You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

434 lines
13 KiB

package dump
import (
const (
lndInternalDerivationPath = "m/1017'/%d'/%d'/0/%d"
// BackupMulti is the information we want to dump from a lnd channel backup
// multi file. See `chanbackup.Multi` for information about the fields.
type BackupMulti struct {
Version chanbackup.MultiBackupVersion
StaticBackups []BackupSingle
// BackupSingle is the information we want to dump from a lnd channel backup.
// See `chanbackup.Single` for information about the fields.
type BackupSingle struct {
Version chanbackup.SingleBackupVersion
IsInitiator bool
ChainHash string
FundingOutpoint string
ShortChannelID lnwire.ShortChannelID
RemoteNodePub string
Addresses []net.Addr
Capacity btcutil.Amount
LocalChanCfg ChannelConfig
RemoteChanCfg ChannelConfig
ShaChainRootDesc KeyDescriptor
// OpenChannel is the information we want to dump from an open channel in lnd's
// channel DB. See `channeldb.OpenChannel` for information about the fields.
type OpenChannel struct {
ChanType channeldb.ChannelType
ChainHash chainhash.Hash
FundingOutpoint string
ShortChannelID lnwire.ShortChannelID
IsPending bool
IsInitiator bool
ChanStatus channeldb.ChannelStatus
FundingBroadcastHeight uint32
NumConfsRequired uint16
ChannelFlags lnwire.FundingFlag
ThawHeight uint32
IdentityPub string
Capacity btcutil.Amount
TotalMSatSent lnwire.MilliSatoshi
TotalMSatReceived lnwire.MilliSatoshi
PerCommitPoint string
LocalChanCfg ChannelConfig
RemoteChanCfg ChannelConfig
LocalCommitment channeldb.ChannelCommitment
RemoteCommitment channeldb.ChannelCommitment
LocalCommitmentDebug ChannelDebugInfo
RemoteCommitmentDebug ChannelDebugInfo
RemoteCurrentRevocation string
RemoteNextRevocation string
FundingTxn string
LocalShutdownScript lnwire.DeliveryAddress
RemoteShutdownScript lnwire.DeliveryAddress
// ChannelDebugInfo is a struct that holds additional information about an open
// or pending channel that is useful for debugging.
type ChannelDebugInfo struct {
ToLocalScript string
ToLocalAddr string
ToRemoteScript string
ToRemoteAddr string
// ClosedChannel is the information we want to dump from a closed channel in
// lnd's channel DB. See `channeldb.ChannelCloseSummary` for information about
// the fields.
type ClosedChannel struct {
ChanPoint string
ShortChanID lnwire.ShortChannelID
ChainHash chainhash.Hash
ClosingTXID string
RemotePub string
Capacity btcutil.Amount
CloseHeight uint32
SettledBalance btcutil.Amount
TimeLockedBalance btcutil.Amount
CloseType string
IsPending bool
RemoteCurrentRevocation string
RemoteNextRevocation string
LocalChanConfig ChannelConfig
NextLocalCommitHeight uint64
RemoteCommitTailHeight uint64
LastRemoteCommitSecret string
LocalUnrevokedCommitPoint string
HistoricalChannel *OpenChannel
// ChannelConfig is the information we want to dump from a channel
// configuration. See `channeldb.ChannelConfig` for more information about the
// fields.
type ChannelConfig struct {
MultiSigKey KeyDescriptor
RevocationBasePoint KeyDescriptor
PaymentBasePoint KeyDescriptor
DelayBasePoint KeyDescriptor
HtlcBasePoint KeyDescriptor
// KeyDescriptor is the information we want to dump from a key descriptor. See
// `keychain.KeyDescriptor` for more information about the fields.
type KeyDescriptor struct {
Path string
PubKey string
// OpenChannelDump converts the open channels in the given channel DB into a
// dumpable format.
func OpenChannelDump(channels []*channeldb.OpenChannel,
params *chaincfg.Params) ([]OpenChannel, error) {
dumpChannels := make([]OpenChannel, len(channels))
for idx, channel := range channels {
openChan, err := openChannelDump(channel, params)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error converting to dump "+
"format: %w", err)
dumpChannels[idx] = *openChan
return dumpChannels, nil
func openChannelDump(channel *channeldb.OpenChannel,
params *chaincfg.Params) (*OpenChannel, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if channel.FundingTxn != nil {
err := channel.FundingTxn.Serialize(&buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
revPreimage, err := channel.RevocationProducer.AtIndex(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
perCommitPoint := input.ComputeCommitmentPoint(revPreimage[:])
openChan := &OpenChannel{
ChanType: channel.ChanType,
ChainHash: channel.ChainHash,
FundingOutpoint: channel.FundingOutpoint.String(),
ShortChannelID: channel.ShortChannelID,
IsPending: channel.IsPending,
IsInitiator: channel.IsInitiator,
ChanStatus: channel.ChanStatus(),
FundingBroadcastHeight: channel.FundingBroadcastHeight,
NumConfsRequired: channel.NumConfsRequired,
ChannelFlags: channel.ChannelFlags,
ThawHeight: channel.ThawHeight,
IdentityPub: PubKeyToString(
Capacity: channel.Capacity,
TotalMSatSent: channel.TotalMSatSent,
TotalMSatReceived: channel.TotalMSatReceived,
PerCommitPoint: PubKeyToString(perCommitPoint),
LocalChanCfg: ToChannelConfig(
params, channel.LocalChanCfg,
RemoteChanCfg: ToChannelConfig(
params, channel.RemoteChanCfg,
LocalCommitment: channel.LocalCommitment,
RemoteCommitment: channel.RemoteCommitment,
RemoteCurrentRevocation: PubKeyToString(
RemoteNextRevocation: PubKeyToString(
FundingTxn: hex.EncodeToString(buf.Bytes()),
LocalShutdownScript: channel.LocalShutdownScript,
RemoteShutdownScript: channel.RemoteShutdownScript,
localDebug, err := CollectDebugInfo(
channel, perCommitPoint, true, channel.IsInitiator, params,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error collecting local debug info: %w",
remoteDebug, err := CollectDebugInfo(
channel, channel.RemoteCurrentRevocation, false,
!channel.IsInitiator, params,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error collecting remote debug info: %w",
openChan.LocalCommitmentDebug = *localDebug
openChan.RemoteCommitmentDebug = *remoteDebug
return openChan, nil
// CollectDebugInfo collects the additional debug information for the given
// channel.
func CollectDebugInfo(channel *channeldb.OpenChannel,
commitPoint *btcec.PublicKey, ourCommit, initiator bool,
params *chaincfg.Params) (*ChannelDebugInfo, error) {
chanType := channel.ChanType
ourChanCfg := &channel.LocalChanCfg
theirChanCfg := &channel.RemoteChanCfg
leaseExpiry := channel.ThawHeight
keyRing := lnwallet.DeriveCommitmentKeys(
commitPoint, ourCommit, chanType, ourChanCfg, theirChanCfg,
// First, we create the script for the delayed "pay-to-self" output.
// This output has 2 main redemption clauses: either we can redeem the
// output after a relative block delay, or the remote node can claim
// the funds with the revocation key if we broadcast a revoked
// commitment transaction.
toLocalScript, err := lnwallet.CommitScriptToSelf(
chanType, initiator, keyRing.ToLocalKey, keyRing.RevocationKey,
uint32(ourChanCfg.CsvDelay), leaseExpiry,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Next, we create the script paying to the remote.
toRemoteScript, _, err := lnwallet.CommitScriptToRemote(
chanType, initiator, keyRing.ToRemoteKey, leaseExpiry,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
toLocalPkScript, err := txscript.ParsePkScript(toLocalScript.PkScript())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
toLocalAddr, err := toLocalPkScript.Address(params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
toRemotePkScript, err := txscript.ParsePkScript(toRemoteScript.PkScript())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
toRemoteAddr, err := toRemotePkScript.Address(params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ChannelDebugInfo{
ToLocalScript: hex.EncodeToString(
ToLocalAddr: toLocalAddr.String(),
ToRemoteScript: hex.EncodeToString(
ToRemoteAddr: toRemoteAddr.String(),
}, nil
// ClosedChannelDump converts the closed channels in the given channel DB into a
// dumpable format.
