You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

42 lines
867 B

package optimizer
import (
. ""
type inRange struct{}
func (*inRange) Enter(*Node) {}
func (*inRange) Exit(node *Node) {
switch n := (*node).(type) {
case *BinaryNode:
if n.Operator == "in" || n.Operator == "not in" {
if rng, ok := n.Right.(*BinaryNode); ok && rng.Operator == ".." {
if from, ok := rng.Left.(*IntegerNode); ok {
if to, ok := rng.Right.(*IntegerNode); ok {
Patch(node, &BinaryNode{
Operator: "and",
Left: &BinaryNode{
Operator: ">=",
Left: n.Left,
Right: from,
Right: &BinaryNode{
Operator: "<=",
Left: n.Left,
Right: to,
if n.Operator == "not in" {
Patch(node, &UnaryNode{
Operator: "not",
Node: *node,