You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

207 lines
8.9 KiB

import fs from "fs";
import parser from 'xml2json';
import {SessionData} from './startSession';
import {restCalls} from "./utils/DefaultRestCalls";
import {ExportFormat} from "./utils/Constants";
const huawei = require('../jslib/public');
async function saveFile(filename: string, data: string) {
await fs.promises.writeFile(filename, data);
export async function getSMSByUsers(sessionData: SessionData,
phone: string,
pageindex: number,
exportFile: string,
exportFormat: ExportFormat,
deleteAfter: boolean) {
// const count = await getContactSMSPages(sessionData, phone, '', 'hide');
// if (count === 0) {
// console.log(`contact ${phone} does not have messages`);
// return;
// }
const scram = huawei.CryptoJS.SCRAM();
const smsNonce = scram.nonce().toString();
const smsSalt = scram.nonce().toString();
const nonceStr = smsNonce + smsSalt;
const encrpt = await huawei.doRSAEncrypt(sessionData, nonceStr);
const data = await huawei.doRSAEncrypt(sessionData, `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><request><phone>${phone}</phone><pageindex>${pageindex}</pageindex><readcount>20</readcount><nonce>${encrpt}</nonce></request>`);
const resp = await restCalls.sendData(`http://${sessionData.url}/api/sms/sms-list-phone`, 'POST', data, {
__RequestVerificationToken: sessionData.TokInfo,
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8;enc',
Cookie: `SessionId=${sessionData.SesInfo}`,
const pwdret = JSON.parse(parser.toJson(resp));
const ret = huawei.dataDecrypt(scram, smsNonce, smsSalt, nonceStr, pwdret);
if (exportFormat !== 'hide') {
if (exportFormat === 'xml') {
await saveFile(exportFile, ret);`xml file ${exportFile} created`);
} else if (exportFormat === 'json') {
await saveFile(exportFile, parser.toJson(ret));`json file ${exportFile} created`);
} else {
const text = parser.toJson(ret);
const json = JSON.parse(text);
if (Array.isArray(json.response.messages.message)) {
json.response.messages.message.forEach((message: any) => {
console.log(`MessageId: ${message.index} Phone: ${} Message: ${JSON.stringify(message.content)}`);
} else {
const message: any = json.response.messages.message;
console.log(`MessageId: ${message.index} Phone: ${} Message: ${JSON.stringify(message.content)}`);
if (deleteAfter) {
const text = parser.toJson(ret);
const json = JSON.parse(text);
const messages = json.response.messages.message;
for (let i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
await deleteMessage(sessionData, messages[i].index);
export async function getContactSMSPages(sessionData: SessionData,
phone: string,
exportFile: string,
exportFormat: ExportFormat) {
const data = await huawei.doRSAEncrypt(sessionData, `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><request><phone>${phone}</phone></request>`);
const resp = await restCalls.sendData(`http://${sessionData.url}/api/sms/sms-count-contact`, 'POST', data, {
__RequestVerificationToken: sessionData.TokInfo,
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8;enc',
Cookie: `SessionId=${sessionData.SesInfo}`,
const text = parser.toJson(resp);
const json = JSON.parse(text);
let number = Math.floor(json.response.count / 21);
if (number > 0) {
number += 1;
if (exportFormat !== 'hide') {
if (exportFormat === 'xml') {
await saveFile(exportFile, resp);`xml file ${exportFile} created`);
} else if (exportFormat === 'json') {
await saveFile(exportFile, parser.toJson(resp));`json file ${exportFile} created`);
} else {`${number}`);
return number;
export async function getSMSPages(sessionData: SessionData,
exportFile: string,
exportFormat: ExportFormat) {
const resp = await restCalls.fetchData(`http://${sessionData.url}/api/sms/sms-count`, 'GET');
const text = parser.toJson(resp);
const json = JSON.parse(text);
let number = Math.floor((json.response.LocalInbox + json.response.LocalOutbox) / 21);
