private fun removeAllTabsWithUndo(listOfSessionsToDelete: Sequence<Session>, private: Boolean) {
val sessionManager = requireComponents.core.sessionManager
val deleteOperation: (suspend () -> Unit) = {
listOfSessionsToDelete.forEach {
deleteAllSessionsJob = deleteOperation
val snackbarMessage = if (private) {
} else {
getString(R.string.snackbar_deleted_undo), {
if (private) {
deleteAllSessionsJob = null
operation = deleteOperation,
anchorView = bottom_bar
private fun removeTabWithUndo(sessionId: String, private: Boolean) {
val sessionManager = requireComponents.core.sessionManager
val deleteOperation: (suspend () -> Unit) = {
?.let { session ->
pendingSessionDeletion = null
pendingSessionDeletion = PendingSessionDeletion(deleteOperation, sessionId)
val snackbarMessage = if (private) {
} else {
getString(R.string.snackbar_deleted_undo), {
pendingSessionDeletion = null
operation = deleteOperation,
anchorView = bottom_bar
// Update the UI with the tab removed, but don't remove it from storage yet
private fun emitSessionChanges() {
private fun getListOfSessions(): List<Session> {
return sessionManager.sessionsOfType(private = browsingModeManager.mode.isPrivate)
.filter { session: Session -> != pendingSessionDeletion?.sessionId }
private fun showCollectionCreationFragment(
#4596 migrate collections (#5911) * For #4596: move code from CollectionCreationComponent to CollectionCreationStore Other than adding comments, no changes were made. The code will be updated in a following commit. This is in order to make the commit diff more readable. * For 4596: update CollectionCreateStore to libstate * For 4596: copied CollectionCreationUIView into CollectionCreationView Otherwise, no code was changed. The next commit will update this code. This is in order to make the commit diff more readable. * For 4596: update CollectionCreationView to LibState Note that the minimal changes possible to enable migration were made. Refactoring will happen in a later commit. * For 4596: updated CollectionCreationTabListAdapter to work with the new View * For 4596: updated SaveCollectionListAdapter to work with the new View * For 4596: implemented CollectionCreationController For now, it has an identical interface to the interactor. In a later commit several of its responsibilities will be moved around, some to the interactor and some to the reducer * For 4596: copied over previous reducer code No other changes were made. The code will be updated in the following commit. This is done to make changes more readable for the reviewer * For 4596: update reducer code param names Otherwise, no changes at this time * For 4596: add arguments to CreateCollectionFragment in nav_graph These will be used to replace the current CreateCollectionViewModel, which shares data between fragments in a way that doesn't fit within our architecture. * For 4596: pass arguments to collection via transaction instead of VM The VM will be removed in a later commit * For 4596: update BrowserToolbarController to share state to collection via its Direction * For 4596: removed CreateCollectionViewModel * For 4596: test tab retrieval in CreateCollectionFragment * For 4596: fix crashing CreateCollectionFragmentTest * For 4596: removed classes create collection classes used by old architecture * For 4596: collection interactor rename + kdoc * For 4596: moved collection interactor interface * For 4596: renamed CreateCollectionFragment All related classes followed the pattern of CollectionCreationX * For 4596: kdoc CollectionCreationController There's no effective difference between these calls and their interactor equivalent, so I linked to them * For 4596: fix bug that caused rename to not work * For 4596: removed unused collection actions These were unused before the LibState refactor * For 4596: kdoc StepChanged * For 4596: removed todos about moving logic to the reducer saveTabsToCollection: this could be moved, but that would involve creating a new action. SaveCollectionStep should probably be refactored out, so adding this layer of indirection seemed counterproductive handleBackPress: needs to be able to call dismiss(). The reducer doesn't (and shouldn't) be able to do that, so this needs to live here stepBack: called by handleBackPress. See above * For 4596: wrote tests for CollectionCreationController#stepback * For 4596: fixed tests broken by changes to collections * For 4596: small readability refactor for CollectionController#stepBack No change to functionality (see tests) * For 4596: broke apart CollectionView#update There's probably a lot more that could be done here, but smaller changes were made to reduce scope * For 4596: remove unnecessary todos It looks like we don't follow the suggested pattern in this project * For 4596: test CollectionCreationController#normalSessionSize * For 4596: updated naming in CollectionCreationController per review
