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package core
// Core flag string constants
const (
sysLogFlagStr = "sys-log"
sysLogDescStr = "System log output location ['stdout', 'null', $filename]"
accLogFlagStr = "acc-log"
accLogDescStr = "Access log output location ['stdout', 'null', $filename]"
rootFlagStr = "root"
rootDescStr = "Server root directory"
bindAddrFlagStr = "bind-addr"
bindAddrDescStr = "IP address to bind to"
hostnameFlagStr = "hostname"
hostnameDescStr = "Server hostname (FQDN)"
portFlagStr = "port"
portDescStr = "Port to listen on"
fwdPortFlagStr = "fwd-port"
fwdPortDescStr = "Outward-facing port"
readDeadlineFlagStr = "read-deadline"
readDeadlineDescStr = "Connection read deadline (timeout)"
writeDeadlineFlagStr = "write-deadline"
writeDeadlineDescStr = "Connection write deadline (timeout)"
connReadBufFlagStr = "conn-read-buf"
connReadBufDescStr = "Connection read buffer size (bytes)"
connWriteBufFlagStr = "conn-write-buf"
connWriteBufDescStr = "Connection write buffer size (bytes)"
connReadMaxFlagStr = "conn-read-max"
connReadMaxDescStr = "Connection read max (bytes)"
fileReadBufFlagStr = "file-read-buf"
fileReadBufDescStr = "File read buffer size (bytes)"
monitorSleepTimeFlagStr = "cache-monitor-freq"
monitorSleepTimeDescStr = "File cache freshness monitor frequency"
cacheFileMaxFlagStr = "cache-file-max"
cacheFileMaxDescStr = "Max cached file size (megabytes)"
cacheSizeFlagStr = "cache-size"
cacheSizeDescStr = "File cache size"
restrictPathsFlagStr = "restrict-paths"
restrictPathsDescStr = "Restrict paths as new-line separated list of regex statements (see documenation)"
remapRequestsFlagStr = "remap-requests"
remapRequestsDescStr = "Remap requests as new-line separated list of remap statements (see documenation)"
cgiDirFlagStr = "cgi-dir"
cgiDirDescStr = "CGI scripts directory (empty to disable)"
maxCGITimeFlagStr = "max-cgi-time"
maxCGITimeDescStr = "Max CGI script execution time"
safePathFlagStr = "safe-path"
safePathDescStr = "CGI environment safe PATH variable"
httpCompatCGIFlagStr = "http-compat-cgi"
httpCompatCGIDescStr = "Enable HTTP compatibility for CGI scripts by stripping headers"
httpPrefixBufFlagStr = "http-prefix-buf"
httpPrefixBufDescStr = "Buffer size used for stripping HTTP headers"
userDirFlagStr = "user-dir"
userDirDescStr = "User subdir for personal server space"
versionFlagStr = "version"
versionDescStr = "Print version string"
// Log string constants
const (
hostnameBindAddrEmptyStr = "At least one of hostname or bind-addr must be non-empty!"
chDirStr = "Entered server dir: %s"
chDirErrStr = "Error entering server directory: %s"
listenerBeginFailStr = "Failed to start listener on %s://%s:%s (%s:%s) - %s"
listeningOnStr = "Listening on %s://%s:%s (%s:%s)"
cacheMonitorStartStr = "Starting cache monitor with freq: %s"
cacheFileStatErrStr = "Failed to stat file in cache: %s"
pathRestrictionsEnabledStr = "Path restrictions enabled"
pathRestrictionsDisabledStr = "Path restrictions disabled"
pathRestrictRegexCompileFailStr = "Failed compiling restricted path regex: %s"
pathRestrictRegexCompiledStr = "Compiled restricted path regex: %s"
requestRemapEnabledStr = "Request remapping enabled"
requestRemapDisabledStr = "Request remapping disabled"
requestRemapRegexInvalidStr = "Invalid request remap regex: %s"
requestRemapRegexCompileFailStr = "Failed compiling request remap regex: %s"
requestRemapRegexCompiledStr = "Compiled path remap regex: %s"
requestRemappedStr = "Remapped request: %s %s"
cgiSupportEnabledStr = "CGI script support enabled"
cgiSupportDisabledStr = "CGI script support disabled"
cgiDirOutsideRootStr = "CGI directory must not be outside server root!"
cgiDirStr = "CGI directory: %s"
cgiHTTPCompatEnabledStr = "CGI HTTP compatibility enabled, prefix buffer: %d"
cgiExecuteErrStr = "Exit executing: %s [%d]"
userDirEnabledStr = "User directory support enabled"
userDirDisabledStr = "User directory support disabled"
userDirBackTraverseErrStr = "User directory with back-traversal not supported: %s"
userDirStr = "User directory: %s"
signalReceivedStr = "Signal received: %v. Shutting down..."
logOutputErrStr = "Error opening log output %s: %s"
pgidNotFoundErrStr = "Process unfinished, PGID not found!"
pgidStopErrStr = "Error stopping process group %d: %s"
connWriteErrStr = "Conn write error"
connReadErrStr = "Conn read error"
connCloseErrStr = "Conn close error"
listenerResolveErrStr = "Listener resolve error"
listenerBeginErrStr = "Listener begin error"
listenerAcceptErrStr = "Listener accept error"
invalidIPErrStr = "Invalid IP"
invalidPortErrStr = "Invalid port"
fileOpenErrStr = "File open error"
fileStatErrStr = "File stat error"
fileReadErrStr = "File read error"
fileTypeErrStr = "Unsupported file type"
directoryReadErrStr = "Directory read error"
restrictedPathErrStr = "Restricted path"
invalidRequestErrStr = "Invalid request"
cgiStartErrStr = "CGI start error"
cgiExitCodeErrStr = "CGI non-zero exit code"
cgiStatus400ErrStr = "CGI status: 400"
cgiStatus401ErrStr = "CGI status: 401"
cgiStatus403ErrStr = "CGI status: 403"
cgiStatus404ErrStr = "CGI status: 404"
cgiStatus408ErrStr = "CGI status: 408"
cgiStatus410ErrStr = "CGI status: 410"
cgiStatus500ErrStr = "CGI status: 500"
cgiStatus501ErrStr = "CGI status: 501"
cgiStatus503ErrStr = "CGI status: 503"
cgiStatusUnknownErrStr = "CGI status: unknown"