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package core
// Error string constants
const (
connWriteErrStr = "Conn write error"
connReadErrStr = "Conn read error"
connCloseErrStr = "Conn close error"
listenerBeginErrStr = "Listener begin error"
listenerAcceptErrStr = "Listener accept error"
mutexUpgradeErrStr = "Mutex upgrade fail"
mutexDowngradeErrStr = "Mutex downgrade fail"
fileOpenErrStr = "File open error"
fileStatErrStr = "File stat error"
fileReadErrStr = "File read error"
fileTypeErrStr = "Unsupported file type"
directoryReadErrStr = "Directory read error"
restrictedPathErrStr = "Restricted path"
invalidHostErrStr = "Invalid host"
invalidRequestErrStr = "Invalid request"
cgiStartErrStr = "CGI start error"
cgiExitCodeErrStr = "CGI non-zero exit code"
// Log string constants
const (
hostnameBindEmptyStr = "At least one of 'hostname' or 'listen' must be non-empty!"
chrootStr = "Chrooting into dir: %s"
chrootErrStr = "Error chrooting into directory: %s"
chDirStr = "Entered server dir: %s"
chDirErrStr = "Error entering server directory: %s"
rootDirEmptyErrStr = "No server root directory supplied!"
userLookupErrStr = "Error looking up user: %s"
groupLookupErrStr = "Error looking up group: %s"
currentUserLookupErrStr = "Error looking up current user: %s"
setuidStr = "Running as user: %s"
setuidErrStr = "Error performing setuid: %s"
setgidStr = "Running as group: %s"
setgidErrStr = "Error performing setgid: %s"
runningAsRootErrStr = "Gophi does not support running as root!"
listenerBeginFailStr = "Failed to start listener on %s://%s:%s (%s:%s) - %s"
listeningOnStr = "Listening on %s://%s:%s (%s:%s)"
cacheMonitorStartStr = "Starting cache monitor with freq: %s"
cacheFileStatErrStr = "Failed to stat file in cache: %s"
pathRestrictionsEnabledStr = "Path restrictions enabled"
pathRestrictionsDisabledStr = "Path restrictions disabled"
pathRestrictRegexCompileFailStr = "Failed compiling restricted path regex: %s"
pathRestrictRegexCompiledStr = "Compiled restricted path regex: %s"
pathHidingEnabledStr = "Path hiding enabled"
pathHidingDisableStr = "Path hiding disabled"
pathHidingRegexCompileFailStr = "Failed compiling hidden path regex: %s"
pathHidingRegexCompiledStr = "Compiled hidden path regex: %s"
requestRemapEnabledStr = "Request remapping enabled"
requestRemapDisabledStr = "Request remapping disabled"
requestRemapRegexInvalidStr = "Invalid request remap regex: %s"
requestRemapRegexCompileFailStr = "Failed compiling request remap regex: %s"
requestRemapRegexCompiledStr = "Compiled path remap regex: %s"
requestRemappedStr = "Remapped request: %s %s"
cgiPathStr = "CGI safe path: %s"
cgiSupportEnabledStr = "CGI script support enabled"
cgiSupportDisabledStr = "CGI script support disabled"
cgiDirNotRelativeStr = "CGI directory must be a relative path!"
cgiDirStr = "CGI directory: %s"
cgiExecuteErrStr = "Exit executing: %s [%d]"
userSpacesEnabledStr = "User spaces support enabled"
userSpacesDisabledStr = "User spaces support disabled"
userSpacesStr = "User space directory: %s"
signalReceivedStr = "Signal received: %v. Shutting down..."
logOutputErrStr = "Error opening log output %s: %s"