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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# v3.0.0
set -o errexit -o nounset -o pipefail
$PROG bump (major|minor|patch|release|prerel <prerel>|build <build>) <version>
$PROG compare <version> <other_version>
$PROG get (major|minor|patch|release|prerel|build) <version>
$PROG --help
$PROG --version
<version> A version must match the following regular expression:
In English:
-- The version must match X.Y.Z[-PRERELEASE][+BUILD]
where X, Y and Z are non-negative integers.
-- PRERELEASE is a dot separated sequence of non-negative integers and/or
identifiers composed of alphanumeric characters and hyphens (with
at least one non-digit). Numeric identifiers must not have leading
zeros. A hyphen (\"-\") introduces this optional part.
-- BUILD is a dot separated sequence of identifiers composed of alphanumeric
characters and hyphens. A plus (\"+\") introduces this optional part.
<other_version> See <version> definition.
<prerel> A string as defined by PRERELEASE above.
<build> A string as defined by BUILD above.
-v, --version Print the version of this tool.
-h, --help Print this help message.
bump Bump by one of major, minor, patch; zeroing or removing
subsequent parts. \"bump prerel\" sets the PRERELEASE part and
removes any BUILD part. \"bump build\" sets the BUILD part.
\"bump release\" removes any PRERELEASE or BUILD parts.
The bumped version is written to stdout.
compare Compare <version> with <other_version>, output to stdout the
following values: -1 if <other_version> is newer, 0 if equal, 1 if
older. The BUILD part is not used in comparisons.
get Extract given part of <version>, where part is one of major, minor,
patch, prerel, build, or release.
See also: -- Semantic Versioning 2.0.0"
function error {
echo -e "$1" >&2
exit 1
function usage-help {
error "$USAGE"
function usage-version {
echo -e "${PROG}: $PROG_VERSION"
exit 0
function validate-version {
local version=$1
if [[ "$version" =~ $SEMVER_REGEX ]]; then
# if a second argument is passed, store the result in var named by $2
if [ "$#" -eq "2" ]; then
local major=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
local minor=${BASH_REMATCH[2]}
local patch=${BASH_REMATCH[3]}
local prere=${BASH_REMATCH[4]}
local build=${BASH_REMATCH[8]}
eval "$2=(\"$major\" \"$minor\" \"$patch\" \"$prere\" \"$build\")"
echo "$version"
error "version $version does not match the semver scheme 'X.Y.Z(-PRERELEASE)(+BUILD)'. See help for more information."
function is-nat {
[[ "$1" =~ ^($NAT)$ ]]
function is-null {
[ -z "$1" ]
function order-nat {
[ "$1" -lt "$2" ] && { echo -1 ; return ; }
[ "$1" -gt "$2" ] && { echo 1 ; return ; }
echo 0
function order-string {
[[ $1 < $2 ]] && { echo -1 ; return ; }
[[ $1 > $2 ]] && { echo 1 ; return ; }
echo 0
# given two (named) arrays containing NAT and/or ALPHANUM fields, compare them
# one by one according to semver 2.0.0 spec. Return -1, 0, 1 if left array ($1)
# is less-than, equal, or greater-than the right array ($2). The longer array
# is considered greater-than the shorter if the shorter is a prefix of the longer.
function compare-fields {
local l="$1[@]"
local r="$2[@]"
local leftfield=( "${!l}" )
local rightfield=( "${!r}" )
local left
local right
local i=$(( -1 ))
local order=$(( 0 ))
while true
[ $order -ne 0 ] && { echo $order ; return ; }
: $(( i++ ))
is-null "$left" && is-null "$right" && { echo 0 ; return ; }
is-null "$left" && { echo -1 ; return ; }
is-null "$right" && { echo 1 ; return ; }
is-nat "$left" && is-nat "$right" && { order=$(order-nat "$left" "$right") ; continue ; }
is-nat "$left" && { echo -1 ; return ; }
is-nat "$right" && { echo 1 ; return ; }
{ order=$(order-string "$left" "$right") ; continue ; }
# shellcheck disable=SC2206 # checked by "validate"; ok to expand prerel id's into array
function compare-version {
local order
validate-version "$1" V
validate-version "$2" V_
# compare major, minor, patch
local left=( "${V[0]}" "${V[1]}" "${V[2]}" )
local right=( "${V_[0]}" "${V_[1]}" "${V_[2]}" )
order=$(compare-fields left right)
[ "$order" -ne 0 ] && { echo "$order" ; return ; }
# compare pre-release ids when M.m.p are equal
local prerel="${V[3]:1}"
local prerel_="${V_[3]:1}"
local left=( ${prerel//./ } )
local right=( ${prerel_//./ } )
# if left and right have no pre-release part, then left equals right
# if only one of left/right has pre-release part, that one is less than simple M.m.p
[ -z "$prerel" ] && [ -z "$prerel_" ] && { echo 0 ; return ; }
[ -z "$prerel" ] && { echo 1 ; return ; }
[ -z "$prerel_" ] && { echo -1 ; return ; }
# otherwise, compare the pre-release id's
compare-fields left right
function command-bump {
local new; local version; local sub_version; local command;
case $# in
2) case $1 in
major|minor|patch|release) command=$1; version=$2;;
*) usage-help;;
esac ;;
3) case $1 in
prerel|build) command=$1; sub_version=$2 version=$3 ;;
*) usage-help;;
esac ;;
*) usage-help;;
validate-version "$version" parts
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
local major="${parts[0]}"
local minor="${parts[1]}"
local patch="${parts[2]}"
local prere="${parts[3]}"
local build="${parts[4]}"
case "$command" in
major) new="$((major + 1)).0.0";;
minor) new="${major}.$((minor + 1)).0";;
patch) new="${major}.${minor}.$((patch + 1))";;
release) new="${major}.${minor}.${patch}";;
prerel) new=$(validate-version "${major}.${minor}.${patch}-${sub_version}");;
build) new=$(validate-version "${major}.${minor}.${patch}${prere}+${sub_version}");;
*) usage-help ;;
echo "$new"
exit 0
function command-compare {
local v; local v_;
case $# in
2) v=$(validate-version "$1"); v_=$(validate-version "$2") ;;
*) usage-help ;;
set +u # need unset array element to evaluate to null
compare-version "$v" "$v_"
exit 0
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
function command-get {
local part version
if [[ "$#" -ne "2" ]] || [[ -z "$1" ]] || [[ -z "$2" ]]; then
exit 0
validate-version "$version" parts
local major="${parts[0]}"
local minor="${parts[1]}"
local patch="${parts[2]}"
local prerel="${parts[3]:1}"
local build="${parts[4]:1}"
local release="${major}.${minor}.${patch}"
case "$part" in
major|minor|patch|release|prerel|build) echo "${!part}" ;;
*) usage-help ;;
exit 0
case $# in
0) echo "Unknown command: $*"; usage-help;;
case $1 in
--help|-h) echo -e "$USAGE"; exit 0;;
--version|-v) usage-version ;;
bump) shift; command-bump "$@";;
get) shift; command-get "$@";;
compare) shift; command-compare "$@";;
*) echo "Unknown arguments: $*"; usage-help;;