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package main
import (
const (
keyBasePath = "m/1017'/%d'"
maxKeys = 500
maxPoints = 500
type sweepTimeLockManualCommand struct {
RootKey string `long:"rootkey" description:"BIP32 HD root key to use. Leave empty to prompt for lnd 24 word aezeed."`
Publish bool `long:"publish" description:"Should the sweep TX be published to the chain API?"`
SweepAddr string `long:"sweepaddr" description:"The address the funds should be sweeped to."`
MaxCsvLimit int `long:"maxcsvlimit" description:"Maximum CSV limit to use. (default 2000)"`
FeeRate uint32 `long:"feerate" description:"The fee rate to use for the sweep transaction in sat/vByte. (default 2 sat/vByte)"`
TimeLockAddr string `long:"timelockaddr" description:"The address of the time locked commitment output where the funds are stuck in."`
RemoteRevocationBasePoint string `long:"remoterevbasepoint" description:"The remote's revocation base point, can be found in a channel.backup file."`
func (c *sweepTimeLockManualCommand) Execute(_ []string) error {
var (
extendedKey *hdkeychain.ExtendedKey
err error
// Check that root key is valid or fall back to console input.
switch {
case c.RootKey != "":
extendedKey, err = hdkeychain.NewKeyFromString(c.RootKey)
extendedKey, _, err = lnd.ReadAezeedFromTerminal(chainParams)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error reading root key: %v", err)
// Make sure the sweep and time lock addrs are set.
if c.SweepAddr == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("sweep addr is required")
if c.TimeLockAddr == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("time lock addr is required")
// The remote revocation base point must also be set and a valid EC
// point.
remoteRevPoint, err := pubKeyFromHex(c.RemoteRevocationBasePoint)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid remote revocation base point: %v",
// Set default values.
if c.MaxCsvLimit == 0 {
c.MaxCsvLimit = defaultCsvLimit
if c.FeeRate == 0 {
c.FeeRate = defaultFeeSatPerVByte
return sweepTimeLockManual(
extendedKey, cfg.APIURL, c.SweepAddr, c.TimeLockAddr,
remoteRevPoint, c.MaxCsvLimit, c.Publish, c.FeeRate,
func sweepTimeLockManual(extendedKey *hdkeychain.ExtendedKey, apiURL string,
sweepAddr, timeLockAddr string, remoteRevPoint *btcec.PublicKey,
maxCsvTimeout int, publish bool, feeRate uint32) error {
// First of all, we need to parse the lock addr and make sure we can
// brute force the script with the information we have. If not, we can't
// continue anyway.
lockScript, err := lnd.GetP2WSHScript(timeLockAddr, chainParams)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid time lock addr: %v", err)
// We need to go through a lot of our keys so it makes sense to
// pre-derive the static part of our key path.
basePath, err := lnd.ParsePath(fmt.Sprintf(
keyBasePath, chainParams.HDCoinType,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not derive base path: %v", err)
baseKey, err := lnd.DeriveChildren(extendedKey, basePath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not derive base key: %v", err)
// Go through all our keys now and try to find the ones that can derive
// the script. This loop can take very long as it'll nest three times,
// once for the key index, once for the commit points and once for the
// CSV values. Most of the calculations should be rather cheap but the
// number of iterations can go up to maxKeys*maxPoints*maxCsvTimeout.
var (
csvTimeout int32
script []byte
scriptHash []byte
delayDesc *keychain.KeyDescriptor
commitPoint *btcec.PublicKey
for i := uint32(0); i < maxKeys; i++ {
// The easy part first, let's derive the delay base point.
delayPath := []uint32{
lnd.HardenedKey(uint32(keychain.KeyFamilyDelayBase)), 0,
delayPrivKey, err := lnd.PrivKeyFromPath(baseKey, delayPath)
if err != nil {
return err
// Get the revocation base point first so we can calculate our
// commit point.
revPath := []uint32{
)), 0, i,
revRoot, err := lnd.ShaChainFromPath(baseKey, revPath)
if err != nil {
return err
// We now have everything to brute force the lock script. This
// will take a long while as we both have to go through commit
// points and CSV values.
