You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

196 lines
7.5 KiB

#ifndef CHAT_H
#define CHAT_H
#include "chatllm.h"
#include "chatmodel.h"
#include "database.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "localdocsmodel.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "modellist.h"
#include <QList>
#include <QObject>
#include <QQmlEngine>
#include <QString>
#include <QtGlobal>
class QDataStream;
class Chat : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QString id READ id NOTIFY idChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name WRITE setName NOTIFY nameChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(ChatModel *chatModel READ chatModel NOTIFY chatModelChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool isModelLoaded READ isModelLoaded NOTIFY isModelLoadedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool isCurrentlyLoading READ isCurrentlyLoading NOTIFY isCurrentlyLoadingChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(float modelLoadingPercentage READ modelLoadingPercentage NOTIFY modelLoadingPercentageChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString response READ response NOTIFY responseChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(ModelInfo modelInfo READ modelInfo WRITE setModelInfo NOTIFY modelInfoChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool responseInProgress READ responseInProgress NOTIFY responseInProgressChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool isRecalc READ isRecalc NOTIFY recalcChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool isServer READ isServer NOTIFY isServerChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(ResponseState responseState READ responseState NOTIFY responseStateChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QList<QString> collectionList READ collectionList NOTIFY collectionListChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString modelLoadingError READ modelLoadingError NOTIFY modelLoadingErrorChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString tokenSpeed READ tokenSpeed NOTIFY tokenSpeedChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(QString device READ device NOTIFY deviceChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(QString fallbackReason READ fallbackReason NOTIFY fallbackReasonChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(LocalDocsCollectionsModel *collectionModel READ collectionModel NOTIFY collectionModelChanged)
// 0=no, 1=waiting, 2=working
Q_PROPERTY(int trySwitchContextInProgress READ trySwitchContextInProgress NOTIFY trySwitchContextInProgressChanged)
QML_UNCREATABLE("Only creatable from c++!")
enum ResponseState {
explicit Chat(QObject *parent = nullptr);
explicit Chat(bool isServer, QObject *parent = nullptr);
virtual ~Chat();
void destroy() { m_llmodel->destroy(); }
void connectLLM();
QString id() const { return m_id; }
QString name() const { return m_userName.isEmpty() ? m_name : m_userName; }
void setName(const QString &name)
m_userName = name;
emit nameChanged();
ChatModel *chatModel() { return m_chatModel; }
bool isNewChat() const { return m_name == tr("New Chat") && !m_chatModel->count(); }
Q_INVOKABLE void reset();
Q_INVOKABLE void processSystemPrompt();
bool isModelLoaded() const { return m_modelLoadingPercentage == 1.0f; }
bool isCurrentlyLoading() const { return m_modelLoadingPercentage > 0.0f && m_modelLoadingPercentage < 1.0f; }
float modelLoadingPercentage() const { return m_modelLoadingPercentage; }
Q_INVOKABLE void prompt(const QString &prompt);
Q_INVOKABLE void regenerateResponse();
Q_INVOKABLE void stopGenerating();
Q_INVOKABLE void newPromptResponsePair(const QString &prompt);
QList<ResultInfo> databaseResults() const { return m_databaseResults; }
QString response() const;
bool responseInProgress() const { return m_responseInProgress; }
ResponseState responseState() const;
ModelInfo modelInfo() const;
void setModelInfo(const ModelInfo &modelInfo);
bool isRecalc() const;
Q_INVOKABLE void unloadModel();
Q_INVOKABLE void reloadModel();
Q_INVOKABLE void forceUnloadModel();
Q_INVOKABLE void forceReloadModel();
Q_INVOKABLE void trySwitchContextOfLoadedModel();
void unloadAndDeleteLater();
void markForDeletion();
qint64 creationDate() const { return m_creationDate; }
bool serialize(QDataStream &stream, int version) const;
bool deserialize(QDataStream &stream, int version);
bool isServer() const { return m_isServer; }
QList<QString> collectionList() const;
LocalDocsCollectionsModel *collectionModel() const { return m_collectionModel; }
Q_INVOKABLE bool hasCollection(const QString &collection) const;
Q_INVOKABLE void addCollection(const QString &collection);
Q_INVOKABLE void removeCollection(const QString &collection);
void resetResponseState();
QString modelLoadingError() const { return m_modelLoadingError; }
QString tokenSpeed() const { return m_tokenSpeed; }
QString device() const { return m_device; }
QString fallbackReason() const { return m_fallbackReason; }
int trySwitchContextInProgress() const { return m_trySwitchContextInProgress; }
public Q_SLOTS:
void serverNewPromptResponsePair(const QString &prompt);
void idChanged(const QString &id);
void nameChanged();
void chatModelChanged();
void isModelLoadedChanged();
void isCurrentlyLoadingChanged();
void modelLoadingPercentageChanged();
void modelLoadingWarning(const QString &warning);
void responseChanged();
void responseInProgressChanged();
void responseStateChanged();
void promptRequested(const QList<QString> &collectionList, const QString &prompt);
void regenerateResponseRequested();
void resetResponseRequested();
void resetContextRequested();
void processSystemPromptRequested();
void modelChangeRequested(const ModelInfo &modelInfo);
void modelInfoChanged();
void recalcChanged();
void loadDefaultModelRequested();
void loadModelRequested(const ModelInfo &modelInfo);
void generateNameRequested();
void modelLoadingErrorChanged();
void isServerChanged();
void collectionListChanged(const QList<QString> &collectionList);
void tokenSpeedChanged();
void deviceChanged();
void fallbackReasonChanged();
void collectionModelChanged();
void trySwitchContextInProgressChanged();
private Q_SLOTS:
void handleResponseChanged(const QString &response);
void handleModelLoadingPercentageChanged(float);
void promptProcessing();
void responseStopped(qint64 promptResponseMs);
void generatedNameChanged(const QString &name);
void handleRecalculating();
void handleModelLoadingError(const QString &error);
void handleTokenSpeedChanged(const QString &tokenSpeed);
void handleDeviceChanged(const QString &device);
void handleFallbackReasonChanged(const QString &device);
void handleDatabaseResultsChanged(const QList<ResultInfo> &results);
void handleModelInfoChanged(const ModelInfo &modelInfo);
void handleTrySwitchContextOfLoadedModelCompleted(int value);
QString m_id;
QString m_name;
QString m_generatedName;
QString m_userName;
ModelInfo m_modelInfo;
QString m_modelLoadingError;
QString m_tokenSpeed;
QString m_device;
QString m_fallbackReason;
QString m_response;
QList<QString> m_collections;
ChatModel *m_chatModel;
bool m_responseInProgress = false;
ResponseState m_responseState;
qint64 m_creationDate;
ChatLLM *m_llmodel;
QList<ResultInfo> m_databaseResults;
bool m_isServer = false;
bool m_shouldDeleteLater = false;
float m_modelLoadingPercentage = 0.0f;
LocalDocsCollectionsModel *m_collectionModel;
bool m_firstResponse = true;
int m_trySwitchContextInProgress = 0;
bool m_isCurrentlyLoading = false;
#endif // CHAT_H