5 years ago
step: SaveCollectionStep,
selectedTabIds: Array<String>? = null,
selectedTabCollectionId: Long? = null
) {
#4596 migrate collections (#5911) * For #4596: move code from CollectionCreationComponent to CollectionCreationStore Other than adding comments, no changes were made. The code will be updated in a following commit. This is in order to make the commit diff more readable. * For 4596: update CollectionCreateStore to libstate * For 4596: copied CollectionCreationUIView into CollectionCreationView Otherwise, no code was changed. The next commit will update this code. This is in order to make the commit diff more readable. * For 4596: update CollectionCreationView to LibState Note that the minimal changes possible to enable migration were made. Refactoring will happen in a later commit. * For 4596: updated CollectionCreationTabListAdapter to work with the new View * For 4596: updated SaveCollectionListAdapter to work with the new View * For 4596: implemented CollectionCreationController For now, it has an identical interface to the interactor. In a later commit several of its responsibilities will be moved around, some to the interactor and some to the reducer * For 4596: copied over previous reducer code No other changes were made. The code will be updated in the following commit. This is done to make changes more readable for the reviewer * For 4596: update reducer code param names Otherwise, no changes at this time * For 4596: add arguments to CreateCollectionFragment in nav_graph These will be used to replace the current CreateCollectionViewModel, which shares data between fragments in a way that doesn't fit within our architecture. * For 4596: pass arguments to collection via transaction instead of VM The VM will be removed in a later commit * For 4596: update BrowserToolbarController to share state to collection via its Direction * For 4596: removed CreateCollectionViewModel * For 4596: test tab retrieval in CreateCollectionFragment * For 4596: fix crashing CreateCollectionFragmentTest * For 4596: removed classes create collection classes used by old architecture * For 4596: collection interactor rename + kdoc * For 4596: moved collection interactor interface * For 4596: renamed CreateCollectionFragment All related classes followed the pattern of CollectionCreationX * For 4596: kdoc CollectionCreationController There's no effective difference between these calls and their interactor equivalent, so I linked to them * For 4596: fix bug that caused rename to not work * For 4596: removed unused collection actions These were unused before the LibState refactor * For 4596: kdoc StepChanged * For 4596: removed todos about moving logic to the reducer saveTabsToCollection: this could be moved, but that would involve creating a new action. SaveCollectionStep should probably be refactored out, so adding this layer of indirection seemed counterproductive handleBackPress: needs to be able to call dismiss(). The reducer doesn't (and shouldn't) be able to do that, so this needs to live here stepBack: called by handleBackPress. See above * For 4596: wrote tests for CollectionCreationController#stepback * For 4596: fixed tests broken by changes to collections * For 4596: small readability refactor for CollectionController#stepBack No change to functionality (see tests) * For 4596: broke apart CollectionView#update There's probably a lot more that could be done here, but smaller changes were made to reduce scope * For 4596: remove unnecessary todos It looks like we don't follow the suggested pattern in this project * For 4596: test CollectionCreationController#normalSessionSize * For 4596: updated naming in CollectionCreationController per review
5 years ago
if (findNavController().currentDestination?.id == return
val storage = requireComponents.core.tabCollectionStorage
// Only register the observer right before moving to collection creation
storage.register(collectionStorageObserver, this)
