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package types
// Listing struct
type Listing struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
Slug string `json:"website_slug"`
// Ticker struct
type Ticker struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
Slug string `json:"website_slug"`
Rank int `json:"rank"`
CirculatingSupply float64 `json:"circulating_supply"`
TotalSupply float64 `json:"total_supply"`
MaxSupply float64 `json:"max_supply"`
Quotes map[string]*TickerQuote `json:"quotes"`
LastUpdated int `json:"last_updated"`
// TickerQuote struct
type TickerQuote struct {
Price float64 `json:"price"`
Volume24H float64 `json:"volume_24h"`
MarketCap float64 `json:"market_cap"`
PercentChange1H float64 `json:"percent_change_1h"`
PercentChange24H float64 `json:"percent_change_24h"`
PercentChange7D float64 `json:"percent_change_7d"`
// GlobalMarket struct
type GlobalMarket struct {
ActiveCurrencies int `json:"active_cryptocurrencies"`
ActiveMarkets int `json:"active_markets"`
BitcoinPercentageOfMarketCap float64 `json:"bitcoin_percentage_of_market_cap"`
LastUpdated int `json:"last_updated"`
Quotes map[string]*GlobalMarketQuote `json:"quotes"`
// GlobalMarketQuote struct
type GlobalMarketQuote struct {
TotalMarketCap float64 `json:"total_market_cap"`
TotalVolume24H float64 `json:"total_volume_24h"`
// TickerGraph struct
type TickerGraph struct {
MarketCapByAvailableSupply [][]float64 `json:"market_cap_by_available_supply"`
PriceBTC [][]float64 `json:"price_btc"`
PriceUSD [][]float64 `json:"price_usd"`
VolumeUSD [][]float64 `json:"volume_usd"`
// Market struct
type Market struct {
Rank int
Exchange string
Pair string
VolumeUSD float64
Price float64
VolumePercent float64
Updated string
// MarketGraph struct
type MarketGraph struct {
MarketCapByAvailableSupply [][]float64 `json:"market_cap_by_available_supply"`
VolumeUSD [][]float64 `json:"volume_usd"`
// V1Ticker struct
type V1Ticker struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
Rank int `json:"rank,string"`
PriceUSD float64 `json:"price_usd,string"`
PriceBTC float64 `json:"price_btc,string"`
USD24HVolume float64 `json:"24h_volume_usd,string"`
MarketCapUSD float64 `json:"market_cap_usd,string"`
AvailableSupply float64 `json:"available_supply,string"`
TotalSupply float64 `json:"total_supply,string"`
PercentChange1H float64 `json:"percent_change_1h,string"`
PercentChange24H float64 `json:"percent_change_24h,string"`
PercentChange7D float64 `json:"percent_change_7d,string"`
LastUpdated int `json:"last_updated,string"`
Quotes map[string]*TickerQuote `json:"quotes"`