if (number > 0) {
number += 1;
if (exportFormat !== 'hide') {
if (exportFormat === 'xml') {
await saveFile(exportFile, resp);`xml file ${exportFile} created`);
} else if (exportFormat === 'json') {
await saveFile(exportFile, parser.toJson(resp));`json file ${exportFile} created`);
} else {`${number}`);
return number;
export async function deleteMessage(sessionData: SessionData,
messageId: string) {
const data = await huawei.doRSAEncrypt(sessionData, `<?xml version: "1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><request><Index>${messageId}</Index></request>`);
const resp = await restCalls.sendData(`http://${sessionData.url}/api/sms/delete-sms`, 'POST', data, {
__RequestVerificationToken: sessionData.TokInfo,
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8;enc',
Cookie: `SessionId=${sessionData.SesInfo}`,
const text = parser.toJson(resp);
const json = JSON.parse(text);
if (json.response !== 'OK') {
throw new Error(`Delete message error: ${text}`);
}'Message or Contact deleted');
export async function sendMessage(sessionData: SessionData,
phones: string,
message: string) {
const scram = huawei.CryptoJS.SCRAM();
const smsNonce = scram.nonce().toString();
const smsSalt = scram.nonce().toString();
const nonceStr = smsNonce + smsSalt;
const encrpt = await huawei.doRSAEncrypt(sessionData, nonceStr);
const data = await huawei.doRSAEncrypt(sessionData, `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><request><Index>-1</Index><Phones><Phone>${(phones)}</Phone></Phones><Sca></Sca><Content>${message}</Content><Length>${message.length}</Length><Reserved>1</Reserved><Date>2021-10-27 00:12:24</Date><nonce>${encrpt}</nonce></request>`);
const resp = await restCalls.sendData(`http://${sessionData.url}/api/sms/send-sms`, 'POST', data, {
__RequestVerificationToken: sessionData.TokInfo,
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8;enc',
Cookie: `SessionId=${sessionData.SesInfo}`,
const text = parser.toJson(resp);
const json = JSON.parse(text);
if (json.response !== 'OK') {
throw new Error(`Delete message error: ${text}`);
}'Message sent');
export async function getSMSContacts(sessionData: SessionData,
pageindex: number,
exportFile: string,
exportFormat: ExportFormat) {
const count = await getSMSPages(sessionData, '', 'hide');
if (count === 0) {
console.log('huawei does not have contacts');
const scram = huawei.CryptoJS.SCRAM();
const smsNonce = scram.nonce().toString();
const smsSalt = scram.nonce().toString();
const nonceStr = smsNonce + smsSalt;
const encrpt = await huawei.doRSAEncrypt(sessionData, nonceStr);
const data = await huawei.doRSAEncrypt(sessionData, `<?xml version: "1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><request><pageindex>${pageindex}</pageindex><readcount>20</readcount><nonce>${encrpt}</nonce></request>`);
const resp = await restCalls.sendData(`http://${sessionData.url}/api/sms/sms-list-contact`, 'POST',
data, {
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8;enc',
__RequestVerificationToken: sessionData.TokInfo,
Cookie: `SessionId=${sessionData.SesInfo}`,
const pwdret = JSON.parse(parser.toJson(resp));
const ret = huawei.dataDecrypt(scram, smsNonce, smsSalt, nonceStr, pwdret);
if (exportFormat === 'xml') {
await saveFile(exportFile, ret);`xml file ${exportFile} created`);
} else if (exportFormat === 'json') {
await saveFile(exportFile, parser.toJson(ret));`json file ${exportFile} created`);
} else {
const text = parser.toJson(ret);
const json = JSON.parse(text);
if (Array.isArray(json.response.messages.message)) {
json.response.messages.message.forEach((message: any) => {
console.log(`MessageId: ${message.index} Phone: ${} lastMessage: ${JSON.stringify(message.content)}`);
} else {
const message: any = json.response.messages.message;
console.log(`(MessageId: ${message.index}) Phone: ${} lastMessage: ${message.content}`);