#4596 migrate collections (#5911) * For #4596: move code from CollectionCreationComponent to CollectionCreationStore Other than adding comments, no changes were made. The code will be updated in a following commit. This is in order to make the commit diff more readable. * For 4596: update CollectionCreateStore to libstate * For 4596: copied CollectionCreationUIView into CollectionCreationView Otherwise, no code was changed. The next commit will update this code. This is in order to make the commit diff more readable. * For 4596: update CollectionCreationView to LibState Note that the minimal changes possible to enable migration were made. Refactoring will happen in a later commit. * For 4596: updated CollectionCreationTabListAdapter to work with the new View * For 4596: updated SaveCollectionListAdapter to work with the new View * For 4596: implemented CollectionCreationController For now, it has an identical interface to the interactor. In a later commit several of its responsibilities will be moved around, some to the interactor and some to the reducer * For 4596: copied over previous reducer code No other changes were made. The code will be updated in the following commit. This is done to make changes more readable for the reviewer * For 4596: update reducer code param names Otherwise, no changes at this time * For 4596: add arguments to CreateCollectionFragment in nav_graph These will be used to replace the current CreateCollectionViewModel, which shares data between fragments in a way that doesn't fit within our architecture. * For 4596: pass arguments to collection via transaction instead of VM The VM will be removed in a later commit * For 4596: update BrowserToolbarController to share state to collection via its Direction * For 4596: removed CreateCollectionViewModel * For 4596: test tab retrieval in CreateCollectionFragment * For 4596: fix crashing CreateCollectionFragmentTest * For 4596: removed classes create collection classes used by old architecture * For 4596: collection interactor rename + kdoc * For 4596: moved collection interactor interface * For 4596: renamed CreateCollectionFragment All related classes followed the pattern of CollectionCreationX * For 4596: kdoc CollectionCreationController There's no effective difference between these calls and their interactor equivalent, so I linked to them * For 4596: fix bug that caused rename to not work * For 4596: removed unused collection actions These were unused before the LibState refactor * For 4596: kdoc StepChanged * For 4596: removed todos about moving logic to the reducer saveTabsToCollection: this could be moved, but that would involve creating a new action. SaveCollectionStep should probably be refactored out, so adding this layer of indirection seemed counterproductive handleBackPress: needs to be able to call dismiss(). The reducer doesn't (and shouldn't) be able to do that, so this needs to live here stepBack: called by handleBackPress. See above * For 4596: wrote tests for CollectionCreationController#stepback * For 4596: fixed tests broken by changes to collections * For 4596: small readability refactor for CollectionController#stepBack No change to functionality (see tests) * For 4596: broke apart CollectionView#update There's probably a lot more that could be done here, but smaller changes were made to reduce scope * For 4596: remove unnecessary todos It looks like we don't follow the suggested pattern in this project * For 4596: test CollectionCreationController#normalSessionSize * For 4596: updated naming in CollectionCreationController per review
5 years ago
val tabIds = getListOfSessions().toTabs().map { it.sessionId }.toTypedArray()
view?.let {
#4596 migrate collections (#5911) * For #4596: move code from CollectionCreationComponent to CollectionCreationStore Other than adding comments, no changes were made. The code will be updated in a following commit. This is in order to make the commit diff more readable. * For 4596: update CollectionCreateStore to libstate * For 4596: copied CollectionCreationUIView into CollectionCreationView Otherwise, no code was changed. The next commit will update this code. This is in order to make the commit diff more readable. * For 4596: update CollectionCreationView to LibState Note that the minimal changes possible to enable migration were made. Refactoring will happen in a later commit. * For 4596: updated CollectionCreationTabListAdapter to work with the new View * For 4596: updated SaveCollectionListAdapter to work with the new View * For 4596: implemented CollectionCreationController For now, it has an identical interface to the interactor. In a later commit several of its responsibilities will be moved around, some to the interactor and some to the reducer * For 4596: copied over previous reducer code No other changes were made. The code will be updated in the