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4 years ago
package stanza_test
import (
func TestPopEmptyQueue(t *testing.T) {
var uaq stanza.UnAckQueue
popped := uaq.Pop()
if popped != nil {
t.Fatalf("queue is empty but something was popped !")
4 years ago
func TestPushUnack(t *testing.T) {
uaq := initUnAckQueue()
toPush := stanza.UnAckedStz{
Id: 3,
Stz: `<iq type='submit'
<query xmlns='jabber:iq:register'>
err := uaq.Push(&toPush)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("could not push element to the queue : %v", err)
if len(uaq.Uslice) != 4 {
t.Fatalf("push to the non-acked queue failed")
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
if uaq.Uslice[i].Id != i+1 {
t.Fatalf("indexes were not updated correctly. Expected %d got %d", i, uaq.Uslice[i].Id)
// Check that the queue is a fifo : popped element should not be the one we just pushed.
popped := uaq.Pop()
poppedElt, ok := popped.(*stanza.UnAckedStz)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("popped element is not a *stanza.UnAckedStz")
if reflect.DeepEqual(*poppedElt, toPush) {
t.Fatalf("pushed element is at the top of the fifo queue when it should be at the bottom")
func TestPeekUnack(t *testing.T) {
uaq := initUnAckQueue()
expectedPeek := stanza.UnAckedStz{
Id: 1,
Stz: `<iq type='set'
<query xmlns='jabber:iq:search'>
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedPeek, *uaq.Uslice[0]) {
t.Fatalf("peek failed to return the correct stanza")
func TestPeekNUnack(t *testing.T) {
uaq := initUnAckQueue()
initLen := len(uaq.Uslice)
randPop := rand.Int31n(int32(initLen))
peeked := uaq.PeekN(int(randPop))
if len(uaq.Uslice) != initLen {
t.Fatalf("queue length changed whith peek n operation : had %d found %d after peek", initLen, len(uaq.Uslice))
if len(peeked) != int(randPop) {
t.Fatalf("did not peek the correct number of element from queue. Expected %d got %d", randPop, len(peeked))
func TestPeekNUnackTooLong(t *testing.T) {
uaq := initUnAckQueue()
initLen := len(uaq.Uslice)
// Have a random number of elements to peek that's greater than the queue size
randPop := rand.Int31n(int32(initLen)) + 1 + int32(initLen)
peeked := uaq.PeekN(int(randPop))
if len(uaq.Uslice) != initLen {
t.Fatalf("total length changed whith peek n operation : had %d found %d after pop", initLen, len(uaq.Uslice))
if len(peeked) != initLen {
t.Fatalf("did not peek the correct number of element from queue. Expected %d got %d", initLen, len(peeked))
4 years ago
func TestPopNUnack(t *testing.T) {
uaq := initUnAckQueue()
initLen := len(uaq.Uslice)
randPop := rand.Int31n(int32(initLen))
popped := uaq.PopN(int(randPop))
if len(uaq.Uslice)+len(popped) != initLen {
t.Fatalf("total length changed whith pop n operation : had %d found %d after pop", initLen, len(uaq.Uslice)+len(popped))
for _, elt := range popped {
for _, oldElt := range uaq.Uslice {
if reflect.DeepEqual(elt, oldElt) {
t.Fatalf("pop n operation duplicated some elements")
func TestPopNUnackTooLong(t *testing.T) {
uaq := initUnAckQueue()
initLen := len(uaq.Uslice)
// Have a random number of elements to pop that's greater than the queue size
randPop := rand.Int31n(int32(initLen)) + 1 + int32(initLen)
popped := uaq.PopN(int(randPop))
if len(uaq.Uslice)+len(popped) != initLen {
t.Fatalf("total length changed whith pop n operation : had %d found %d after pop", initLen, len(uaq.Uslice)+len(popped))
for _, elt := range popped {
for _, oldElt := range uaq.Uslice {
if reflect.DeepEqual(elt, oldElt) {
t.Fatalf("pop n operation duplicated some elements")
func TestPopUnack(t *testing.T) {
uaq := initUnAckQueue()
initLen := len(uaq.Uslice)
popped := uaq.Pop()
if len(uaq.Uslice)+1 != initLen {
t.Fatalf("total length changed whith pop operation : had %d found %d after pop", initLen, len(uaq.Uslice)+1)
for _, oldElt := range uaq.Uslice {
if reflect.DeepEqual(popped, oldElt) {
t.Fatalf("pop n operation duplicated some elements")
func initUnAckQueue() stanza.UnAckQueue {
q := []*stanza.UnAckedStz{
Id: 1,
Stz: `<iq type='set'
<query xmlns='jabber:iq:search'>
{Id: 2,
Stz: `<iq type='get'
<query xmlns='jabber:iq:search'/>
{Id: 3,
Stz: `<iq type='set'
<query xmlns='jabber:iq:search'>
<x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='submit'>
<field type='hidden' var='FORM_TYPE'>
<field var='x-gender'>
return stanza.UnAckQueue{Uslice: q}
func init() {