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# Encoding
By default, URLs are parsed as having standard (HTTP) URL encoding. All other
parsed text content are treated as UTF-8, as this is the default encoding scheme
Go strings. Support for more encoding schemes is planned for the future
# Chroots and Privilege Dropping
Previously, chrooting to server directory and dropping privileges was supported
by using Go C bindings. This is not officially supported due to weird behaviour
with `.Set{U,G}id()` under Linux. As such, the feature has been dropped for
There is a near 10 year ongoing tracked issue
(, and as soon as this patch gets
merged I'll add support:
In place of removing this, request sanitization has been majorly improved and
checks are in place to prevent running Gophor as root.
If you run into issues binding to a lower port number due to insufficient
permissions then there are a few alternatives:
- set gophor process capabilities: e.g.
`setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/local/bin/gophor`
- use Docker (or some other solution) and configure port forwarding on the
- start gopher in it's own namespace in a chroot