You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

161 lines
3.9 KiB

package btc
import (
func SummarizeChannels(apiURL string, channels []*dataformat.SummaryEntry,
log btclog.Logger) (*dataformat.SummaryEntryFile, error) {
summaryFile := &dataformat.SummaryEntryFile{
Channels: channels,
api := &ExplorerAPI{BaseURL: apiURL}
for idx, channel := range channels {
tx, err := api.Transaction(channel.FundingTXID)
if err == ErrTxNotFound {
log.Errorf("Funding TX %s not found. Ignoring.",
channel.ChanExists = false
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Problem with channel %d (%s): %v.",
idx, channel.FundingTXID, err)
return nil, err
channel.ChanExists = true
outspend := tx.Vout[channel.FundingTXIndex].Outspend
if outspend.Spent {
channel.ClosingTX = &dataformat.ClosingTX{
TXID: outspend.Txid,
ConfHeight: uint32(outspend.Status.BlockHeight),
err := reportOutspend(
api, summaryFile, channel, outspend, log,
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Problem with channel %d (%s): %v.",
idx, channel.FundingTXID, err)
return nil, err
} else {
summaryFile.FundsOpenChannels += channel.LocalBalance
channel.ClosingTX = nil
channel.HasPotential = true
if idx%50 == 0 {
log.Infof("Queried channel %d of %d.", idx,
return summaryFile, nil
func reportOutspend(api *ExplorerAPI,
summaryFile *dataformat.SummaryEntryFile,
entry *dataformat.SummaryEntry, os *Outspend, log btclog.Logger) error {
spendTx, err := api.Transaction(os.Txid)
if err != nil {
return err
summaryFile.FundsClosedChannels += entry.LocalBalance
var utxo []*Vout
for _, vout := range spendTx.Vout {
if !vout.Outspend.Spent {
utxo = append(utxo, vout)
if isCoopClose(spendTx) {
summaryFile.FundsCoopClose += entry.LocalBalance
entry.ClosingTX.ForceClose = false
entry.ClosingTX.AllOutsSpent = len(utxo) == 0
entry.HasPotential = entry.LocalBalance > 0 && len(utxo) != 0
return nil
entry.ClosingTX.ForceClose = true
entry.HasPotential = false
if len(utxo) > 0 {
log.Debugf("Channel %s spent by %s:%d which has %d outputs of "+
"which %d are unspent.", entry.ChannelPoint, os.Txid,
os.Vin, len(spendTx.Vout), len(utxo))
entry.ClosingTX.AllOutsSpent = false
for _, o := range utxo {
if o.ScriptPubkeyType == "v0_p2wpkh" {
entry.ClosingTX.ToRemoteAddr = o.ScriptPubkeyAddr
if couldBeOurs(entry, utxo) {
summaryFile.FundsForceClose += utxo[0].Value
entry.HasPotential = true
// Could maybe be brute forced.
if len(utxo) == 1 &&
utxo[0].ScriptPubkeyType == "v0_p2wpkh" &&
!utxo[0].Outspend.Spent {
entry.ClosingTX.OurAddr = utxo[0].ScriptPubkeyAddr
} else {
// It's theirs, ignore.
if entry.LocalBalance == 0 ||
(len(utxo) == 1 &&
utxo[0].Value == entry.RemoteBalance) {
return nil
// We don't know what this output is, logging for debug.
for idx, vout := range spendTx.Vout {
if !vout.Outspend.Spent {
log.Debugf("UTXO %d of type %s with "+
"value %d", idx,
log.Debugf("Local balance: %d", entry.LocalBalance)
log.Debugf("Remote balance: %d", entry.RemoteBalance)
log.Debugf("Initiator: %v", entry.Initiator)
} else {
entry.ClosingTX.AllOutsSpent = true
entry.HasPotential = false
summaryFile.FundsClosedSpent += entry.LocalBalance
return nil
func couldBeOurs(entry *dataformat.SummaryEntry, utxo []*Vout) bool {
if len(utxo) == 1 && utxo[0].Value == entry.RemoteBalance {
return false
return entry.LocalBalance != 0
func isCoopClose(tx *TX) bool {
return tx.Vin[0].Sequence == 0xffffffff