You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

286 lines
5.8 KiB

package cointop
import (
func (ct *Cointop) parseKeys(s string) (interface{}, gocui.Modifier) {
var key interface{}
mod := gocui.ModNone
split := strings.Split(s, "+")
if len(split) > 1 {
m := strings.ToLower(split[0])
k := strings.ToLower(split[1])
if m == "alt" {
mod = gocui.ModAlt
s = k
} else if m == "ctrl" {
switch k {
case "0": // not supported?
case "1": // not supported?
case "2":
key = gocui.KeyCtrl2
case "3":
key = gocui.KeyCtrl3
case "4":
key = gocui.KeyCtrl4
case "5":
key = gocui.KeyCtrl5
case "6":
key = gocui.KeyCtrl6
case "7":
key = gocui.KeyCtrl7
case "8":
key = gocui.KeyCtrl8
case "9": // not supported?
case "a":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlA
case "b":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlB
case "c":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlC
case "d":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlD
case "e":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlE
case "f":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlF
case "g":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlG
case "h":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlH
case "i":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlI
case "j":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlJ
case "k":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlK
case "l":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlL
case "m":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlL
case "n":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlN
case "o":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlO
case "p":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlP
case "q":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlQ
case "r":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlR
case "s":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlS
case "t":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlT
case "u":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlU
case "v":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlV
case "w":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlW
case "x":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlX
case "y":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlY
case "z":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlZ
case "~":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlTilde
case "[":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlLsqBracket
case "]":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlRsqBracket
case "space":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlSpace
case "backslash":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlBackslash
case "underscore":
key = gocui.KeyCtrlUnderscore
return key, mod
if len(s) == 1 {
r := []rune(s)
key = r[0]
return key, mod
s = strings.ToLower(s)
switch s {
case "arrowup":
case "uparrow":
case "up":
key = gocui.KeyArrowUp
case "arrowdown":
case "downarrow":
case "down":
key = gocui.KeyArrowDown
case "arrowleft":
case "leftarrow":
case "left":
key = gocui.KeyArrowLeft
case "arrowright":
case "rightarrow":
case "right":
key = gocui.KeyArrowRight
case "enter":
case "return":
key = gocui.KeyEnter
case "space":
case "spacebar":
key = gocui.KeySpace
case "esc":
case "escape":
key = gocui.KeyEsc
case "f1":
key = gocui.KeyF1
case "f2":
key = gocui.KeyF2
case "f3":
key = gocui.KeyF3
case "f4":
key = gocui.KeyF4
case "f5":
key = gocui.KeyF5
case "f6":
key = gocui.KeyF6
case "f7":
key = gocui.KeyF7
case "f8":
key = gocui.KeyF8
case "f9":
key = gocui.KeyF9
case "tab":
key = gocui.KeyTab
case "pageup":
case "pgup":
key = gocui.KeyPgup
case "pagedown":
case "pgdown":
key = gocui.KeyPgdn
case "home":
key = gocui.KeyHome
case "end":
key = gocui.KeyEnd
return key, mod
func (ct *Cointop) keybindings(g *gocui.Gui) error {
for k, v := range ct.shortcutkeys {
v = strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(v))
var fn func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error
key, mod := ct.parseKeys(k)
switch v {
case "move_up":
fn = ct.cursorUp
case "move_down":
fn = ct.cursorDown
case "previous_page":
fn = ct.prevPage
case "next_page":
fn = ct.nextPage
case "page_down":
fn = ct.pageDown
case "page_up":
fn = ct.pageUp
case "sort_column_symbol":
fn = ct.sortfn("symbol", false)
case "move_to_page_first_row":
fn = ct.navigateFirstLine
case "move_to_page_last_row":
fn = ct.navigateLastLine
case "open_link":
fn = ct.openLink
case "refresh":
fn = ct.refresh
case "sort_column_asc":
fn = ct.sortAsc
case "sort_column_desc":
fn = ct.sortDesc
case "sort_left_column":
fn = ct.sortPrevCol
case "sort_right_column":
fn = ct.sortNextCol
case "help":
fn = ct.openHelp
case "first_page":
fn = ct.firstPage
case "sort_column_1h_change":
fn = ct.sortfn("1hchange", true)
case "sort_column_24h_change":
fn = ct.sortfn("24hchange", true)
case "sort_column_7d_change":
fn = ct.sortfn("7dchange", true)
case "sort_column_available_supply":
fn = ct.sortfn("availablesupply", true)
case "toggle_row_chart":
fn = ct.toggleCoinChart
case "move_to_page_visible_first_row":
fn = ct.navigatePageFirstLine
case "move_to_page_visible_last_row":
fn = ct.navigatePageLastLine
case "sort_column_market_cap":
fn = ct.sortfn("marketcap", true)
case "move_to_page_visible_middle_row":
fn = ct.navigatePageMiddleLine
case "sort_column_name":
fn = ct.sortfn("name", true)
case "sort_column_price":
fn = ct.sortfn("price", true)
case "sort_column_rank":
fn = ct.sortfn("rank", false)
case "sort_column_total_supply":
fn = ct.sortfn("totalsupply", true)
case "sort_column_last_updated":
fn = ct.sortfn("lastupdated", true)
case "sort_column_24h_volume":
fn = ct.sortfn("24hvolume", true)
case "last_page":
fn = ct.lastPage
case "quit":
fn = ct.quit
fn = keynoop
ct.setKeybindingMod(key, mod, fn)
return nil
func (ct *Cointop) setKeybindingMod(key interface{}, mod gocui.Modifier, callback func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error) error {
var err error
switch t := key.(type) {
case gocui.Key:
err = ct.g.SetKeybinding("", t, mod, callback)
case rune:
err = ct.g.SetKeybinding("", t, mod, callback)
return err
func keynoop(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return nil