You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

315 lines
9.4 KiB

25 years ago
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
require 5.001;
use Tk;
use Tk::IO;
require 'sys/';
# Let's be paranoid
use strict;
require "";
&NGetOpt (("geometry=s", "font=s", "background=s", "bg=s", "foreground=s", "fg=s", "title=s"));
my $default_host;
if (@ARGV) {
$default_host = shift (@ARGV);
#TODO: shouldn't we try to echoping it right now?
else {
$default_host = "localhost";
if (@ARGV) {
print STDERR "Ignoring extra arguments \"" . join (' ', @ARGV) . "\"\n";
my $top = MainWindow->new;
if ($main::opt_geometry) {
$top->geometry ($main::opt_geometry);
if ($main::opt_title) {
$top->title ($main::opt_title);
else {
$top->title ("EchoPing Driver");
#TODO: how to set background, font, etc for all the widgets?
if ($main::opt_bg) {
$main::opt_background = $main::opt_bg;
if ($main::opt_background) {
$top->configure (-background => $main::opt_background);
if ($main::opt_fg) {
$main::opt_foreground = $main::opt_fg;
if ($main::opt_foreground) {
$top->configure (-foreground => $main::opt_foreground);
if ($main::opt_font) {
$top->configure (-font => $main::opt_font);
#TODO : on line help with context => 'connection refused' will give an explanation
$main::echoping = &find_pg ("echoping");
if (! $main::echoping) {
print STDERR "Cannot find the echoping program in the path.\n";
exit 1;
#TODO: a nice pop-up window with an hypertext link to the FTP server :-)
my $message;
open (ECHOPING, "$main::echoping -v localhost 2>&1 |") || &panic ("Cannot echoping");
my $result = <ECHOPING>;
chop $result;
if ($result) { # Something was wrong
if ($result =~ /Connection refused/) {
$message = "localhost refused echo: egoist!";
#TODO: better explanations
else {
$message = "Problem localhost: $result";
else {
$message = <ECHOPING>;
close (ECHOPING);
# Some useful declarations
my $text;
my $results;
my $number;
my $size;
my $delay;
my $frame1 = $top->Frame(-borderwidth => '2m');
$frame1->pack(-fill => 'x');
# Entry field
my $entry = $frame1->Entry(-relief => 'sunken', -width => 45);
my $label = $frame1->Label(-text => 'Enter host name');
$label->pack(-side => 'left');
$entry->pack(-side => 'left');
$entry->insert('insert', $default_host);
$entry->selection ('range', 0, length ($default_host));
# I believe the following binding is necessary only on OSF/1?
$entry->bind('<Delete>' => 'Backspace');
# Doit button
my $doit = $frame1->Button(-text => 'Do it',
-command => sub {doit ($top, $entry, $results, $number->get, $size->get, $delay->get, $text)});
$doit->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'x', -padx => '2m');
$top->bind ('<Return>' => sub {doit ($top, $entry, $results, $number->get, $size->get, $delay->get, $text)});
my $cancel = $frame1->Button(-text => 'Cancel',
-command => sub {$main::cancel_requested = 1;});
#TODO: Cancel should test if an operation is in progress, otherwise, it will
# be "recorded" for the next time.
$cancel->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'x', -padx => '2m');
my $frame2 = $top->Frame(-borderwidth => '2m');
$frame2->pack(-fill => 'x');
#TODO: every number should be in the settings section at the beginning
$number = $frame2->Scale(-from => '1', -to => '10', -orient => 'horizontal', -label => 'Number of connections');
$number->set ('1');
$number->pack (-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');
$size = $frame2->Scale(-from => '1', -to => '1000', '-length' => '500', -orient => 'horizontal', -label => 'Size of packets');
$size->set ('256'); #TODO: finds a way to enter value directly
$size->pack (-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');
$delay = $frame2->Scale(-from => '0', -to => '20', '-length' => '500', -orient => 'horizontal', -label => 'Delay between connections');
$delay->set ('1');
$delay->pack (-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');
my $frame3 = $top->Frame(-borderwidth => '2m');
$frame3->pack (-fill => 'both', -expand => 'yes');
# Status text
$text = $frame3->Label(
-justify => 'center',
-text => "$message",
$text->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'none', -expand => 'no');
# Results text with scrollbar
#TODO: nice tags and hypertext tags
$results = $frame3->Text(-relief => 'sunken', -state => 'disabled');
my $scrollbar = $frame3->Scrollbar(-command => ['yview', $results]);
$results->configure(-yscrollcommand => ['set', $scrollbar]);
