package main import ( "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "os" "regexp" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "text/template" "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) var ( patternRegistration = regexp.MustCompile( "(?m)(?s)ID: ([0-9a-f]{66})\nContact: (.*?)\nTime: ", ) defaultAmbossQueryDelay = 4 * time.Second initialTemplate = `SEND TO: {{.Contact}} Hi This is Oliver from You recently registered your node ({{.Node1}}) with my website. I have some good news! I found {{- if eq .NumChannels 1}} a match for a channel{{end}} {{- if gt .NumChannels 1}} matches for {{.NumChannels}} channels{{end}}. Attached you find the JSON files that contain all the info I have about your node and the remote node (open with a text editor). With those files you can close the channels and get your funds back. But you need the cooperation of the remote peer. But because they also registered to the same website, they should be aware of that and be willing to cooperate. Please contact the remote peer with the contact information listed below (this is what they registered with, I don't have additional contact information): {{range $i, $peer := .Peers}} Peer: {{$peer.PubKey}} Contact: {{$peer.Contact}} {{end}} The document that describes what to do exactly is located here: Good luck! Oliver (guggero) P.S.: If you don't want to be notified about future matches, please let me know. ` ) type gqChannel struct { ChanPoint string `graphql:"chan_point"` Capacity string `graphql:"capacity"` ClosureInfo struct { ClosedHeight uint32 `graphql:"closed_height"` } `graphql:"closure_info"` Node1 string `graphql:"node1_pub"` Node2 string `graphql:"node2_pub"` ChannelID string `graphql:"long_channel_id"` } type gqGraphInfo struct { Channels struct { ChannelList struct { List []*gqChannel `graphql:"list"` } `graphql:"channel_list(page:{limit:$limit,offset:$offset})"` } `graphql:"channels"` } type gqGetNodeQuery struct { GetNode struct { GraphInfo *gqGraphInfo `graphql:"graph_info"` } `graphql:"getNode(pubkey: $pubkey)"` } type nodeInfo struct { PubKey string `json:"identity_pubkey"` Contact string `json:"contact"` PayoutAddr string `json:"payout_addr,omitempty"` MultisigKeys []string `json:"multisig_keys,omitempty"` } type channel struct { ChannelID string `json:"short_channel_id"` ChanPoint string `json:"chan_point"` Address string `json:"address"` Capacity int64 `json:"capacity"` txid string vout uint32 ourKeyIndex uint32 ourKey *btcec.PublicKey theirKey *btcec.PublicKey witnessScript []byte } type match struct { Node1 *nodeInfo `json:"node1"` Node2 *nodeInfo `json:"node2"` Channels []*channel `json:"channels"` } type zombieRecoveryFindMatchesCommand struct { APIURL string Registrations string AmbossKey string AmbossDelay time.Duration cmd *cobra.Command } func newZombieRecoveryFindMatchesCommand() *cobra.Command { cc := &zombieRecoveryFindMatchesCommand{} cc.cmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "findmatches", Short: "[0/3] Match maker only: Find matches between " + "registered nodes", Long: `Match maker only: Runs through all the nodes that have registered their ID on and checks whether there are any matches of channels between them by looking at the whole channel graph. This command will be run by guggero and the result will be sent to the registered nodes.`, Example: `chantools zombierecovery findmatches \ --registrations data.txt \ --ambosskey `, RunE: cc.Execute, } cc.cmd.Flags().StringVar( &cc.APIURL, "apiurl", defaultAPIURL, "API URL to use (must "+ "be esplora compatible)", ) cc.cmd.Flags().StringVar( &cc.Registrations, "registrations", "", "the raw data.txt "+ "where the registrations are stored in", ) cc.cmd.Flags().StringVar( &cc.AmbossKey, "ambosskey", "", "the API key for the Amboss "+ "GraphQL API", ) cc.cmd.Flags().DurationVar( &cc.AmbossDelay, "ambossdelay", defaultAmbossQueryDelay, "the delay between each query to the Amboss GraphQL API", ) return cc.cmd } func (c *zombieRecoveryFindMatchesCommand) Execute(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) error { logFileBytes, err := os.ReadFile(c.Registrations) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error reading registrations file %s: %w", c.Registrations, err) } allMatches := patternRegistration.FindAllStringSubmatch( string(logFileBytes), -1, ) registrations := make(map[string]string, len(allMatches)) for _, groups := range allMatches { if _, err := pubKeyFromHex(groups[1]); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error parsing node ID: %w", err) } if