You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

203 lines
6.1 KiB

package main
import (
const (
FileReadBufSize = 1024
/* Perform simple buffered read on a file at path */
func bufferedRead(path string) ([]byte, *GophorError) {
/* Open file */
fd, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, &GophorError{ FileOpenErr, err }
defer fd.Close()
/* Setup buffers */
var count int
contents := make([]byte, 0)
buf := make([]byte, FileReadBufSize)
/* Setup reader */
reader := bufio.NewReader(fd)
/* Read through buffer until error or null bytes! */
for {
count, err = reader.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return nil, &GophorError{ FileReadErr, err }
contents = append(contents, buf[:count]...)
if count < FileReadBufSize {
return contents, nil
/* Perform buffered read on file at path, then scan through with supplied iterator func */
func bufferedScan(path string, scanIterator func(*bufio.Scanner) bool) *GophorError {
/* First, read raw file contents */
contents, gophorErr := bufferedRead(path)
if gophorErr != nil {
return gophorErr
/* Create reader and scanner from this */
reader := bytes.NewReader(contents)
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader)
/* If contains DOS line-endings, split by DOS! Else, split by Unix */
if bytes.Contains(contents, []byte(DOSLineEnd)) {
} else {
/* Scan through file contents using supplied iterator */
for scanner.Scan() && scanIterator(scanner) {}
/* Check scanner finished cleanly */
if scanner.Err() != nil {
return &GophorError{ FileReadErr, scanner.Err() }
return nil
/* Split on DOS line end */
func dosLineEndSplitter(data []byte, atEOF bool) (advance int, token []byte, err error) {
if atEOF && len(data) == 0 {
/* At EOF, no more data */
return 0, nil, nil
if i := bytes.Index(data, []byte("\r\n")); i >= 0 {
/* We have a full new-line terminate line */
return i+2, data[:i], nil
/* Request more data */
return 0, nil, nil
/* Split on unix line end */
func unixLineEndSplitter(data []byte, atEOF bool) (advance int, token []byte, err error) {
if atEOF && len(data) == 0 {
/* At EOF, no more data */
return 0, nil, nil
if i := bytes.Index(data, []byte("\n")); i >= 0 {
/* We have a full new-line terminate line */
return i+1, data[:i], nil
/* Request more data */
return 0, nil, nil
/* List the files in directory, hiding those requested, including title and footer */
func listDirAsGophermap(responder *Responder, hidden map[string]bool) *GophorError {
/* Write title */
gophorErr := responder.WriteData(append(buildLine(TypeInfo, "[ "+responder.Host.Name()+responder.Request.Path.Selector()+" ]", "TITLE", NullHost, NullPort), buildInfoLine("")...))
if gophorErr != nil {
return gophorErr
/* Writer a 'back' entry. GoLang Readdir() seems to miss this */
gophorErr = responder.WriteData(buildLine(TypeDirectory, "..", responder.Request.Path.JoinSelector(".."), responder.Host.Name(), responder.Host.Port()))
if gophorErr != nil {
return gophorErr
/* Write the actual directory entry */
gophorErr = listDir(responder, hidden)
if gophorErr != nil {
return gophorErr
/* Finally write footer */
return responder.WriteData(Config.FooterText)
/* List the files in a directory, hiding those requested */
func listDir(responder *Responder, hidden map[string]bool) *GophorError {
/* Open directory file descriptor */
fd, err := os.Open(responder.Request.Path.Absolute())
if err != nil {
Config.SysLog.Error("", "failed to open %s: %s\n", responder.Request.Path.Absolute(), err.Error())
return &GophorError{ FileOpenErr, err }
/* Read files in directory */
files, err := fd.Readdir(-1)
if err != nil {
Config.SysLog.Error("", "failed to enumerate dir %s: %s\n", responder.Request.Path.Absolute(), err.Error())
return &GophorError{ DirListErr, err }
/* Sort the files by name */
/* Create directory content slice, ready */
dirContents := make([]byte, 0)
/* Walk through files :D */
var reqPath *RequestPath
for _, file := range files {
reqPath = NewRequestPath(responder.Request.Path.RootDir(), responder.Request.Path.JoinRel(file.Name()))
/* If hidden file, or restricted file, continue! */
if isHiddenFile(hidden, reqPath.Relative()) /*|| isRestrictedFile(reqPath.Relative())*/ {
/* Handle file, directory or ignore others */
switch {
case file.Mode() & os.ModeDir != 0:
/* Directory -- create directory listing */
dirContents = append(dirContents, buildLine(TypeDirectory, file.Name(), reqPath.Selector(), responder.Host.Name(), responder.Host.Port())...)
case file.Mode() & os.ModeType == 0:
/* Regular file -- find item type and creating listing */
itemPath := reqPath.Selector()
itemType := getItemType(itemPath)
dirContents = append(dirContents, buildLine(itemType, file.Name(), reqPath.Selector(), responder.Host.Name(), responder.Host.Port())...)
/* Ignore */
/* Finally write dirContents and return result */
return responder.WriteData(dirContents)
/* Helper function to simple checking in map */
func isHiddenFile(hiddenMap map[string]bool, fileName string) bool {
_, ok := hiddenMap[fileName]
return ok
/* Took a leaf out of go-gopher's book here. */
type byName []os.FileInfo
func (s byName) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s byName) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].Name() < s[j].Name() }
func (s byName) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }