You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package monday
import (
// ============================================================
// Format rules for "ja_JP" locale: Japanese
// ============================================================
var longDayNamesJaJP = map[string]string{
"Sunday": "日曜日",
"Monday": "月曜日",
"Tuesday": "火曜日",
"Wednesday": "水曜日",
"Thursday": "木曜日",
"Friday": "金曜日",
"Saturday": "土曜日",
var shortDayNamesJaJP = map[string]string{
"Sun": "日",
"Mon": "月",
"Tue": "火",
"Wed": "水",
"Thu": "木",
"Fri": "金",
"Sat": "土",
var longMonthNamesJaJP = map[string]string{
"January": "1月",
"February": "2月",
"March": "3月",
"April": "4月",
"May": "5月",
"June": "6月",
"July": "7月",
"August": "8月",
"September": "9月",
"October": "10月",
"November": "11月",
"December": "12月",
var shortMonthNamesJaJP = map[string]string{
"Jan": "1月",
"Feb": "2月",
"Mar": "3月",
"Apr": "4月",
"May": "5月",
"Jun": "6月",
"Jul": "7月",
"Aug": "8月",
"Sep": "9月",
"Oct": "10月",
"Nov": "11月",
"Dec": "12月",
var periodsJaJP = map[string]string{
"am": "午前",
"pm": "午後",
"AM": "午前",
"PM": "午後",
func parseFuncJaCommon(locale Locale) internalParseFunc {
return func(layout, value string) string {
// This special case is needed because ja_JP... contains month names
// that consist of a number, a delimiter, and '月'. Example: "October" = "10 月"
// This means that probably default time package layout IDs like 'January' or 'Jan'
// shouldn't be used in ja_JP. But this is a time-compatible package, so someone
// might actually use those and we need to replace those before doing standard procedures.
for k, v := range knownMonthsLongReverse[locale] {
value = strings.Replace(value, k, v, -1)
value = commonFormatFunc(value, layout,
knownDaysShortReverse[locale], knownDaysLongReverse[locale],
knownMonthsShortReverse[locale], knownMonthsLongReverse[locale], knownPeriods[locale])
// knownPeriodsReverse has hash collisions
for k, v := range knownPeriodsReverse[locale] {
targetValue := strings.ToLower(v)
if strings.Index(layout, "PM") != -1 {
targetValue = strings.ToUpper(v)
value = strings.Replace(value, k, targetValue, -1)
return value