$scrollbar->pack(-side => 'right', -fill => 'y');
$results->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 'yes', -fill => 'both');
my $frame4 = $top->Frame(-borderwidth => '2m');
$frame4->pack(-fill => 'x');
# Quit button
my $quit = $frame4->Button(-text => 'Quit', -command => sub {exit 0;});
$quit->pack(-side => 'bottom', -fill => 'x');
#TODO: a "clear results" button and a "shrink results"
@main::to_disable = ($entry, $doit, $quit, $number, $size, $delay);
@main::to_mark = ($label, $frame1, $frame2, $frame3, $frame4);
#TODO: better resizing: the Quit button disappears when shrinking
sub doit {
my ($top_window, $entry, $text, $number, $size, $delay, $label) = @_;
my ($date) = `date`;
my $line;
my $index;
chop $date;
my $host = $entry->get;
&disable (@main::to_disable);
&mark_used (@main::to_mark);
&status ($label, "Looking up $host");
my ($name, $aliases, $addrtype, $length, @addrs) = gethostbyname ($host);
if (! $name) {
$text->configure (-state => 'normal');
$text->insert ('end', "\n----------\nHost $host unknown at $date\n\n");
$text->configure (-state => 'disabled');
&status ($label, "Idle");
&enable (@main::to_disable);
&mark_unused (@main::to_mark);
my $address = join ('.', unpack('C4', $addrs[0]));
&status ($label, "Echopinging $name");
my $handle = Tk::IO->open ("$main::echoping -v -n $number -s $size -w $delay $address 2>&1 |") || &panic ("Cannot echoping");
# Some messages to ignore. May be we should check them?
my $garbage = $handle->readline;
$garbage = $handle->readline;
$garbage = $handle->readline;
$text->configure (-state => 'normal');
$text->insert ('end', "\n----------\n$main::echoping of $host ($name [" .
$address . "])\n" .
" (with $size bytes and $delay s interval)\n" .
" at $date:\n");
$text->configure (-state => 'disabled');
while ($line = $handle->readline) {
#TODO: cancel will only be taken into account when there is something to read :-(
# may be more feedback would be good?
if ($main::cancel_requested) {
last; # The only problem is that we lose the last line received
# but the test is here to have more opportunities to
# catch a cancel.
if ($line =~ /^Trying to connect to internet address/) {
&status ($label, "Trying to connect");
elsif ($line =~ /^Connected/) {
&status ($label, "Connected");
elsif ($line =~ /^Sent/) {
&status ($label, "Data sent");
elsif ($line =~ /^Checked/) {
&status ($label, "Data received and checked");
elsif ($line =~ /^Elapsed time/) {
&status ($label, "Sleeping");
$text->configure (-state => 'normal');
$text->insert ('end', $line);
#TODO: scroll to see the end since it doesn't seem automatic
$text->configure (-state => 'disabled');
$text->configure (-state => 'normal');
if ($main::cancel_requested) {
undef $main::cancel_requested;
$text->insert ('end', "\nCancelled by user\n");
$date = `date`;
chop $date;
&status ($label, "Idle");
$text->insert ('end', "Over at $date\n");
$text->configure (-state => 'disabled');
&enable (@main::to_disable);
&mark_unused (@main::to_mark);
sub status {
my ($label, $message) = @_;
$label->configure (-text=>"Status: $message");
# Disable a list of widgets
sub disable {
my (@widgets) = @_;
my $w;
for $w (@widgets) {
$w->configure (-state=>'disabled', -cursor=>'watch');
# Enable a list of widgets
sub enable {
my (@widgets) = @_;
my $w;
for $w (@widgets) {
$w->configure (-state=>'normal', -cursor=>'top_left_arrow');
# Mark a list of widgets as used
sub mark_used {
my (@widgets) = @_;
my $w;
for $w (@widgets) {
$w->configure (-cursor=>'watch');
# Mark a list of widgets as unused
sub mark_unused {
my (@widgets) = @_;
my $w;
for $w (@widgets) {
$w->configure (-cursor=>'top_left_arrow');
# The "find_pg" (find program) code has been stolen from "aub"
# and lightly adapted.
sub find_pg {
# find_pg: find the specified executable on this machine, if possible.
# We try using which first, assuming that if the desired executable is in
# our path, it's the one we want.
# If it's not in our path, we try whereis, returning the first program
# whereis names for us which is executable.
# If we can't find what we need, we return an empty string.
my ($pg) = @_;
my ($ex) = 1;
my ($try, @found);
return $pg if ($pg =~ m/^\//); # Absolute paths know best
chop($try = `which $pg`);
return $try if ($try =~ m/^\//);
chop($try = `whereis $pg`);
if ($try =~ m/^$pg:\s+\//) {
@found = split(/\s/, $try);
$ex++ while (! -x $found[$ex]);
return $found[$ex] unless ($found[$ex] eq "");
return "";