following commit. This is done to make changes more readable for the reviewer * For 4596: update reducer code param names Otherwise, no changes at this time * For 4596: add arguments to CreateCollectionFragment in nav_graph These will be used to replace the current CreateCollectionViewModel, which shares data between fragments in a way that doesn't fit within our architecture. * For 4596: pass arguments to collection via transaction instead of VM The VM will be removed in a later commit * For 4596: update BrowserToolbarController to share state to collection via its Direction * For 4596: removed CreateCollectionViewModel * For 4596: test tab retrieval in CreateCollectionFragment * For 4596: fix crashing CreateCollectionFragmentTest * For 4596: removed classes create collection classes used by old architecture * For 4596: collection interactor rename + kdoc * For 4596: moved collection interactor interface * For 4596: renamed CreateCollectionFragment All related classes followed the pattern of CollectionCreationX * For 4596: kdoc CollectionCreationController There's no effective difference between these calls and their interactor equivalent, so I linked to them * For 4596: fix bug that caused rename to not work * For 4596: removed unused collection actions These were unused before the LibState refactor * For 4596: kdoc StepChanged * For 4596: removed todos about moving logic to the reducer saveTabsToCollection: this could be moved, but that would involve creating a new action. SaveCollectionStep should probably be refactored out, so adding this layer of indirection seemed counterproductive handleBackPress: needs to be able to call dismiss(). The reducer doesn't (and shouldn't) be able to do that, so this needs to live here stepBack: called by handleBackPress. See above * For 4596: wrote tests for CollectionCreationController#stepback * For 4596: fixed tests broken by changes to collections * For 4596: small readability refactor for CollectionController#stepBack No change to functionality (see tests) * For 4596: broke apart CollectionView#update There's probably a lot more that could be done here, but smaller changes were made to reduce scope * For 4596: remove unnecessary todos It looks like we don't follow the suggested pattern in this project * For 4596: test CollectionCreationController#normalSessionSize * For 4596: updated naming in CollectionCreationController per review
5 years ago
val directions = HomeFragmentDirections.actionHomeFragmentToCreateCollectionFragment(
tabIds = tabIds,
previousFragmentId =,
saveCollectionStep = step,
selectedTabIds = selectedTabIds,
selectedTabCollectionId = selectedTabCollectionId ?: -1
nav(, directions)
private fun saveTabToCollection(selectedTabId: String?) {
#4596 migrate collections (#5911) * For #4596: move code from CollectionCreationComponent to CollectionCreationStore Other than adding comments, no changes were made. The code will be updated in a following commit. This is in order to make the commit diff more readable. * For 4596: update CollectionCreateStore to libstate * For 4596: copied CollectionCreationUIView into CollectionCreationView Otherwise, no code was changed. The next commit will update this code. This is in order to make the commit diff more readable. * For 4596: update CollectionCreationView to LibState Note that the minimal changes possible to enable migration were made. Refactoring will happen in a later commit. * For 4596: updated CollectionCreationTabListAdapter to work with the new View * For 4596: updated SaveCollectionListAdapter to work with the new View * For 4596: implemented CollectionCreationController For now, it has an identical interface to the interactor. In a later commit several of its responsibilities will be moved around, some to the interactor and some to the reducer * For 4596: copied over previous reducer code No other changes were made. The code will be updated in the following commit. This is done to make changes more readable for the reviewer * For 4596: update reducer code param names Otherwise, no changes at this time * For 4596: add arguments to CreateCollectionFragment in nav_graph These will be used to replace the current CreateCollectionViewModel, which shares data between fragments in a way that doesn't fit within our architecture. * For 4596: pass arguments to collection via transaction instead of VM The VM will be removed in a later commit * For 4596: update BrowserToolbarController to share state to collection via its Direction * For 4596: removed CreateCollectionViewModel * For 4596: test tab