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package main
import (
type signRescueFundingCommand struct {
RootKey string `long:"rootkey" description:"BIP32 HD root (m/) key to derive the key for our part of the signature from."`
Psbt string `long:"psbt" description:"The Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction that was provided by the initiator of the channel to rescue."`
func (c *signRescueFundingCommand) Execute(_ []string) error {
var (
extendedKey *hdkeychain.ExtendedKey
err error
// Check that root key is valid or fall back to console input.
switch {
case c.RootKey != "":
extendedKey, err = hdkeychain.NewKeyFromString(c.RootKey)
extendedKey, _, err = lnd.ReadAezeed(chainParams)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error reading root key: %v", err)
signer := &lnd.Signer{
ExtendedKey: extendedKey,
ChainParams: chainParams,
// Decode the PSBT.
packet, err := psbt.NewFromRawBytes(
bytes.NewReader([]byte(c.Psbt)), true,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error decoding PSBT: %v", err)
return signRescueFunding(extendedKey, packet, signer)
func signRescueFunding(rootKey *hdkeychain.ExtendedKey,
packet *psbt.Packet, signer *lnd.Signer) error {
// First, we need to derive the correct branch from the local root key.
localMultisig, err := lnd.DeriveChildren(rootKey, []uint32{
lnd.HardenedKeyStart + uint32(keychain.BIP0043Purpose),
lnd.HardenedKeyStart + chainParams.HDCoinType,
lnd.HardenedKeyStart + uint32(keychain.KeyFamilyMultiSig),
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not derive local multisig key: %v",
// Now let's check that the packet has the expected proprietary key with
// our pubkey that we need to sign with.
if len(packet.Inputs) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid PSBT, expected 1 input, got %d",
if len(packet.Inputs[0].Unknowns) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid PSBT, expected 1 unknown in input, "+
"got %d", len(packet.Inputs[0].Unknowns))
unknown := packet.Inputs[0].Unknowns[0]
if !bytes.Equal(unknown.Key, PsbtKeyTypeOutputMissingSigPubkey) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid PSBT, unknown has invalid key %x, "+
"expected %x", unknown.Key,
targetKey, err := btcec.ParsePubKey(unknown.Value, btcec.S256())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid PSBT, proprietary key has invalid "+
"pubkey: %v", err)
// Now we can look up the local key and check the PSBT further, then
// add our signature.
localKeyDesc, err := findLocalMultisigKey(localMultisig, targetKey)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not find local multisig key: %v", err)
if len(packet.Inputs[0].WitnessScript) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid PSBT, missing witness script")
witnessScript := packet.Inputs[0].WitnessScript
if packet.Inputs[0].WitnessUtxo == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid PSBT, witness UTXO missing")
utxo := packet.Inputs[0].WitnessUtxo
err = signer.AddPartialSignature(
packet, *localKeyDesc, utxo, witnessScript, 0,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error adding partial signature: %v", err)
// We're almost done. Now we just need to make sure we can finalize and
// extract the final TX.
err = psbt.MaybeFinalizeAll(packet)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error finalizing PSBT: %v", err)
finalTx, err := psbt.Extract(packet)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to extract final TX: %v", err)
var buf bytes.Buffer
err = finalTx.Serialize(&buf)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to serialize final TX: %v", err)
fmt.Printf("Success, we counter signed the PSBT and extracted the "+
"final\ntransaction. Please publish this using any bitcoin "+
"node:\n\n%x\n\n", buf.Bytes())
return nil
func findLocalMultisigKey(multisigBranch *hdkeychain.ExtendedKey,
targetPubkey *btcec.PublicKey) (*keychain.KeyDescriptor, error) {
// Loop through the local multisig keys to find the target key.
for index := uint32(0); index < MaxChannelLookup; index++ {
currentKey, err := multisigBranch.Child(index)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error deriving child key: %v",
currentPubkey, err := currentKey.ECPubKey()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error deriving public key: %v",
if !targetPubkey.IsEqual(currentPubkey) {
return &keychain.KeyDescriptor{
PubKey: currentPubkey,
KeyLocator: keychain.KeyLocator{
Family: keychain.KeyFamilyMultiSig,
Index: index,
}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no matching pubkeys found")