You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

91 lines
3.5 KiB

package main
const (
/* Gophor */
GophorVersion = "0.1-alpha"
/* Parsing */
DOSLineEnd = "\r\n"
UnixLineEnd = "\n"
End = "."
Tab = "\t"
LastLine = End+DOSLineEnd
MaxUserNameLen = 70 /* RFC 1436 standard */
MaxSelectorLen = 255 /* RFC 1436 standard */
NullSelector = "-"
NullHost = ""
NullPort = 0
SelectorErrorStr = "selector_length_error"
GophermapRenderErrorStr = ""
ReplaceStrHostname = "$hostname"
/* Filesystem */
GophermapFileStr = "gophermap"
CapsTxtStr = "caps.txt"
RobotsTxtStr = "robots.txt"
/* Misc */
BytesInMegaByte = 1048576.0
* Item type characters:
* Collected from RFC 1436 standard, Wikipedia, Go-gopher project
* and Gophernicus project. Those with ALL-CAPS descriptions in
* [square brackets] defined and used by Gophernicus, a popular
* Gopher server.
type ItemType byte
const (
/* RFC 1436 Standard */
TypeFile = ItemType('0') /* Regular file [TEXT] */
TypeDirectory = ItemType('1') /* Directory [MENU] */
TypePhonebook = ItemType('2') /* CSO phone-book server */
TypeError = ItemType('3') /* Error [ERROR] */
TypeMacBinHex = ItemType('4') /* Binhexed macintosh file */
TypeDosBinArchive = ItemType('5') /* DOS bin archive, CLIENT MUST READ UNTIL TCP CLOSE [GZIP] */
TypeUnixFile = ItemType('6') /* Unix uuencoded file */
TypeIndexSearch = ItemType('7') /* Index-search server [QUERY] */
TypeTelnet = ItemType('8') /* Text-based telnet session */
TypeBin = ItemType('9') /* Binary file, CLIENT MUST READ UNTIL TCP CLOSE [BINARY] */
TypeTn3270 = ItemType('T') /* Text-based tn3270 session */
TypeGif = ItemType('g') /* Gif format graphics file [GIF] */
TypeImage = ItemType('I') /* Some kind of image file (client decides how to display) [IMAGE] */
TypeRedundant = ItemType('+') /* Redundant server */
TypeEnd = ItemType('.') /* Indicates LastLine if only this + CrLf */
/* Non-standard - as used by
* (also seen on Wikipedia:
TypeInfo = ItemType('i') /* Informational message [INFO] */
TypeHtml = ItemType('h') /* HTML document [HTML] */
TypeAudio = ItemType('s') /* Audio file */
TypePng = ItemType('p') /* PNG image */
TypeDoc = ItemType('d') /* Document [DOC] */
/* Non-standard - as used by Gopernicus */
TypeMime = ItemType('M') /* [MIME] */
TypeVideo = ItemType(';') /* [VIDEO] */
TypeCalendar = ItemType('c') /* [CALENDAR] */
TypeTitle = ItemType('!') /* [TITLE] */
TypeComment = ItemType('#') /* [COMMENT] */
TypeHiddenFile = ItemType('-') /* [HIDDEN] Hides file from directory listing */
TypeSubGophermap = ItemType('=') /* [EXECUTE] read this file in here */
TypeEndBeginList = ItemType('*') /* If only this + CrLf, indicates last line but then followed by directory list */
/* Default type */
TypeDefault = TypeBin
/* Gophor specific types */
TypeExec = ItemType('$') /* Execute command and insert stdout here */
TypeInfoNotStated = ItemType('z') /* INTERNAL USE. We use this in a switch case, a line never starts with this */
TypeUnknown = ItemType('?') /* INTERNAL USE. We use this in a switch case, a line never starts with this */