retrieval in CreateCollectionFragment * For 4596: fix crashing CreateCollectionFragmentTest * For 4596: removed classes create collection classes used by old architecture * For 4596: collection interactor rename + kdoc * For 4596: moved collection interactor interface * For 4596: renamed CreateCollectionFragment All related classes followed the pattern of CollectionCreationX * For 4596: kdoc CollectionCreationController There's no effective difference between these calls and their interactor equivalent, so I linked to them * For 4596: fix bug that caused rename to not work * For 4596: removed unused collection actions These were unused before the LibState refactor * For 4596: kdoc StepChanged * For 4596: removed todos about moving logic to the reducer saveTabsToCollection: this could be moved, but that would involve creating a new action. SaveCollectionStep should probably be refactored out, so adding this layer of indirection seemed counterproductive handleBackPress: needs to be able to call dismiss(). The reducer doesn't (and shouldn't) be able to do that, so this needs to live here stepBack: called by handleBackPress. See above * For 4596: wrote tests for CollectionCreationController#stepback * For 4596: fixed tests broken by changes to collections * For 4596: small readability refactor for CollectionController#stepBack No change to functionality (see tests) * For 4596: broke apart CollectionView#update There's probably a lot more that could be done here, but smaller changes were made to reduce scope * For 4596: remove unnecessary todos It looks like we don't follow the suggested pattern in this project * For 4596: test CollectionCreationController#normalSessionSize * For 4596: updated naming in CollectionCreationController per review
5 years ago
val tabs = getListOfSessions().toTabs()
val storage = requireComponents.core.tabCollectionStorage
#4596 migrate collections (#5911) * For #4596: move code from CollectionCreationComponent to CollectionCreationStore Other than adding comments, no changes were made. The code will be updated in a following commit. This is in order to make the commit diff more readable. * For 4596: update CollectionCreateStore to libstate * For 4596: copied CollectionCreationUIView into CollectionCreationView Otherwise, no code was changed. The next commit will update this code. This is in order to make the commit diff more readable. * For 4596: update CollectionCreationView to LibState Note that the minimal changes possible to enable migration were made. Refactoring will happen in a later commit. * For 4596: updated CollectionCreationTabListAdapter to work with the new View * For 4596: updated SaveCollectionListAdapter to work with the new View * For 4596: implemented CollectionCreationController For now, it has an identical interface to the interactor. In a later commit several of its responsibilities will be moved around, some to the interactor and some to the reducer * For 4596: copied over previous reducer code No other changes were made. The code will be updated in the following commit. This is done to make changes more readable for the reviewer * For 4596: update reducer code param names Otherwise, no changes at this time * For 4596: add arguments to CreateCollectionFragment in nav_graph These will be used to replace the current CreateCollectionViewModel, which shares data between fragments in a way that doesn't fit within our architecture. * For 4596: pass arguments to collection via transaction instead of VM The VM will be removed in a later commit * For 4596: update BrowserToolbarController to share state to collection via its Direction * For 4596: removed CreateCollectionViewModel * For 4596: test tab retrieval in CreateCollectionFragment * For 4596: fix crashing CreateCollectionFragmentTest * For 4596: removed classes create collection classes used by old architecture * For 4596: collection interactor rename + kdoc * For 4596: moved collection interactor interface * For 4596: renamed CreateCollectionFragment All related classes followed the pattern of CollectionCreationX * For 4596: kdoc CollectionCreationController There's no effective difference between these calls and their interactor equivalent, so I linked to them * For 4596: fix bug that caused rename to not work * For 4596: removed unused collection actions These were unused before the LibState refactor * For 4596: kdoc StepChanged * For 4596: removed todos about moving logic to the reducer saveTabsToCollection: this could be moved, but that would involve creating a new action. SaveCollectionStep