You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package gopher
// Client error response strings
const (
errorResponse400 = "400 Bad Request"
errorResponse401 = "401 Unauthorised"
errorResponse403 = "403 Forbidden"
errorResponse404 = "404 Not Found"
errorResponse408 = "408 Request Time-out"
errorResponse410 = "410 Gone"
errorResponse500 = "500 Internal Server Error"
errorResponse501 = "501 Not Implemented"
errorResponse503 = "503 Service Unavailable"
// Gopher specific error string constants
const (
invalidGophermapErrStr = "Invalid gophermap"
subgophermapIsDirErrStr = "Subgophermap path is dir"
subgophermapSizeErrStr = "Subgophermap size too large"
// Log string constants
const (
clientReadFailStr = "Failed to read"
gopherRedirectStr = "Redirecting to: %s"
invalidRequestStr = "Invalid request: %s"
clientServeFailStr = "Failed to serve: %s"
clientServedStr = "Served: %s"