You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package humanize
import (
var cachedSystemLocale = ""
// Numericf produces a string from of the given number with give fixed precision
// in base 10 with thousands separators after every three orders of magnitude
// using thousands and decimal separator according to LC_NUMERIC; defaulting "en".
// e.g. Numericf(834142.32, 2) -> "834,142.32"
func Numericf(value float64, precision int) string {
return f(value, precision, "LC_NUMERIC", true)
// Monetaryf produces a string from of the given number give minimum precision
// in base 10 with thousands separators after every three orders of magnitude
// using thousands and decimal separator according to LC_MONETARY; defaulting "en".
// e.g. Monetaryf(834142.3256, 2) -> "834,142.3256"
func Monetaryf(value float64, precision int) string {
return f(value, precision, "LC_MONETARY", false)
// borrowed from go-locale/util.go
func splitLocale(locale string) (string, string) {
// Remove the encoding, if present
formattedLocale := strings.Split(locale, ".")[0]
// Normalize by replacing the hyphens with underscores
formattedLocale = strings.Replace(formattedLocale, "-", "_", -1)
// Split at the underscore
split := strings.Split(formattedLocale, "_")
language := split[0]
territory := ""
if len(split) > 1 {
territory = split[1]
return language, territory
// GetLocale returns the current locale as defined in IETF BCP 47 (e.g. "en-US").
// The envvar provided is checked first (eg LC_TIME), before the platform-specific defaults.
func getLocale(envvar string) string {
userLocale := "en-US" // default language-REGION
// First try looking up envar directly
envlang, ok := os.LookupEnv(envvar)
if ok {
language, region := splitLocale(envlang)
userLocale = language
if len(region) > 0 {
userLocale = strings.Join([]string{language, region}, "-")
} else {
// Then use (cached) system-specific locale
if cachedSystemLocale == "" {
if loc, err := locale.GetLocale(); err == nil {
userLocale = loc
cachedSystemLocale = loc
} else {
userLocale = cachedSystemLocale
return userLocale
// formatTimeExplicit formats the given time using the prescribed layout with the provided userLocale
func formatTimeExplicit(time time.Time, layout string, userLocale string) string {
mondayLocale := monday.Locale(strings.Replace(userLocale, "-", "_", 1))
return monday.Format(time, layout, mondayLocale)
// FormatTime is a dropin replacement time.Format(layout) that uses system locale + LC_TIME
func FormatTime(time time.Time, layout string) string {
return formatTimeExplicit(time, layout, getLocale("LC_TIME"))
// f formats given value, with precision decimal places using thousands and decimal
// separator according to language found in given locale environment variable e.
// If fixed is true the decimal places are fixed to the given precision otherwise d is the
// minimum of decimal places until the first 0.
func f(value float64, precision int, envvar string, fixed bool) string {
parts := strings.Split(strconv.FormatFloat(value, 'f', -1, 64), ".")
if !fixed && len(parts) > 1 {
for ; precision < len(parts[1]); precision += 1 {
if parts[1][precision] == '0' {
envlang, ok := os.LookupEnv(envvar)
if !ok {
envlang = "en"
lang := language.Make(envlang)
format := fmt.Sprintf("%%.%df", precision)
return message.NewPrinter(lang).Sprintf(format, value)
// Scale returns a scaled-down version of value and a suffix to add (M,B,etc.)
func Scale(value float64) (float64, string) {
type scalingUnit struct {
value float64
suffix string
// quadrillion, quintrillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, and decillion
var scales = [...]scalingUnit{
{value: 1e12, suffix: "T"},
{value: 1e9, suffix: "B"},
{value: 1e6, suffix: "M"},
{value: 1e3, suffix: "K"},
for _, scale := range scales {
if math.Abs(value) > scale.value {
return value / scale.value, scale.suffix
return value, ""
// ScaleNumericf scales a large number down using a suffix, then formats it with the
// prescribed number of significant digits.
func ScaleNumericf(value float64, digits int) string {
value, suffix := Scale(value)
// Round the scaled value to a certain number of significant figures
var s string
if math.Abs(value) < 1 {
s = Numericf(value, digits)
} else {
numDigits := len(fmt.Sprintf("%.0f", math.Abs(value)))
if numDigits >= digits {
s = Numericf(value, 0)
} else {
s = Numericf(value, digits-numDigits)
return s + suffix