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package gopher
import (
// generatedFileContents is a simple core.FileContent implementation for holding onto a generated (virtual) file contents
type generatedFileContent struct {
content []byte
// ReadAllFrom does nothing for generated content
func (fc *generatedFileContent) Load(p *core.Path, file *os.File) error { return nil }
// WriteAllTo writes the generated FileContent to client
func (fc *generatedFileContent) WriteToClient(client *core.Client, p *core.Path) error {
return client.Conn().Write(fc.content)
// Clear does nothing
func (fc *generatedFileContent) Clear() {}
// gophermapContents is an implementation of core.FileContent that holds individually renderable sections of a gophermap
type gophermapContent struct {
sections []gophermapSection
// Load takes an open FD and loads the gophermap contents into memory as different renderable sections
func (gc *gophermapContent) Load(path *core.Path, file *os.File) error {
var err error
gc.sections, err = readGophermap(file, path)
return err
// WriteToClient renders each cached section of the gophermap, and writes them to the client
func (gc *gophermapContent) WriteToClient(client *core.Client, path *core.Path) error {
// Render + write the sections!
for _, section := range gc.sections {
err := section.RenderAndWrite(client)
if err != nil {
return err
// Finally, write the footer (including last-line)
return client.Conn().Write(footer)
// Clear empties currently cached GophermapContents memory
func (gc *gophermapContent) Clear() {
gc.sections = nil