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package types
// Coin struct
type Coin struct {
ID string
Name string
Symbol string
Rank int
Price float64
Volume24H float64
MarketCap float64
AvailableSupply float64
TotalSupply float64
PercentChange1H float64
PercentChange24H float64
PercentChange7D float64
LastUpdated string
// GlobalMarketData struct
type GlobalMarketData struct {
TotalMarketCapUSD float64
Total24HVolumeUSD float64
BitcoinPercentageOfMarketCap float64
ActiveCurrencies int
ActiveAssets int
ActiveMarkets int
// CoinGraph struct
type CoinGraph struct {
MarketCapByAvailableSupply [][]float64
PriceBTC [][]float64
PriceUSD [][]float64
VolumeUSD [][]float64
// Market struct
type Market struct {
Rank int
Exchange string
Pair string
VolumeUSD float64
Price float64
VolumePercent float64
Updated string
// MarketGraph struct
type MarketGraph struct {
MarketCapByAvailableSupply [][]float64
VolumeUSD [][]float64