extern crate ssh2; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::net::TcpStream; use std::path::PathBuf; use ssh2::Session; use ssh2::ExtendedData; use crate::config::SessionConfig; pub struct Remote { session: ssh2::Session, root: PathBuf } impl Remote { // todo: this shouold take configuration arguemnts pub fn connect(config: &SessionConfig) -> Remote { let tcp = TcpStream::connect( &config.host_port_string().as_str() ).unwrap(); let mut sess = Session::new().unwrap(); sess.set_tcp_stream(tcp); sess.handshake().unwrap(); // Try to authenticate with the first identity in the agent. sess.userauth_agent(&config.remote.user.clone().as_str()).unwrap(); // Make sure we succeeded assert!(sess.authenticated()); let mut root = PathBuf::new(); root.push( &config.remote.root.clone() ); return Remote { session: sess, root: root } } fn exec(&mut self, command: &str) -> String { let path = self.root.clone(); let path_str = path.to_str().unwrap(); let cmd = &format!("cd {} && {}", &path_str, &command); let channel = &mut self.session.channel_session().unwrap(); channel.exec( &cmd ).unwrap(); let mut s = String::new(); channel.read_to_string(&mut s).unwrap(); println!("exec: {}", &cmd); let _ = channel.wait_close(); return s; } fn exec_stream(&mut self, command: &str) { let path = self.root.clone(); let path_str = path.to_str().unwrap(); let cmd = &format!("cd {} && {}", &path_str, &command); let channel = &mut self.session.channel_session().unwrap(); let mut channel_out = channel.stream(0); channel.handle_extended_data(ExtendedData::Merge).unwrap(); channel.request_pty("term", None, None).unwrap(); channel.exec( &cmd ).unwrap(); std::io::copy(&mut channel_out, &mut std::io::stdout()).unwrap(); let _ = channel.wait_close(); } fn file_exists(&mut self, filename: &str) -> bool { let command = &format!("test -f {} && echo 1 || echo 0", filename); let s = self.exec(&command); return s.as_str() == "1\n"; } pub fn execute_if_exists(&mut self, event: &str) { let mut path = self.root.clone(); path.push(".dirsync/actions"); path.push(event); path.push("remote"); let path_str = path.to_str().unwrap(); if !self.file_exists(&path_str) { println!("file does not exist: {}", &path_str); return } let command1 = &format!("chmod +x {}", &path_str); let _ = self.exec(&command1); let command2 = &format!("{}", &path_str); self.exec_stream(&command2); } pub fn remove_dir(&mut self, path: &str) { let command = &format!("rm -rf {}", path); let s = self.exec(&command); print!("clean result: {}\n", s); } }