csvTimeout, script, scriptHash, commitPoint, err =
delayPrivKey.PubKey(), remoteRevPoint, revRoot,
lockScript, maxCsvTimeout,
if err == nil {
delayDesc = &keychain.KeyDescriptor{
PubKey: delayPrivKey.PubKey(),
KeyLocator: keychain.KeyLocator{
Family: keychain.KeyFamilyDelayBase,
Index: i,
if i != 0 && i%20 == 0 {
fmt.Printf("Tried %d of %d keys.", i, maxKeys)
// Did we find what we looked for or did we just exhaust all
// possibilities?
if script == nil || delayDesc == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("target script not derived")
// Create signer and transaction template.
signer := &lnd.Signer{
ExtendedKey: extendedKey,
ChainParams: chainParams,
api := &btc.ExplorerAPI{BaseURL: apiURL}
// We now know everything we need to construct the sweep transaction,
// except for what outpoint to sweep. We'll ask the chain API to give
// us this information.
tx, txindex, err := api.Outpoint(timeLockAddr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error looking up lock address %s on chain: "+
"%v", timeLockAddr, err)
sweepTx := wire.NewMsgTx(2)
sweepValue := int64(tx.Vout[txindex].Value)
// Create the transaction input.
txHash, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr(tx.TXID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error parsing tx hash: %v", err)
sweepTx.TxIn = []*wire.TxIn{{
PreviousOutPoint: wire.OutPoint{
Hash: *txHash,
Index: uint32(txindex),
Sequence: input.LockTimeToSequence(
false, uint32(csvTimeout),
// Calculate the fee based on the given fee rate and our weight
// estimation.
var estimator input.TxWeightEstimator
feeRateKWeight := chainfee.SatPerKVByte(1000 * feeRate).FeePerKWeight()
totalFee := feeRateKWeight.FeeForWeight(int64(estimator.Weight()))
// Add our sweep destination output.
sweepScript, err := lnd.GetP2WPKHScript(sweepAddr, chainParams)
if err != nil {
return err
sweepTx.TxOut = []*wire.TxOut{{
Value: sweepValue - int64(totalFee),
PkScript: sweepScript,
log.Infof("Fee %d sats of %d total amount (estimated weight %d)",
totalFee, sweepValue, estimator.Weight())
// Create the sign descriptor for the input then sign the transaction.
sigHashes := txscript.NewTxSigHashes(sweepTx)
signDesc := &input.SignDescriptor{
KeyDesc: *delayDesc,
SingleTweak: input.SingleTweakBytes(
commitPoint, delayDesc.PubKey,
WitnessScript: script,
Output: &wire.TxOut{
PkScript: scriptHash,
Value: sweepValue,
InputIndex: 0,
SigHashes: sigHashes,
HashType: txscript.SigHashAll,
witness, err := input.CommitSpendTimeout(signer, signDesc, sweepTx)
if err != nil {
return err
sweepTx.TxIn[0].Witness = witness
var buf bytes.Buffer
err = sweepTx.Serialize(&buf)
if err != nil {
return err
// Publish TX.
if publish {
response, err := api.PublishTx(
if err != nil {
return err
log.Infof("Published TX %s, response: %s",
sweepTx.TxHash().String(), response)
log.Infof("Transaction: %x", buf.Bytes())
return nil
func bruteForceDelayPoint(delayBase, revBase *btcec.PublicKey,
revRoot *shachain.RevocationProducer, lockScript []byte,
maxCsvTimeout int) (int32, []byte, []byte, *btcec.PublicKey, error) {
for i := uint64(0); i < maxPoints; i++ {
revPreimage, err := revRoot.AtIndex(i)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, nil, err
commitPoint := input.ComputeCommitmentPoint(revPreimage[:])
csvTimeout, script, scriptHash, err := bruteForceDelay(
input.TweakPubKey(delayBase, commitPoint),
input.DeriveRevocationPubkey(revBase, commitPoint),
lockScript, maxCsvTimeout,
if err != nil {
return csvTimeout, script, scriptHash, commitPoint, nil
return 0, nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("target script not derived")