You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

97 lines
3.3 KiB

package main
import (
const (
/* Filename constants */
CapsTxtStr = "caps.txt"
RobotsTxtStr = "robots.txt"
func cachePolicyFiles(rootDir, description, admin, geoloc string) {
/* See if caps txt exists, if not generate */
_, err := os.Stat(path.Join(rootDir, CapsTxtStr))
if err != nil {
/* We need to generate the caps txt and manually load into cache */
content := generateCapsTxt(description, admin, geoloc)
/* Create new file object from generated file contents */
fileContents := &GeneratedFileContents{ content }
file := &File{ fileContents, sync.RWMutex{}, true, 0 }
/* Trigger a load contents just to set it as fresh etc */
/* No need to worry about mutexes here, no other goroutines running yet */
Config.FileSystem.CacheMap.Put(rootDir+"/"+CapsTxtStr, file)
Config.SysLog.Info("", "Generated policy file: %s\n", rootDir+"/"+CapsTxtStr)
/* See if robots txt exists, if not generate */
_, err = os.Stat(rootDir+"/"+RobotsTxtStr)
if err != nil {
/* We need to generate the robots txt and manually load into cache */
content := generateRobotsTxt()
/* Create new file object from generated file contents */
fileContents := &GeneratedFileContents{ content }
file := &File{ fileContents, sync.RWMutex{}, true, 0 }
/* Trigger a load contents just to set it as fresh etc */
/* No need to worry about mutexes here, no other goroutines running yet */
Config.FileSystem.CacheMap.Put(rootDir+"/"+RobotsTxtStr, file)
Config.SysLog.Info("", "Generated policy file: %s\n", rootDir+"/"+RobotsTxtStr)
func generatePolicyHeader(filename string) string {
text := "# This is an automatically generated"+DOSLineEnd
text += "# server policy file: "+filename+DOSLineEnd
text += "#"+DOSLineEnd
text += "# Eat the rich ~GophorDev"+DOSLineEnd
return text
func generateCapsTxt(description, admin, geoloc string) []byte {
text := "CAPS"+DOSLineEnd
text += DOSLineEnd
text += generatePolicyHeader(CapsTxtStr)
text += DOSLineEnd
text += "CapsVersion=1"+DOSLineEnd
text += "ExpireCapsAfter=1800"+DOSLineEnd
text += DOSLineEnd
text += "PathDelimeter=/"+DOSLineEnd
text += "PathIdentity=."+DOSLineEnd
text += "PathParent=.."+DOSLineEnd
text += "PathParentDouble=FALSE"+DOSLineEnd
text += "PathEscapeCharacter=\\"+DOSLineEnd
text += "PathKeepPreDelimeter=FALSE"+DOSLineEnd
text += DOSLineEnd
text += "ServerSoftware=Gophor"+DOSLineEnd
text += "ServerSoftwareVersion="+GophorVersion+DOSLineEnd
text += "ServerDescription="+description+DOSLineEnd
text += "ServerGeolocationString="+geoloc+DOSLineEnd
// text += "ServerDefaultEncoding=ascii"+DOSLineEnd
text += DOSLineEnd
text += "ServerAdmin="+admin+DOSLineEnd
return []byte(text)
func generateRobotsTxt() []byte {
text := generatePolicyHeader(RobotsTxtStr)
text += DOSLineEnd
text += "Usage-agent: *"+DOSLineEnd
text += "Disallow: *"+DOSLineEnd
text += DOSLineEnd
text += "Crawl-delay: 99999"+DOSLineEnd
text += DOSLineEnd
text += "# This server does not support scraping"+DOSLineEnd
return []byte(text)