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name: "\U0001F4C8 Telemetry User Story"
about: Create a telemetry user story, assigned to an Epic to track telemetry
title: "[Telemetry]"
labels: Feature:Telemetry
assignees: ''
## Description & Product Manager / Data Scientist User Story
## What questions will you answer with this data?
## Acceptance Criteria
- [ ] ENG files a [DS JIRA]( request outlining their methodology.
- [ ] DS sign off on instrumentation methodology addressing product questions.
- [ ] Event pings can be queried via re:dash
- [ ] Event pings can be queried via amplitude
- [ ] We are sending telemetry events for the actions listed in the requirements
- [ ] We have documented the telemetry
- [ ] We have asked a data steward to [review]( the telemetry