should probably be refactored out, so adding this layer of indirection seemed counterproductive handleBackPress: needs to be able to call dismiss(). The reducer doesn't (and shouldn't) be able to do that, so this needs to live here stepBack: called by handleBackPress. See above * For 4596: wrote tests for CollectionCreationController#stepback * For 4596: fixed tests broken by changes to collections * For 4596: small readability refactor for CollectionController#stepBack No change to functionality (see tests) * For 4596: broke apart CollectionView#update There's probably a lot more that could be done here, but smaller changes were made to reduce scope * For 4596: remove unnecessary todos It looks like we don't follow the suggested pattern in this project * For 4596: test CollectionCreationController#normalSessionSize * For 4596: updated naming in CollectionCreationController per review
5 years ago
val step = when {
tabs.size > 1 -> SaveCollectionStep.SelectTabs
storage.cachedTabCollections.isNotEmpty() -> SaveCollectionStep.SelectCollection
else -> SaveCollectionStep.NameCollection
#4596 migrate collections (#5911) * For #4596: move code from CollectionCreationComponent to CollectionCreationStore Other than adding comments, no changes were made. The code will be updated in a following commit. This is in order to make the commit diff more readable. * For 4596: update CollectionCreateStore to libstate * For 4596: copied CollectionCreationUIView into CollectionCreationView Otherwise, no code was changed. The next commit will update this code. This is in order to make the commit diff more readable. * For 4596: update CollectionCreationView to LibState Note that the minimal changes possible to enable migration were made. Refactoring will happen in a later commit. * For 4596: updated CollectionCreationTabListAdapter to work with the new View * For 4596: updated SaveCollectionListAdapter to work with the new View * For 4596: implemented CollectionCreationController For now, it has an identical interface to the interactor. In a later commit several of its responsibilities will be moved around, some to the interactor and some to the reducer * For 4596: copied over previous reducer code No other changes were made. The code will be updated in the following commit. This is done to make changes more readable for the reviewer * For 4596: update reducer code param names Otherwise, no changes at this time * For 4596: add arguments to CreateCollectionFragment in nav_graph These will be used to replace the current CreateCollectionViewModel, which shares data between fragments in a way that doesn't fit within our architecture. * For 4596: pass arguments to collection via transaction instead of VM The VM will be removed in a later commit * For 4596: update BrowserToolbarController to share state to collection via its Direction * For 4596: removed CreateCollectionViewModel * For 4596: test tab retrieval in CreateCollectionFragment * For 4596: fix crashing CreateCollectionFragmentTest * For 4596: removed classes create collection classes used by old architecture * For 4596: collection interactor rename + kdoc * For 4596: moved collection interactor interface * For 4596: renamed CreateCollectionFragment All related classes followed the pattern of CollectionCreationX * For 4596: kdoc CollectionCreationController There's no effective difference between these calls and their interactor equivalent, so I linked to them * For 4596: fix bug that caused rename to not work * For 4596: removed unused collection actions These were unused before the LibState refactor * For 4596: kdoc StepChanged * For 4596: removed todos about moving logic to the reducer saveTabsToCollection: this could be moved, but that would involve creating a new action. SaveCollectionStep should probably be refactored out, so adding this layer of indirection seemed counterproductive handleBackPress: needs to be able to call dismiss(). The reducer doesn't (and shouldn't) be able to do that, so this needs to live here stepBack: called by handleBackPress. See above * For 4596: wrote tests for CollectionCreationController#stepback * For 4596: fixed tests broken by changes to collections * For 4596: small readability refactor for CollectionController#stepBack No change to functionality (see tests) * For 4596: broke apart CollectionView#update There's probably a lot more that could be done here, but smaller changes were made to reduce scope * For 4596: remove unnecessary todos It looks like we don't follow the suggested pattern in this project * For 4596: test CollectionCreationController#normalSessionSize * For 4596: updated naming in CollectionCreationController per review