func ClosedChannelDump(channels []*channeldb.ChannelCloseSummary,
historicalChannels []*channeldb.OpenChannel,
params *chaincfg.Params) ([]ClosedChannel, error) {
dumpChannels := make([]ClosedChannel, len(channels))
for idx, channel := range channels {
var (
nextLocalHeight, remoteTailHeight uint64
lastRemoteSecret string
localUnrevokedCommitPoint *btcec.PublicKey
historicalChannel *OpenChannel
if channel.LastChanSyncMsg != nil {
msg := channel.LastChanSyncMsg
nextLocalHeight = msg.NextLocalCommitHeight
remoteTailHeight = msg.RemoteCommitTailHeight
lastRemoteSecret = hex.EncodeToString(
localUnrevokedCommitPoint = msg.LocalUnrevokedCommitPoint
histChan := historicalChannels[idx]
if histChan != nil {
openChan, err := openChannelDump(histChan, params)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error converting to "+
"dump format: %w", err)
historicalChannel = openChan
dumpChannels[idx] = ClosedChannel{
ChanPoint: channel.ChanPoint.String(),
ShortChanID: channel.ShortChanID,
ChainHash: channel.ChainHash,
ClosingTXID: channel.ClosingTXID.String(),
RemotePub: PubKeyToString(channel.RemotePub),
Capacity: channel.Capacity,
CloseHeight: channel.CloseHeight,
SettledBalance: channel.SettledBalance,
TimeLockedBalance: channel.TimeLockedBalance,
CloseType: fmt.Sprintf(
"%d", channel.CloseType,
IsPending: channel.IsPending,
RemoteCurrentRevocation: PubKeyToString(
RemoteNextRevocation: PubKeyToString(
LocalChanConfig: ToChannelConfig(
params, channel.LocalChanConfig,
NextLocalCommitHeight: nextLocalHeight,
RemoteCommitTailHeight: remoteTailHeight,
LastRemoteCommitSecret: lastRemoteSecret,
LocalUnrevokedCommitPoint: PubKeyToString(
HistoricalChannel: historicalChannel,
return dumpChannels, nil
// BackupDump converts the given multi backup into a dumpable format.
func BackupDump(multi *chanbackup.Multi,
params *chaincfg.Params) []BackupSingle {
dumpSingles := make([]BackupSingle, len(multi.StaticBackups))
for idx, single := range multi.StaticBackups {
dumpSingles[idx] = BackupSingle{
Version: single.Version,
IsInitiator: single.IsInitiator,
ChainHash: single.ChainHash.String(),
FundingOutpoint: single.FundingOutpoint.String(),
ShortChannelID: single.ShortChannelID,
RemoteNodePub: PubKeyToString(
Addresses: single.Addresses,
Capacity: single.Capacity,
LocalChanCfg: ToChannelConfig(
params, single.LocalChanCfg,
RemoteChanCfg: ToChannelConfig(
params, single.RemoteChanCfg,
ShaChainRootDesc: ToKeyDescriptor(
params, single.ShaChainRootDesc,
return dumpSingles
func ToChannelConfig(params *chaincfg.Params,
cfg channeldb.ChannelConfig) ChannelConfig {
return ChannelConfig{
ChannelConstraints: cfg.ChannelConstraints,
MultiSigKey: ToKeyDescriptor(params, cfg.MultiSigKey),
RevocationBasePoint: ToKeyDescriptor(
params, cfg.RevocationBasePoint,
PaymentBasePoint: ToKeyDescriptor(
params, cfg.PaymentBasePoint,
DelayBasePoint: ToKeyDescriptor(
params, cfg.DelayBasePoint,
HtlcBasePoint: ToKeyDescriptor(params, cfg.HtlcBasePoint),
func ToKeyDescriptor(params *chaincfg.Params,
desc keychain.KeyDescriptor) KeyDescriptor {
return KeyDescriptor{
Path: fmt.Sprintf(
lndInternalDerivationPath, params.HDCoinType,
desc.Family, desc.Index,
PubKey: PubKeyToString(desc.PubKey),
func PubKeyToString(pubkey *btcec.PublicKey) string {
if pubkey == nil {
return "<nil>"
return hex.EncodeToString(pubkey.SerializeCompressed())