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package core
import "container/list"
// element wraps a map key and value
type element struct {
key string
value *file
// lruCacheMap is a fixed-size LRU hash map
type lruCacheMap struct {
hashMap map[string]*list.Element
list *list.List
size int
// newLRUCacheMap returns a new LRUCacheMap of specified size
func newLRUCacheMap(size int) *lruCacheMap {
return &lruCacheMap{
// size+1 to account for moment during put after adding new value but before old value is purged
make(map[string]*list.Element, size+1),
// Get returns file from LRUCacheMap for key
func (lru *lruCacheMap) Get(key string) (*file, bool) {
lElem, ok := lru.hashMap[key]
if !ok {
return nil, ok
// Move element to front of the list
// Get Element and return *File value from it
element, _ := lElem.Value.(*element)
return element.value, ok
// Put file in LRUCacheMap at key
func (lru *lruCacheMap) Put(key string, value *file) {
lElem := lru.list.PushFront(&element{key, value})
lru.hashMap[key] = lElem
if lru.list.Len() > lru.size {
// Get element at back of list and Element from it
lElem = lru.list.Back()
element, _ := lElem.Value.(*element)
// Delete entry in hashMap with key from Element, and from list
delete(lru.hashMap, element.key)
// Remove file in LRUCacheMap with key
func (lru *lruCacheMap) Remove(key string) {
lElem, ok := lru.hashMap[key]
if !ok {
// Delete entry in hashMap and list
delete(lru.hashMap, key)
// Iterate performs an iteration over all key:value pairs in LRUCacheMap with supplied function
func (lru *lruCacheMap) Iterate(iterator func(key string, value *file)) {
for key := range lru.hashMap {
element, _ := lru.hashMap[key].Value.(*element)
iterator(element.key, element.value)