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* Mocking client-server processing
// eslint-disable-next-line
const _weather = {
coord: { lon: 13.04, lat: 47.8 },
weather: [
{ id: 800, main: "Clear", description: "Klarer Himmel", icon: "01d" }
base: "stations",
main: {
temp: 2.75,
feels_like: 0.09,
temp_min: 0,
temp_max: 6.11,
pressure: 1023,
humidity: 69
visibility: 10000,
wind: { speed: 0.5 },
clouds: { all: 9 },
dt: 1584260150,
sys: {
type: 1,
id: 6877,
country: "AT",
sunrise: 1584249628,
sunset: 1584292379
timezone: 3600,
id: 2766824,
name: "Salzburg",
cod: 200
// eslint-disable-next-line
const _forecast = {
city: {
id: 2766824,
name: "Salzburg",
coord: { lon: 13.044, lat: 47.7994 },
country: "AT",
population: 0,
timezone: 3600
cod: "200",
message: 0.0878612,
cnt: 4,
list: [
dt: 1584270000,
sunrise: 1584249627,
sunset: 1584292378,
temp: {
day: 14.02,
min: 1.59,
max: 14.02,
night: 1.59,
eve: 6.4,
morn: 2.88
feels_like: { day: 9.75, night: -2.31, eve: 2.85, morn: -0.11 },
pressure: 1021,
humidity: 42,
weather: [
id: 801,
main: "Clouds",
description: "Ein paar Wolken",
icon: "02d"
speed: 3.55,
deg: 105,
clouds: 15
dt: 1584356400,
sunrise: 1584335904,
sunset: 1584378865,
temp: {
day: 13.15,
min: 0.88,
max: 13.15,
night: 4.3,
eve: 6.25,
morn: 0.88
feels_like: { day: 10.56, night: 1.77, eve: 4.16, morn: -2.11 },
pressure: 1022,
humidity: 46,
weather: [
id: 800,
main: "Clear",
description: "Klarer Himmel",
icon: "01d"
speed: 1.26,
deg: 349,
clouds: 0
dt: 1584442800,
sunrise: 1584422182,
sunset: 1584465351,
temp: {
day: 13.8,
min: 3.73,
max: 14.05,
night: 9.64,
eve: 9.75,
morn: 3.73
feels_like: { day: 11.71, night: 7.26, eve: 7.47, morn: 1.33 },
pressure: 1029,
humidity: 53,
weather: [
{ id: 804, main: "Clouds", description: "Bedeckt", icon: "04d" }
speed: 1.21,
deg: 331,
clouds: 100
dt: 1584529200,
sunrise: 1584508459,
sunset: 1584551838,
temp: {
day: 16.55,
min: 6.35,
max: 16.55,
night: 7.1,
eve: 9.94,
morn: 6.35
feels_like: { day: 14.61, night: 5.37, eve: 8.03, morn: 4.56 },
pressure: 1028,
humidity: 52,
weather: [
id: 800,
main: "Clear",
description: "Klarer Himmel",
icon: "01d"
speed: 1.67,
deg: 39,
clouds: 7
import axios from 'axios'
export default {
* @param cb
* @returns {PromiseLike<any> | Promise<any>}
getCurrent(cb) {
//return cb(_weather);
// eslint-disable-next-line
return axios
.then(response => cb(
* @param cb
* @returns {PromiseLike<any> | Promise<any>}
getForecast(cb) {
//return cb(_forecast);
// eslint-disable-next-line
return axios
.then(response => cb(
* @param cb
* @returns {PromiseLike<any> | Promise<any>}
updateWeather(cb) {
return axios
.then(response => cb(