# perl6 # The Perl 6 Language Implementation # to install perl6 (in Debian/Ubuntu) apt-get install rakudo # To install rakudobrew and zef (perl 6 package management) git clone https://github.com/tadzik/rakudobrew ~/.rakudobrew export PATH=~/.rakudobrew/bin:$PATH # or fish shell: set -U fish_user_paths ~/.rakudobrew/bin/ $fish_user_paths rakudobrew init # Instructions for permanent installation. # to install vm: rakudobrew list-available rakudobrew build moar 2017.12 # to install package manager zef rakudobrew build zef # after zef is installed you can build and install perl6 packages zef install p6doc # After you have installed new modules and scripts with zef or panda # to make the scripts available in ~/.rakudobrew/bin and thus your PATH rakudobrew rehash # See also: # Perl language cheat sheets at /perl6/ # list of pages: /perl6/:list # learn perl: /perl6/:learn # perl one-liners: /perl6/1line # search in pages: /perl6/~keyword