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name: "\U0001F469\U0001F3FB\U0001F4BB User Story"
about: Create user story, assigned to an Epic
title: "[User Story]"
labels: ''
assignees: ''
Owner: Product Manager
- Description of User Story (Added by PM)
As a user, I want … so I can do …
As a product owner, I want… so I can do ...
## Dependencies (Added by PM and Eng)
- List dependencies on other issues/teams etc.
## Next Steps
- Immediate task: Convert user story into an Epic, and link it back to the Meta (PM)
- Immediate task: Estimate/size user story with points (during backlog grooming)
- User stories need to be assigned to a milestone, e.g backlog, or move into sprint (PM)
- Engineers need to breakdown the user story, size all the individual tasks, and link the tasks to this user story (Done by Eng on Sprint Planning day)
### Acceptance Criteria (Added by PM)
I can do … (e.g. add a bookmark)
I can do … (e.g. track usage)