5 years ago
showCollectionCreationFragment(step, selectedTabId?.let { arrayOf(it) })
private fun share(url: String? = null, tabs: List<ShareTab>? = null) {
val directions =
url = url,
tabs = tabs?.toTypedArray()
nav(, directions)
private fun scrollAndAnimateCollection(
tabsAddedToCollectionSize: Int,
changedCollection: TabCollection? = null
) {
if (view != null) {
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
val recyclerView = sessionControlComponent.view
val tabsSize = getListOfSessions().size
var indexOfCollection = tabsSize + NON_TAB_ITEM_NUM
changedCollection?.let { changedCollection ->
.filterIndexed { index, tabCollection ->
if ( == {
indexOfCollection = tabsSize + NON_TAB_ITEM_NUM + index
return@filterIndexed true
val lastVisiblePosition =
(recyclerView.layoutManager as? LinearLayoutManager)?.findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPosition()
?: 0
if (lastVisiblePosition < indexOfCollection) {
val onScrollListener = object : RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() {
override fun onScrollStateChanged(
recyclerView: RecyclerView,
newState: Int
) {
super.onScrollStateChanged(recyclerView, newState)
if (newState == SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) {
animateCollection(tabsAddedToCollectionSize, indexOfCollection)
} else {
animateCollection(tabsAddedToCollectionSize, indexOfCollection)
private fun animateCollection(addedTabsSize: Int, indexOfCollection: Int) {
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
val viewHolder =
val border =
(viewHolder as? CollectionViewHolder)?.view?.findViewById<View>(
val listener = object : Animator.AnimatorListener {
override fun onAnimationCancel(animation: Animator?) {
border?.visibility = View.GONE
override fun onAnimationStart(animation: Animator?) { /* noop */ }
override fun onAnimationRepeat(animation: Animator?) { /* noop */ }
override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animator?) {
}.invokeOnCompletion {
private fun showSavedSnackbar(tabSize: Int) {
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
view?.let { view ->
val stringRes = if (tabSize > 1) {
} else {
FenixSnackbar.make(view, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG)
private fun showRenamedSnackbar() {
view?.let { view ->
val string = view.context.getString(R.string.snackbar_collection_renamed)
FenixSnackbar.make(view, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG)
private fun List<Session>.toTabs(): List<Tab> {
val selected = sessionManager.selectedSession
val mediaStateSession = MediaStateMachine.state.getSession()
return {
val mediaState = if (mediaStateSession?.id == {
} else {
it.toTab(requireContext(), it == selected, mediaState)
companion object {
private const val NON_TAB_ITEM_NUM = 3
private const val ANIM_SCROLL_DELAY = 100L
private const val ANIM_ON_SCREEN_DELAY = 200L
private const val FADE_ANIM_DURATION = 150L
private const val ANIM_SNACKBAR_DELAY = 100L
private const val SHARED_TRANSITION_MS = 200L
private const val TAB_ITEM_TRANSITION_NAME = "tab_item"
private const val CFR_WIDTH_DIVIDER = 1.7
private const val CFR_Y_OFFSET = -20
* Wrapper around sessions manager to observe changes in sessions.
* Similar to [mozilla.components.browser.session.utils.AllSessionsObserver] but ignores CustomTab sessions.
* Call [onStart] to start receiving updates into [onChanged] callback.
* Call [onStop] to stop receiving updates.
* @param manager [SessionManager] instance to subscribe to.
* @param observer [Session.Observer] instance that will recieve updates.
* @param onChanged callback that will be called when any of [SessionManager.Observer]'s events are fired.
private class BrowserSessionsObserver(
private val manager: SessionManager,
private val observer: Session.Observer,
private val onChanged: () -> Unit
) : LifecycleObserver {
* Start observing
fun onStart() {
* Stop observing (will not receive updates till next [onStop] call)
fun onStop() {
private fun subscribeToAll() {
private fun unsubscribeFromAll() {
private fun subscribeTo(session: Session) {
private fun unsubscribeFrom(session: Session) {
private val managerObserver = object : SessionManager.Observer, MediaStateMachine.Observer {
override fun onStateChanged(state: MediaState) {
override fun onSessionAdded(session: Session) {
override fun onSessionsRestored() {
override fun onAllSessionsRemoved() {
override fun onSessionRemoved(session: Session) {
override fun onSessionSelected(session: Session) {