registrations[groups[1]] != "" { registrations[groups[1]] += ", " } registrations[groups[1]] += groups[2] log.Infof("%s: %s", groups[1], groups[2]) } api := &btc.ExplorerAPI{BaseURL: c.APIURL} src := oauth2.StaticTokenSource(&oauth2.Token{AccessToken: c.AmbossKey}) httpClient := oauth2.NewClient(context.Background(), src) client := graphql.NewClient( "", httpClient, ) // Loop through all nodes now. matches := make(map[string]map[string]*match) idx := 0 for node1, contact1 := range registrations { matches[node1] = make(map[string]*match) time.Sleep(c.AmbossDelay) log.Debugf("Fetching channels for node %d of %d", idx, len(registrations)) idx++ channels, err := fetchChannels(client, node1) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error fetching channels for %s: %w", node1, err) } for _, node1Chan := range channels { peer := identifyPeer(node1Chan, node1) for node2, contact2 := range registrations { if node1 == node2 || node2 != peer { continue } if matches[node2][node1] != nil { continue } log.Debugf("Node 1 (%s, %s) has channel with "+ "match (%s): %v", node1, contact1, peer, node1Chan.ChannelID) // This is a new match. if matches[node1][node2] == nil { matches[node1][node2] = &match{ Node1: &nodeInfo{ PubKey: node1, Contact: contact1, }, Node2: &nodeInfo{ PubKey: node2, Contact: contact2, }, } } // Find the address of the channel. addr, err := api.Address(node1Chan.ChanPoint) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error fetching "+ "address for channel %s: %w", node1Chan.ChannelID, err) } capacity, err := strconv.ParseUint( node1Chan.Capacity, 10, 64, ) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error parsing "+ "capacity for channel %s: %w", node1Chan.ChannelID, err) } // We've found a new match for this peer. newChan := &channel{ ChannelID: node1Chan.ChannelID, ChanPoint: node1Chan.ChanPoint, Address: addr, Capacity: int64(capacity), } matches[node1][node2].Channels = append( matches[node1][node2].Channels, newChan, ) } } } // To achieve a stable order, we sort the matches lexicographically by // their node key. node1IDs := make([]string, 0, len(matches)) for node1 := range matches { node1IDs = append(node1IDs, node1) } sort.Strings(node1IDs) // Write the matches to files. for _, node1 := range node1IDs { node1map := matches[node1] tpl, err := template.New("initial").Parse(initialTemplate) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error parsing template: %w", err) } tplVars := struct { Contact string Node1 string NumChannels int Peers []*nodeInfo }{ Contact: registrations[node1], Node1: node1, } folder := fmt.Sprintf("results/match-%s", node1) today := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02") for node2, match := range node1map { err = os.MkdirAll(folder, 0755) if err != nil { return err } matchBytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(match, "", " ") if err != nil { return err } fileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s-%s.json", folder, node2, today) log.Infof("Writing result to %s", fileName) err = os.WriteFile(fileName, matchBytes, 0644) if err != nil { return err } tplVars.NumChannels += len(match.Channels) tplVars.Peers = append(tplVars.Peers, match.Node2) } if tplVars.NumChannels == 0 { continue } textFileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/message-%s.txt", folder, today) file, err := os.OpenFile( textFileName, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0644, ) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error opening file %s: %w", textFileName, err) } err = tpl.Execute(file, tplVars) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error executing template: %w", err) } } return nil } func fetchChannels(client *graphql.Client, pubkey string) ([]*gqChannel, error) { offset := 0.0 limit := 50.0 variables := map[string]interface{}{ "pubkey": pubkey, "limit": 50.0, "offset": offset, } var channels []*gqChannel for { var query gqGetNodeQuery err := client.Query(context.Background(), &query, variables) if err != nil { if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Too many requests") { time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) continue } return nil, err } channelList := query.GetNode.GraphInfo.Channels.ChannelList channels = append(channels, channelList.List...) if len(channelList.List) < int(limit) { break } offset += 50.0 variables["offset"] = offset } return channels, nil } func identifyPeer(channel *gqChannel, node1 string) string { if channel.Node1 == node1 { return channel.Node2 } if channel.Node2 == node1 { return channel.Node1 } panic("peer not found") }