You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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//go:build android
// +build android
package locale
#cgo LDFLAGS: -landroid -llog
#include <stdlib.h>
const char *getLocales(uintptr_t java_vm, uintptr_t jni_env, uintptr_t ctx);
const char *getLocale(uintptr_t java_vm, uintptr_t jni_env, uintptr_t ctx);
const char *getLanguage(uintptr_t java_vm, uintptr_t jni_env, uintptr_t ctx);
const char *getRegion(uintptr_t java_vm, uintptr_t jni_env, uintptr_t ctx);
import "C"
import (
var (
errRunOnJVMNotSet error = errors.New("you first need to call SetRunOnJVM")
runOnJVM func(fn func(vm, env, ctx uintptr) error) error
// SetRunOnJVM sets the RunOnJVM function that will be called by this library.
// This can either be "".RunOnJVM or "".RunOnJVM,
// depending on the mobile framework you're using (both can't be imported at the same time).
// RunOnJVM runs fn on a new goroutine locked to an OS thread with a JNIEnv.
// RunOnJVM blocks until the call to fn is complete. Any Java
// exception or failure to attach to the JVM is returned as an error.
// The function fn takes vm, the current JavaVM*,
// env, the current JNIEnv*, and
// ctx, a jobject representing the global android.context.Context.
func SetRunOnJVM(fn func(fn func(vm, env, ctx uintptr) error) error) {
runOnJVM = fn
// GetLocale retrieves the IETF BCP 47 language tag set on the system.
func GetLocale() (string, error) {
if runOnJVM == nil {
return "", errRunOnJVMNotSet
locale := ""
err := runOnJVM(func(vm, env, ctx uintptr) error {
chars := C.getLocale(C.uintptr_t(vm), C.uintptr_t(env), C.uintptr_t(ctx))
locale = C.GoString(chars)
return nil
return locale, err
// GetLocales retrieves the IETF BCP 47 language tags set on the system.
func GetLocales() ([]string, error) {
if runOnJVM == nil {
return nil, errRunOnJVMNotSet
locales := ""
err := runOnJVM(func(vm, env, ctx uintptr) error {
chars := C.getLocales(C.uintptr_t(vm), C.uintptr_t(env), C.uintptr_t(ctx))
locales = C.GoString(chars)
return nil
return strings.Split(locales, ","), err
// GetLanguage retrieves the IETF BCP 47 language tag set on the system and
// returns the language part of the tag.
func GetLanguage() (string, error) {
if runOnJVM == nil {
return "", errRunOnJVMNotSet
language := ""
err := runOnJVM(func(vm, env, ctx uintptr) error {
chars := C.getLanguage(C.uintptr_t(vm), C.uintptr_t(env), C.uintptr_t(ctx))
language = C.GoString(chars)
return nil
return language, err
// GetRegion retrieves the IETF BCP 47 language tag set on the system and
// returns the region part of the tag.
func GetRegion() (string, error) {
if runOnJVM == nil {
return "", errRunOnJVMNotSet
region := ""
err := runOnJVM(func(vm, env, ctx uintptr) error {
chars := C.getRegion(C.uintptr_t(vm), C.uintptr_t(env), C.uintptr_t(ctx))
region = C.GoString(chars)
return nil
return region, err