PKG := TOOLS_DIR := tools GOTEST := GO111MODULE=on go test -v GO_BIN := ${GOPATH}/bin GOFILES_NOVENDOR = $(shell find . -type f -name '*.go' -not -path "./vendor/*") GOLIST := go list $(PKG)/... | grep -v '/vendor/' GOIMPORTS_BIN := $(GO_BIN)/gosimports GOIMPORTS_PKG := GOBUILD := go build -v GOINSTALL := go install -v GOTEST := go test -v XARGS := xargs -L 1 VERSION_TAG = $(shell git describe --tags) VERSION_CHECK = @$(call print, "Building master with date version tag") BUILD_SYSTEM = darwin-amd64 \ linux-386 \ linux-amd64 \ linux-armv6 \ linux-armv7 \ linux-arm64 \ windows-386 \ windows-amd64 \ windows-arm # By default we will build all systems. But with the 'sys' tag, a specific # system can be specified. This is useful to release for a subset of # systems/architectures. ifneq ($(sys),) BUILD_SYSTEM = $(sys) endif DOCKER_TOOLS = docker run -v $$(pwd):/build chantools-tools TEST_FLAGS = -test.timeout=20m UNIT := $(GOLIST) | $(XARGS) env $(GOTEST) $(TEST_FLAGS) LDFLAGS := -X main.Commit=$(shell git describe --tags) RELEASE_LDFLAGS := -s -w -buildid= $(LDFLAGS) GREEN := "\\033[0;32m" NC := "\\033[0m" define print echo $(GREEN)$1$(NC) endef default: build $(GOIMPORTS_BIN): @$(call print, "Installing goimports.") cd $(TOOLS_DIR); go install -trimpath $(GOIMPORTS_PKG) unit: @$(call print, "Running unit tests.") $(UNIT) build: @$(call print, "Building chantools.") $(GOBUILD) -ldflags "$(LDFLAGS)" ./... install: @$(call print, "Installing chantools.") $(GOINSTALL) -ldflags "$(LDFLAGS)" ./... release: @$(call print, "Creating release of chantools.") rm -rf chantools-v* ./ build-release "$(VERSION_TAG)" "$(BUILD_SYSTEM)" "$(RELEASE_LDFLAGS)" docker-tools: @$(call print, "Building tools docker image.") docker build -q -t chantools-tools $(TOOLS_DIR) fmt: $(GOIMPORTS_BIN) @$(call print, "Fixing imports.") gosimports -w $(GOFILES_NOVENDOR) @$(call print, "Formatting source.") gofmt -l -w -s $(GOFILES_NOVENDOR) lint: docker-tools @$(call print, "Linting source.") $(DOCKER_TOOLS) golangci-lint run -v $(LINT_WORKERS) docs: install @$(call print, "Rendering docs.") chantools doc