package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "time" "" "" "" ) type summaryCommand struct { ApiURL string inputs *inputFlags cmd *cobra.Command } func newSummaryCommand() *cobra.Command { cc := &summaryCommand{} cc.cmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "summary", Short: "Compile a summary about the current state of " + "channels", Long: `From a list of channels, find out what their state is by querying the funding transaction on a block explorer API.`, Example: `lncli listchannels | chantools summary --listchannels - chantools summary --fromchanneldb ~/.lnd/data/graph/mainnet/channel.db`, RunE: cc.Execute, } cc.cmd.Flags().StringVar( &cc.ApiURL, "apiurl", defaultAPIURL, "API URL to use (must "+ "be esplora compatible)", ) cc.inputs = newInputFlags(cc.cmd) return cc.cmd } func (c *summaryCommand) Execute(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) error { // Parse channel entries from any of the possible input files. entries, err := c.inputs.parseInputType() if err != nil { return err } return summarizeChannels(c.ApiURL, entries) } func summarizeChannels(apiURL string, channels []*dataformat.SummaryEntry) error { summaryFile, err := btc.SummarizeChannels(apiURL, channels, log) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error running summary: %v", err) } log.Info("Finished scanning.") log.Infof("Open channels: %d", summaryFile.OpenChannels) log.Infof("Sats in open channels: %d", summaryFile.FundsOpenChannels) log.Infof("Closed channels: %d", summaryFile.ClosedChannels) log.Infof(" --> force closed channels: %d", summaryFile.ForceClosedChannels) log.Infof(" --> coop closed channels: %d", summaryFile.CoopClosedChannels) log.Infof(" --> closed channels with all outputs spent: %d", summaryFile.FullySpentChannels) log.Infof(" --> closed channels with unspent outputs: %d", summaryFile.ChannelsWithUnspent) log.Infof(" --> closed channels with potentially our outputs: %d", summaryFile.ChannelsWithPotential) log.Infof("Sats in closed channels: %d", summaryFile.FundsClosedChannels) log.Infof(" --> closed channel sats that have been swept/spent: %d", summaryFile.FundsClosedSpent) log.Infof(" --> closed channel sats that are in force-close outputs: %d", summaryFile.FundsForceClose) log.Infof(" --> closed channel sats that are in coop close outputs: %d", summaryFile.FundsCoopClose) summaryBytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(summaryFile, "", " ") if err != nil { return err } fileName := fmt.Sprintf("results/summary-%s.json", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02-15-04-05")) log.Infof("Writing result to %s", fileName) return ioutil.WriteFile(fileName, summaryBytes, 0644) }